Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 336 Steamed Buns Are Delicious

Chapter 336 Steamed Buns Are Delicious

too many people?
Card dropped?
Looking at the familiar login interface, and then looking at the live broadcast room aside, they were all dropped, dropped before they were lined up, and there were sand sculpture barrages such as compensation.

The server can't bear it, Lin Yi is absolutely normal.

There are already many people in the nostalgic server, and all of them are crowded into Dagger Ridge, so it's no wonder the server doesn't crash.

9pm exactly.

Looking at the time, Lin Yi decided to leave it like this today.

The main reason is that the game is too stuck, there are too many players, tasks are difficult to do, there are no monsters, and the game experience is extremely poor.

That being the case, go in and suffer?

"Too stuck, let's do it for today"

Let's talk, Lin Yi downloaded the broadcast directly, turned off the phone, and did it all in one go, he was really proficient.

The live broadcast room suddenly turned black, which made the bullet screens that were still shouting suddenly stagnate.

"Uh, the anchor is down, it's only 9 o'clock."

"so fast"

"Tsk tsk, this speed is still familiar."

Turning off the computer, Lin Yi took out a pencil from the pen holder, and spread out half a piece of A4 paper.

While thinking about what to write, let the pencil circle back and forth in his right hand, drawing arcs.

Just this afternoon, I was in charge of contacting base 666 and Lin Yi's hub milk tea, and told Lin Yi of all the problems encountered by the other party, and then the other party very much hoped that Lin Yi could go to the on-site teaching.

Live teaching?

Teach what, teach the ants how to talk?

That's simply impossible.

So, don't think about it, just reject it.

As for some questions about cultivation and study, Lin Yi can answer them.

But still the same sentence, there is a fundamental difference between alien creatures and humans, and it is impossible to learn to release magic.

Unless the body is transformed into alien creatures, no matter how much you read and study, it will be useless. Of course, Lin Yi said this at the beginning, and the other party didn't want to listen.

This is the second and last time, she is going to write this sentence on paper.

As for listening or not, feel free.

Anyway, she is not the mother of the other party, and she has no obligation to force the other party.

In fact, thinking of this, Lin Yi also understood why he could release "superpowers" that did not belong to this world.

For some special reasons, she was wearing women's clothing as if wearing a special piece of equipment, which amplified and slowly changed her body, making it more consistent with the essence of alien creatures, and even surpassed.

Therefore, when she was dressed as a woman, she could cast spells at will, but once she returned to her real body, she became the otaku who had studied for decades but couldn't even cook well.

Why is this so……

Could it be that he is the child of destiny, and he will shoulder the burden of saving mankind in the future?

Wearing women's clothing to save the world, forget it.

Shaking his head, he threw this ridiculous thought out of his mind.

After calming down and sorting out his thoughts a little bit, Lin Yi began to write with a pen.

Time passed by little by little, and in less than half an hour, half a sheet of A4 paper was filled with things. I checked it again, and after confirming that it was correct, I put it in the drawer.

Turn off the lights, undress, and go to sleep.

"This bun is so delicious!"

Early the next morning, because of Lin Yi's reply, Milk Tea hurried over early in the morning.

Just in time, Lin Yi made breakfast, steamed a basket of steamed buns and boiled some white eggs.

For a body like milk tea that can't get fat no matter what, breakfast is a must, and in the morning, I eat a lot of milk tea.

But now, looking at the white eggs on the plate and the shiny steamed buns in the steamer, she swallowed unconsciously, and suddenly felt very hungry.

"Let's eat together"

Lin Yi issued an invitation.

"I cook too much, I guess I can't finish it"

This is not polite.

In fact, as long as she puts on women's clothes, Lin Yi doesn't eat much, and today she deliberately cooks a little too much.

Because she knows that Milk Tea is more upright and open-minded, um, a woman, who doesn't stick to trivial matters, will definitely not be embarrassed to come here for a meal or something.

"Is it really possible?"

While talking, Milk Tea felt so embarrassed, she quickly pulled the stool over and sat down, as if she was afraid that Lin Yi would regret it.

"Morning milk tea sister!"

At this time, Lin Xiaoxi also finished washing, and after saying hello, the three of them sat at the dining table and started eating.

Reaching out to grab the bun, she put the milk tea into her mouth and took a bite. In the next second, she raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes.

"good to eat!"

Fragrant and smooth, this feeling is nothing to say.

"Really delicious!"

she blurted out.

After eating one in two bites, the milk tea reached out again.

In fact, she has always known that Lin Yi's cooking is super delicious, but she has only heard about it, and has never tasted it. Because of Lin Yi's special status, it is not convenient to keep milk tea for dinner.

So, in her cognition, what she thinks is delicious is probably the same, with Michelin tires, or the level of a chef in a five-star hotel.

But this morning, as soon as she ate the buns, she realized that she was wrong. She realized that she had seriously underestimated Lin Yi's craftsmanship.

The taste and texture of the steamed stuffed bun were really indescribable, and she couldn't help but think of those glowing foods in Xiaodang's house.

Even, biting the bun, she seemed to hear the BGM of "The Great Wall" ringing in her ears.

Really, so happy!

"It's delicious, sister milk tea, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Carefully peeled the egg, put it near his mouth and blew it, Lin Xiaoxi let out a wow, and took a bite of the egg, his face was full of happiness.


Milk tea gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun and returned vaguely.

Just like that, the two foodies, one big and one small, nodded desperately while eating, completely ignoring Lin Yi who was on the side.

Rubbing his stomach, looking at the empty plates and steamer, Milk Tea consciously ran to wash the dishes,

When she came out, Lin Xiaoxi had already gone to school.

In the living room, only Lin Yi and Milk Tea were left.

After washing his hands, he carefully put away the A4 paper that Lin Yi handed over to him filled with thoughts, Milk Tea said solemnly.

"Thank you Miss Lin!"

"There is one more thing. Base No. 999 belongs to Southern Industries. They made a big toy some time ago. It seems to be some kind of robot combat weapon. Oh yes, it is the kind of thing that looks like a Gundam. People can ride it. come to fight"

While talking, Milk Tea looked at Lin Yi's expression, hoping to see something.

Gundam, you can ride it, why don’t you respond, Ms. Lin!
This is a robot, a man's romance, why are you not interested, oh yes, Miss Lin is a girl.

Forget it, I have to continue talking if there is no response.

Milk tea pretended to cough twice, and then continued.

"It is said that a long time ago, they were developing these exoskeleton armor, and they made a breakthrough some time ago"

"The verification machine this time was imitated based on the skeleton of an alien creature"

"It's been a long time, and everything is almost the same. I'm about to do the first test, and because you are the authority on alien creatures, they hope you can help them take a look and give pointers."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you're not interested"


Lin Yi knew about this.

Simply put, it is a manned robot that can move freely and even fly.

They made it?

Thinking a little too much...

Not to mention flying, just talking about movement, with the current earth technology, the known power source is very difficult to support such a huge machine to move freely.

What's more, in Lin Yi's opinion, a fighting machine that walks on two legs is really tasteless.

In actual combat, the terrain will inevitably not be flat, and walking on two legs is really not as good as using crawlers that are suitable for all terrains.

Therefore, Gundam is really a show that is not useful.

Even so, it's okay to go and have a look, anyway, it's fine now.

"Okay, let's go and have a look"

Lin Yi agreed, and Milk Tea couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and she said it right away.

"I'll arrange it"

(End of this chapter)

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