Chapter 338 Gundam
"It is our masterpiece, an epoch-making weapon, and its appearance will surely shock the whole world!"

Da Zhou explained here that the staff inside had already started to unbind Gundam in an orderly manner.

After removing the various testing tools that hinder and affect the appearance, this Gundam still looks very bluffing. After all, it is a combat weapon that is embodied in the animation and has a "forceful" bonus.

Tall, cold, sharp-edged, murderous, and glowing coldly under the lights.

"So handsome!"

Milk Tea watched from the side with starry eyes, eager to kiss her.

"Really handsome"

Da Zhou also agreed with a smile.

Lin Yi didn't feel anything about this iron lump.

She could see that this Gundam was just a show, as if a tank had been melted and kneaded to turn it into a human form, which is nothing unusual.

Sure enough, the aesthetics of ordinary people only stays on the surface.

However, there is no way to do this, because most people cannot see through the inside and reach the essence.

Accompanied by a dull roar, after the restriction was lifted, a huge engineering arm fell from the ceiling, and put a long knife about 3 meters into Gundam's right hand.

With a click, under the operation of the staff, Gundam clenched it tightly with his right hand.

Then, the engineering arm opened the back compartment of the body, and a catheter was connected to it, which seemed to be used for power input.

After Gundam was ready, the driver also came over.

It was a heroic girl in her 30s with a single ponytail in an anti-G suit.

Holding the helmet in his left hand, the opponent walked neatly in front of Da Zhou, raised his right hand, saluted Da Zhou, put on the helmet, turned around and strode towards Gundam. He didn't say a word during the whole process, and looked very cool.

"Her name is Mobai, we borrowed it from a certain barracks, don't underestimate her, she is very powerful"

"Among the tens of thousands of reserve pilots who came here at that time, she was the only one who passed all the tests with excellent results"

"Although she is a woman, she is not as powerful as a man, but the advantage of a girl is that she has good coordination. You must know that this Gundam is difficult to control, and it is comparable to a fighter jet."

While watching Mo Bai stepping on the ladder into the Gundam in the distance, Da Zhou explained with a smile, for fear that Lin Yi would be dissatisfied with Mo Bai's attitude and cause unnecessary trouble.

It's not that he is worrying unnecessarily. As the director of 999 Manufacturing Institute, he is entitled to know some inside information about this Miss Lin.

Powerful, mysterious and invincible!
After seeing that Lin Yi still looked indifferent, Da Zhou quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, not much to say, it's about to start, let's back up a bit, just stand behind the black line under our feet"

After a while, with the sound of bang, bang, the huge glass shield slowly fell, and with a bang, it stopped in front of Lin Yi and the others. Judging by the thickness, it could block the RPG visually.

At the same time, the staff in the center of the venue began to evacuate, countless cameras protruded from the wall and the ground one after another, and the red dots flickered, starting to work.

"I'm ready"

Soon, there was a voice, which seemed to be the driver's sister.

Da Zhou didn't go to command, but stood outside the protective shield with Lin Yi and the others, took out the tablet, observed and prepared to record, seeing him unconsciously tightening his lips, he must be very nervous.

- The test begins.

A mechanical female voice sounded slowly.

——Body self-inspection.

After about 1 minute, there was a beep.

——Self-inspection passed.

Then, everyone saw that Gundam's left mechanical arm moved up and down, which felt very stiff, as if it lacked lubrication.

——Get ready, raise your hand...

—Right hand.

A second later, Gundam slowly raised his right hand holding the long knife, and stopped at a suitable height.

- left hand...

——At 12 o'clock, forward, five steps.

——At 6 o'clock, back, three steps.

After several routine operations, the test entered the next stage.

At this time, Da Zhou had a relaxed smile on his face. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the cooperation between Gundam and Mo Bai.

— Note, hands up.

— Squat down.

- 30-degree slope, up.

- 30 degree slope, downhill.

The whole Gundam was wobbly, and everyone who watched it was trembling, but Mo Bai went up in the end.

Soon, the prepared experiments were carried out in an orderly manner. Although Mo Bai was not so perfect when he completed some projects, he finally reached the minimum standard.

Looking at the feedback on the tablet, and looking at the Gundam in the distance, Da Zhou's face was about to burst into laughter at this time, not only him, but also the staff who were also watching not far away.

"How about it?"

Dean Zhou looked at the milk tea with joy.


Milk Tea slapped her hands on the glass, she was amazed by the face, and then she said again immediately.

"Give me one too, Dean Zhou"



Lin Yi was noncommittal about this.

Lin Yi was also watching the whole experiment process.

However, in her eyes, this is just a toy, and it's still a very low-quality one.

If it is used as a decoration or a performance, it is undoubtedly a success.

But you must know that this thing will eventually be used in actual combat, on the battlefield.

But now what Lin Yi sees is a moving target that requires a lot of strength to control, moves slowly, is not as well protected as an armored vehicle, and its power has shrunk seriously. It feels like they have got the focus wrong.

Now, their focus is on the human being, and they are spending a lot of effort to control this body, instead of making this body more powerful, easy to control, and convenient as Lin Yi thought.

The speed is not as fast as the vehicle.

Defense is not as high as tanks.

Not as powerful as a cannonball.

Really, there is nothing but handsome.

From Lin Yi's point of view, if it's harsh, it's not as good as a soldier carrying an RPG.

In short, there are many problems.

However, this thing also has its advantages.

If the driver is removed and changed to unmanned control, it should be a big killer.

If you can think of this, they should be able to too.

Maybe it is being done, or it has already been done, so it is only now going to the aspect of artificial control.

Well, it makes sense now why they would go to such lengths to make something so flashy.

"Miss Lin, what do you think?"

Unknowingly, the experiment came to an end.

Knowing that Lin Yi was very unusual, Da Zhou really wanted to hear the other party's opinion.

After all, this is my own painstaking effort!

The hot blue man doesn't have a Gundam dream? !

Seeing Dean Zhou cautiously begging for praise, Lin Yi seemed to see the rhubarb at home begging for food.

After getting Lin Yi's affirmation, Da Zhou was very happy.

"Miss Lin, you can go around here as you like, I'll go and see what's going on with Mo Bai first."

The glass cover was raised, and Da Zhou walked in.

"You're not going?"

Looking at the milk tea that was still by her side.

Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

Doesn't the milk tea woman like big machines very much, now that she has a chance, why don't she follow along?
"No, I have to accompany you"

Milk Tea rubbed her toes, lowered her head, and whispered.

It turned out to be a mission.

With the milk tea next to him, and looking at everything here, Lin Yi can now be sure why the higher-ups invited him here.

It's nothing more than showing off those advanced weapons and equipment, oh yes, there is also Gundam.

Um, starfish.

Anyway, in her opinion, there is no difference. These things are difficult, um, and cause harm to oneself, so it doesn't make any difference whether you are behind or advanced.

"Let's go back"

The 999 Institute also came, and the big machine also looked at it, so it's time to go.

"Okay, then I'll go talk to Dean Zhou"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Milk Tea's eyes lit up.

Gundam, here we come~
Throwing off her shoulders, Milk Tea was about to leave, but at this moment, an accident happened.

 Thanks to dY Raven for rewarding 2000 points~
(End of this chapter)

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