Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 339 Where's My Knife?

Chapter 339 Where's My Knife?

The experiment is over.

Mo Bai slowly walked out of Gundam.

Bothering to control this machine made her physically and mentally exhausted, and subconsciously she leaned on Gundam's lap.

Dean Zhou also walked over, and after a short rest, Mo Bai prepared to report the situation to Dean Zhou.

At this moment, Gundam, who was originally unmanned and should be a dead object, suddenly dropped his arm, and the three-meter-long sword was thrown out of his hand.

Hundreds of kilograms, the powerful and heavy cold weapon slashed towards Mo Bai's head with unrivaled force.

At this time, Mo Bai didn't notice it, she was reporting to Dean Zhou about her operation experience just now.

Although there are many recorders installed in Gundam, the driver's feeling is also very important.

"Here, the right leg is still a little sluggish"

Facing Professor Zhou's tablet, Mo Bai pointed on it.

"Also the angle of the weapon seems to be off"

"The helmet is still too tight"

At this moment, she found that Da Zhou opposite him suddenly became frightened.


At the same time as the voice came, Da Zhou grabbed Mo Bai's shoulder and pulled him back fiercely.

Turning around, the two switched positions, and Mo Bai, who had his back to Gundam, saw the falling huge long knife.

She was very familiar with that, the long knife she used often, gleaming coldly, cutting iron like mud.

At that moment, she wanted to do something, but her body's reaction couldn't keep up with her mind.

In the blink of an eye, her mind was spinning fast, and she even imagined what it would be like when the long knife fell on the person in the next second.

Like cutting a watermelon, cut it in two.


She cried out trembling.

But what surprised her was that the brutal scene in her imagination did not appear, and the deadly long knife disappeared immediately when it was about to fall on Dean Zhou's head.

No, it's not disappearing, but...

Foolishly touched the metal powder sprayed on his face, Mo Bai was stunned.


This is... that long knife?

what's the problem?

"Are you all right"

Just when Da Zhou and Mo Bai were puzzled, Milk Tea ran over.


Mo Bai returned subconsciously.

"It's dangerous"

After narrowly escaping, Dean Zhou sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

While panting, he wiped off the metal powder that flew onto his face. Even though he was safe now, he still felt his heart beat at least dozens of times faster than usual.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something when he came back to his senses. Putting his hands on the ground, Dean Zhou turned his head to look at Lin Yi who was standing not far away.

--thank you!

With a smile on his face, he gestured with his mouth.

He was really out of strength.

"Ha, it's fine, you are lucky, hehe"

The milk tea touched the Gundam that he was thinking about, and sighed casually.

Huh, what do you mean by that?
Mo Bai was a little puzzled.

The next second, she suddenly remembered.

By the way, why did that knife become a fan!

Looking at the milk tea who seemed to know the inside story, she was about to ask a question, but found that her mouth was so dry that she couldn't even speak.

"First, let's do this..."

Dean Zhou panted and interrupted Mo Bai's movements.

"Mobai, go and check quickly, don't leave any hidden dangers behind"

Soon, the sound of numerous footsteps came from a distance.

It was discovered that there was an accident, and the driver seemed to be injured. The other staff did not dare to delay, so they rushed over immediately, without any explanation, and carried Mo Bai to the infirmary.

"Thank you"

Seeing that everyone else followed Mo Bai to the infirmary, Dean Zhou walked over slowly and whispered.

"If it wasn't for Ms. Lin today, hey..."


Seeing that Dean Zhou was fine, but his face was a little pale, Lin Yi prepared to leave.

"Okay, I should go too"


Hearing this, Dean Zhou was very puzzled, and he planned to thank the other party later.

"Will not wait..."

"Need not"

Before Dean Zhou finished speaking, he was interrupted directly.

"All right"

Seeing Lin Yi's indifferent expression, Dean Zhou knew that this was the only way to go.

"Then I'll send you off"

He spoke again.

Lin Yi shook his head directly, then walked outside,

"Wait for me"

Milk Tea, who was groping around, saw that Lin Yi was about to leave, so she ran to follow.

"Miss Lin, what, your method, can they also obtain it after learning?"

Milk Tea asked carefully.

Hearing this, Lin Yi didn't stop, but just meowed at the milk tea lightly.


Milk Tea suddenly felt that she was despised, because Lin Yi looked at her as if she was looking at an idiot.



"No reason"


Looking at the white figure going away, Dean Zhou was both envious and emotional.

She really deserves to be Miss Lin, sure enough, hey, boss!
Seeing the two walking away until they disappeared, Dean Zhou turned around and walked back.

He was going to see if the driver, Mo Bai, was okay.

It shouldn't be a problem...

After all, there was nothing wrong with me at my age, let alone that she was a strong and strong girl.

Before lifting his foot, he suddenly remembered something.

Looking at the Gundam with an empty right hand in the distance, Dean Zhou gritted his teeth angrily.

How to explain this, the 3-meter-long sword suddenly disappeared?

Hey, I can't tell the truth, I have a headache.

Scratching her hair, she had just walked a few steps when the phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and looked, happy again.

hey old guy.

"What's wrong, tiger, ask me to drink, don't, I'm very busy"

On the other side of the phone, he seemed to be choked, and it took a while for the other party to react and yelled loudly.

"Drink your sister, I'm doing business here, what, you have dozens of automatic Gundams, I have a special mission here"

special mission?

No Gundam!

Upon hearing this, Dean Zhou jumped up.

"Fuck off, unmanned Gundam, it hasn't been mass-produced yet, no, no"

It seemed that he knew that Dean Zhou would object, and the other party said it confidently with a teasing voice.

"Don't rush to refuse, this is not acting, it's actual combat, and you can't do it if you don't listen, I have the top order, hehe..."

Dean Zhou hung up the phone angrily, put away the phone, and scratched his head again impatiently.

Hey, trouble.


But don’t give it.

Shaking his head helplessly, Dean Zhou turned and left.

Urine test, blood test, EKG.

Liver function, kidney function, defecation.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after a series of tedious inspections, Mo Bai was finally released by the medical staff.

Although, she knows that her body is very (worth) important (money), no less than that priceless Gundam.

But she must know best about her own body.

Totally fine!

But those nurses and doctors didn't listen at all, no matter what they said, they still insisted on doing the examination while putting on a worried look that they were about to die.



Regarding this, Mo Bai could only remain silent.

In the end, even she was dressed and ready to leave, and the little nurse who had just examined her was still explaining.

"Remember to drink plenty of water, you are a little angry"

"Don't stay up late playing games"

"Don't even drink!"


Responding casually, Mo Bai waved his hand, turned around and left neatly.

Walked out of the infirmary, followed the corridor to the training room, changed the anti-G suits during training, folded them, put them in the cabinet, and patted them lightly, and saw that the anti-G suits were placed squarely, She is satisfied with this.

Then, from another cabinet, she took out her short sleeves and put them on. Facing the mirror, while arranging the clothes, she took off the black rubber band tied to her right wrist, and tied the ponytail again.

After tidying up, Mo Bai was about to go to the combat laboratory to have a look. She always felt that something was wrong.

There was an accident in the experiment half an hour ago, and later I was sent to the infirmary in a hurry. When Dean Zhou came to visit, his expression was obviously wrong, as if he was worried about something.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Gundam?
While thinking about things, Mo Bai strode forward.

It was very late, the door of the laboratory was closed, and the surrounding lights were a little dim. Mo Bai could only stand outside and look inside through the glass.

In the most central position, the figure of Gundam stands there alone.

Without the illumination of the light, its figure is a bit lonely.

Gundam was fine, and Mo Bai heaved a sigh of relief.

Putting his hands on the glass, looking at the familiar silhouette, Mo Bai couldn't help but smile.

She really likes this cold guy.

Simple, straightforward, very similar to myself.

Feeling relieved, Mo Bai glanced left and right, from top to bottom, and looked around carefully.

Well, my own Gundam seems to be normal.

Huh, wait.

Mo Bai suddenly realized that there seemed to be something missing.

The current Gundam is facing her sideways, with its right hand blocked by body parts.

So, Mo Bai took two steps to the right and tilted his head to look.

Seeing this, Mo Bai immediately called out.


She was a little surprised.

Knife, where is my knife!
What about the 3-meter-long sword!
——Tomorrow, the extra chapter Mobai will be updated.

(End of this chapter)

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