Chapter 340 Shun Liu
At five o'clock in the morning, with a loud whistle, Zhang Xiaolu jumped up from the bed, dressed, washed up, and arrived at the small playground downstairs in less than 3 minutes.

Soon, within 5 minutes, about 50 people had assembled.

"take it easy"

"stand at attention"


The training routine begins again.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiaolu followed his teammates to the shooting range.

Soon, the sound of slapping was endless.

After the physical fitness and actual combat training in the morning, after lunch and a short rest, it is the afternoon class.

In the Great Hall, they learned magic from various leaders in the academic world, and they continued to do so at night.

In a flash, a day passed.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, lying back on the bed again, Zhang Xiaolu felt full and empty.

Enrichment is because he has already adapted to life in the army, which is simple, orderly, positive, and upward.

And the emptiness is because of learning magic...

Another month passed, and he didn't learn anything except memorizing the contents of the book and the improved teaching materials later, as well as his experience.

In private, he has practiced many times, even if he tried his best, he still couldn't make a P.

But even so, you still have to learn with a high-spirited attitude.

He now somewhat understands why the base forbids students from contacting each other privately, communicating with each other and learning magic.

If everyone knew the truth, if everyone didn't learn it, then, after learning the bad news, they might not be able to lift their spirits up and the collective would collapse.

Of course, it's not that Zhang Xiaolu hasn't thought about it, has someone else already learned it?

But soon, he denied the answer.

If someone really learns it, then the higher-ups will definitely praise the top student in front of everyone to inspire others, and up to now, the entire base is still calm.

Hey, really, uncomfortable...

Will we continue to study like this in the future?
Zhang Xiaolu was a little confused.

Although I know that this kind of negative thinking is very wrong, but I haven't made any progress in two months, should I continue to die?
Hey, I always feel like I'm wasting my time.

At this moment, I don't know what my former teammates are doing, they should still be on guard...

Thinking about things endlessly, Zhang Xiaolu slowly fell asleep.

11 pm.

In the borderlands, the moon and stars are rare.

Standing on the vast Gobi Desert, it is very quiet. When you prick up your ears, you can even hear the chirping of birds dozens of kilometers away.

This is a small outpost on the border line.

Even if there was no one there, Soldier Shunliu still concentrated on it and stood up straight.

He held his gun, always ready.

Every one to two minutes, he moved his eyes slowly, patrolling back and forth very regularly, even though his surroundings were unobstructed or even endless, he never relaxed at all.

Because he knows that standing here, what he is guarding is not only the national flag on this post, but also the lifeline of the country.


12 points.


Time passed slowly.

It seemed that it was time for the handover. First, two beams of light pierced the darkness, and then amidst the familiar zoom sound, a green jeep whizzed over with smoke and dust.

On the desolate Gobi Desert, there are only stones and sand. The car drove all the way, and the exhaust pipe that entered the sand made a dull sound of beeping, which was heard far away on this quiet Gobi Desert.

Soon, with a rattling sound, Jeep stopped in front of Shunliu, and Shunliu's teammates jumped out of the car, stood up straight, and saluted.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

"I am the master of my house!"

After matching the code, the two sides began to hand over and prepare to change the guard.

"Thanks for your hard work"

The teammates patted Shun Liu on the shoulder and said.


Shun Liu nodded with a smile, just got into the car and was about to leave when his teammate quickly took half a step forward, lowered his head, and whispered.

"Secret Order ***, remember, Room 2"

After confirming that he had written down the secret order, Shun Liu nodded and drove away.

Under the moon, the clear and cold Gobi Desert stretches as far as the eye can see. Along the vague but extremely familiar road, facing the wind, it gallops smoothly and smoothly.

The howling wind mixed with sand rushed towards the face, and the feeling of hitting the face was really sour and refreshing. This crisp and numb feeling made Shun Liu feel relaxed a lot.

He stepped on the accelerator and instantly increased the speed of the car to 150 yards.

Ten minutes later, he returned to the camp.

Wash, change clothes, eat, and then rush to room 2 without stopping.

Although the mission didn't say when it was due, Shunliu felt that it was better for him to go early.

There are guards outside Room 2, report your name, serial number, and a password, and after registration, enter the room smoothly.

Pushing open the door, Shun Liu found that the room was brightly lit, the space was small, and there were not many people inside. Most of them were sitting quietly. Most of them meowed at him, so they stopped paying attention.

Walk along the aisle, find an empty seat in the last row, and sit down smoothly.

What is this going to do?
As he walked along the way, he saw the good player from the next company, Tie Dan, and the boss from his own company, Bullshit, and some new faces, but they all looked very good!

Could it be that this task will be difficult?
Hey, that would be great!
Shun Liu was a little excited.

Compared with standing guard, he of course likes to do tasks, and the more challenging the better, in this way, he can get a few more medals!

Soldiers, fear nothing!

While Shun Liu was thinking wildly, people kept coming in, and after a while, no one came in again, and then, Shun Liu saw that the black-faced head came in.

Subconsciously, not only him, but everyone else also stood up.

"close the door"

After closing the door, the group leader looked at the crowd.

"Stand at attention~"

"Take a break!"

"Not much nonsense, there is one thing you need to know. The 20 people standing here now represent the most elite soldiers of our brigade. After you go out, you represent the face of our brigade."

"Today there is a very difficult and dangerous task, and the level of secrecy is extremely high. It is urgent to quit now."

No one responded.

"No one is right, okay, let's go!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, the head of the black face directly opened the door and left.

Everyone filed out, and in the open space outside, two military trucks with their lights on were emitting black smoke, and it seemed that their engines had already warmed up.

The head of the group had already sat in the co-pilot, so there was nothing to say, everyone got into the car one by one, all the way to the man.

Drowsy, Shun Liu wanted to fall asleep but couldn't, so they were jolted all the way. At five o'clock in the morning, they finally arrived at their destination.

This is an unfamiliar temporary camp, which seems to be newly built, as can be seen from the few brand new steel structure board houses around it.

Besides, the grass on this ground has not been shoveled, so it must have been built not long ago. If it were an old camp, the grass on this ground would have been trampled firmly.

Jumped up and down twice, then yawned, and looked around smoothly.

Simple fences, a few excavators with their necks stretched out, engineering materials are everywhere.

What is different from these scattered and chaotic forms is the quiet and orderly formation on the wasteland not far away.

Shun Liu raised his neck to look, and he saw a lot of people gathered there, and, team 1234567, um, there were really a lot of people.

Strange, it's all in one group, it's not enough, what task requires so many people?
Before Shunliu could see what was going on, he heard the roar of the head of the black face, and he was so frightened that he quickly stood up straight.

Soon the group of them lined up under the greeting of the head of the black face, and then they were incorporated into the group that Shun Liu had just seen, and then there was a long wait.

(End of this chapter)

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