Chapter 341 Appearance
almost half an hour...

Shun Liu stood where he was, counting silently in his heart.

Time passed little by little, accompanied by the roar of cars, soldiers came continuously, and finally, when the sun appeared a corner from the horizon, all the personnel arrived.

In this open space, there are about two regiments gathered together. They started to line up. After a brief rest, someone moved tables and chairs to the front of the line, and set up a platform. It seems that there are leaders who are going to speak .

At this moment, Shun Liu saw that the black-faced leader standing at the front of the queue seemed a little excited.

Just when Shun Liu was puzzled, a leader about 50 years old appeared on the very simple high platform just built opposite.

"Guys, don't be nervous, just call me Hu"

As soon as Lao Hu finished speaking, there was a neat response from the audience.


Looking at this group of lively young men, Lao Hu was very satisfied, he said in a full-fledged manner.

"The next task is very dangerous"

"But I know that since you are standing here, you have already made a choice"

"Soldier, obeying orders is a bounden duty. I won't say much. Captains come to collect your weapons."

Boxes of weapons were brought up, and soon, Shun Liu got his own weapon, a brand new 95-S, but without bullets.

Called by the head of the black face, Shunliu followed the crowd and boarded the car again.

Along the way, Shun Liu saw roaring and galloping tanks amid billowing smoke and dust, and heard the roar of helicopters flying overhead, and even saw the Morse code emitted by the headlights of the armored vehicles following him.



Oh, Shun Liu opened his mouth and laughed, it's really going to war!
The expressions of the other people in the car were similar to Shun Liu's, they were all holding weapons and excited.

Fighting is not terrible, isn't it just for this moment to be a soldier!

Seeing the restless subordinates, the head of the black face stood up, and he said sternly.

"Let me reiterate that this mission is very special and needs to be kept strictly confidential. Moreover, there are soldiers from other military regions here. Remember, don't embarrass our regiment, you know?"


Everyone returned immediately.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Shunliu finally arrived at the mission site.

The huge camp was full of people coming and going, and the fortifications were still being built not far away, surrounded by tanks, armored vehicles, and multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles.

He could see that these weapons were all loaded with ammunition and were in combat readiness.

Holding the gun, Shun Liu was a little excited.

Looking at the situation, it is going to be a big battle.

Huh, what is that?

Shun Liu, who was groping around, suddenly saw a flash of lightning in the middle of the encirclement of the fortification.

Huh, lightning?

I am dazzled...

He squinted his eyes and looked hard, but there was nothing. Just when he was about to give up, another lightning flashed suddenly.

Wow, there really is!
Shun Liu hadn't had time to get excited, but at this moment, the head of the black face came over, he yelled a few times, told the team to stop and stand at attention, and then rolled to rest.

With doubts and excitement, Shun Liu lay on the hard plank bed.

He suddenly thought, is this big move related to the lightning...

But before he could figure out why, he yawned.

After standing on guard all night, coupled with the exhaustion of running around, he was really sleepy, so he closed his eyes, his mind fainted, and he fell asleep quickly.

8:[-] am.

U la la la ~
Lin Yi woke up on time when the alarm clock called.

Sitting up, he rubbed his messy hair, yawned again, closed his eyes, grabbed the clothes on the stool and put them on his body.

When the familiar and extremely powerful feeling came again, he realized that he was wearing women's clothes again.

He\she paused for a moment, feeling that the trivial hair was obviously growing, but stopped abruptly, this kind of subtle feeling between transformation and non-transformation, mixed with dullness and sharpness...

Mmm~ very interesting.

Smiling lightly, Lin Yi relaxed her body and finished the change directly.

In an instant, the shackles of the hair and even the whole body were untied. This feeling of full vitality is really fascinating.

Throwing off the quilt and floating off the bed gently, Lin Yi came to the mirror and straightened her appearance.

Although, without the help of any external objects, she can clearly understand what state she is in at the moment.

But looking in the mirror has been a habit for 20 years, and Lin Yi doesn't plan to change it.

It doesn't hurt, does it?

Tilting her head, she looked at the girl in the long white dress in the mirror.

Although she had just woken up, the girl in the mirror was still as bright as a rose soaked in water, without a hint of lethargy.

This kind of passive buff that is automatically triggered without any effort is really enviable.

Facing the mirror, Lin Yi smiled slightly.

Then, she closed her eyes, emptied her mind, and let her consciousness pass through the roof and extend infinitely to the highest point.

After a few seconds, her smile grew wider.

Mmm~ Something's coming.

In addition to sensing something coming, Lin Yi also noticed that the earth seemed to be leaking air. Outside it, there was a hole that was getting bigger and bigger, so big that it was more closely connected with a certain space, and it was about to form a channel.

This is really not good news.

In fact, this kind of feeling didn't come just now, but she felt it a week ago, but it became more and more clear with the arrival of something just now.

——In the future, I won’t have so much time to watch games or broadcast live, and I may be very busy.

Although this is just a feeling, Lin Yi believes in the sixth sense under women's clothing, because she has never missed it.

Therefore, in the first two days, she thoroughly explained it to Yuan Wushui, allowing him to develop freely without interfering.

Once my legs are healed, I can find a job casually, and I can take care of my daughter by myself.

On the tiger cat's side, she also explained to Wang Meng.

As for the reason, I just found one at random, for example, I want to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of property.

Although it was a pity, Wang Meng had no choice. After all, their contract was only signed for one year.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly found that no matter whether it was women's clothing or men's clothing, her communication seemed to be very simple.

It's good to stay home.

After comforting herself with a strong heart, Lin Yi opened the door and walked out.

During this period, she changed Lin Yi's pair of blue slippers and put on a pair of fluffy pink slippers.

As for the socks, I didn't wear them.

Stepping on the shoes with bare feet, there is no feeling of restriction, very comfortable.

Besides, in your own home, you don't need to pay too much attention to these.

After washing up, Lin Yi went to the kitchen.

While cooking, she let go of her thoughts, and as time went by, the vicious feeling of diaphragm became more and more obvious.

Like a toad, it doesn't bite, but it's disgusting.

Soon, when breakfast was ready, Lin Xiaoxi next door just woke up, so there was no need to shout.

"Delicious, good time~"

Taking a bite of the freshly baked bread, she lowered her head and poured down a mouthful of egg drop soup. With no one else present, Lin Xiaoxi, who disregarded her image, completely let go and ate Hesai.

In contrast, Lin Yi still eats with incomparable elegance.

She sat opposite, holding the bread in her left hand, gently tearing it open with her right hand, and then slowly put it in her mouth, chewing and swallowing, the whole movement was smooth and pleasing to the eye.

Even shredded bread seems to be playing the violin, elegant, light and enviable.

After a while, Lin Xiaoxi, who had finished her breakfast, whimpered with satisfaction, picked up her books, and hurried to school.


Lin Yi was the only one left in the room. She yelled softly, and Da Huang, who was nestled next to the drinking fountain, heard the sound and turned into a dog's leg in a second. It threw off its limbs and ran to Lin Yi's feet, rubbing on the slippers. Stop, while meowing.

"don't worry"

Bending down, he steadily put two peeled eggs into the cat's tray. As soon as Lin Yi's right hand left, Rhubarb immediately lowered his head and couldn't wait to eat.

Looking at the rhubarb eating frantically, Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

Last time, although Lin Yi used a lot of the foreign materials he got, there were still a lot of leftovers, and they were all eaten by the cat.

But in the end, after digesting for so long, there was no mutation.

Could it be that it has evolved to the upper limit.

Lin Yi looked at Rhubarb carefully.

Hum~ Still so fat, so weak.

But this is the full level?

This level cap is too low.

Not to mention the attack aspect, the defense side has not evolved any physical armor or magical shields, what is the use of this chubby figure, even ordinary thermal weapons can cause damage to it.

Could it be that this cat is also at the bottom of the food chain in another world?

Hey, unfortunately, it seems that it can only be used to watch the house.

Lin Yi originally planned to let him evolve into a white tiger, preferably one that could fly.

Think about it, how majestic it is to ride on it.

Oh, what a pity.

what happened again?
Looking at Lin Yi who shook his head suddenly, Rhubarb raised several question marks.

Could it be that he ate too fast?

(End of this chapter)

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