Chapter 343 Dragon Two
Under the order of Lao Hu, for a while, the sound of guns and guns became more intensive, faintly, as if there was a monster's cry, but it was not very clear, as if it was suppressed.

After about 5 minutes, the intensive artillery attack temporarily stopped under Lao Hu's order.

The smoke dissipated, and as soon as he saw the situation in the center of the venue, Lao Hu's face turned ugly, as if he had eaten an S.

The round of artillery fire that could destroy a mountain without any effort just now had nothing to do.

Moreover, in the infrared electromagnetic monitoring and detection, the opponent's life response did not drop at all.

That is to say, just now they were operating fiercely like a tiger, and when they saw the DPS250...

Building fortifications, summoning elites, seconding tanks and artillery, and putting on such a big formation, Lao Hu naturally wanted to capture the opponent alive.

But now it seems that it may be very difficult to capture alive.

Moreover, Lao Hu did not involve the dragon group in this operation.

There is no other meaning, he just wants to prove that our army also has good players, whether it is fighting or catching monsters.

Before the battle, he was indeed full of confidence.

But now, he suddenly felt a little uncertain.

As soon as this idea popped up, Lao Hu suddenly felt that his old face was a bit unstoppable.

So, he stood up, with a cold face, and looked down the court.

In the encirclement, there are potholes and a mess, as if being pushed by an excavator.

But the huge, hollow, bone-covered alien creature still exists.

Moreover, the opponent's body seemed to be covered with a layer of white film, which completely avoided the damage. The bone dragon hiding under the shield was not injured at all except for looking a little disgraced.

At this time, it flicked its tail, creating cracks on the solid ground.

It seemed that it was very unhappy to be beaten unilaterally. As soon as the attack stopped, it immediately stood up, stretched its crouched body, raised its head and roared.

Then, in the next second, they rushed to the tanks and armored units that had finished firing shells and started loading ammunition.

"Be careful"

Old Hu stared, clenched his hands, and shouted.

"Second Pao, stop it!"

——boom~ Boom!
The heavy artillery mounted on the moat wall began to show its power.

Multiple salvos were fired, and the head-sized cannonballs slammed hard at the bone dragon with a deafening sound.

Although the bone dragon as the target does not move fast, but because its whole body is hollow, coupled with the large-caliber heavy artillery, the accuracy is not enough, and it is difficult to hit after adding and subtracting.

Occasionally, someone hit the bone dragon, but saw a flash of white light, and then it was completely blocked. The powerful shells did not cause any damage to it at all, let alone hinder its footsteps.

Oh no, it's really a magic shield!

As a boss-level figure, Lao Hu knows this kind of thing.

But if you know it, you know it, but what to do...

Unable to think of a solution for a while, Lao Hu's face gradually became gloomy.

When he first saw this monster, he thought that this skeleton was a physics monster, but who would have thought that...

Hey, now it seems that it is impossible to capture him alive. Even if he wants to cause damage, he must consume that layer of shield. Otherwise, no matter how many people and shells he shoots, it will be useless.

The Second Artillery couldn't stop the opponent, the ground shook, and the huge bone dragon was already approaching the tank position. It didn't care about the gun barrels facing it.

Along the way, he suffered a few shells in vain. Although it didn't hurt, it made Bone Dragon very embarrassed. It felt like a bald man who had practiced martial arts for many years was defeated by a passing cat.

So, without even thinking about it, it raised its front paws and slapped the nearest tank.

The moment the bone dragon slapped it, the tank under its claws was frightened, made a wrong operation, or felt that the hardness of a bone frame must not be comparable to its own tank.

Therefore, the driver in the tank did not dodge, but set up the barrel, pointed it straight at the bone dragon, and then fired from the face.

A second later, the winner was decided.

The barrel of the tank retracted and extended, and the super-close-range shells whizzed away with huge kinetic energy, but were stopped by the bone dragon's shield without any accident, and finally fell to the ground in vain.

And like a fortress, the extremely sturdy tank was like a clay sculpture under the bone dragon's claws, instantly disfiguring.

The tank under the claws was pressed to the ground, making a harsh friction sound.

It seemed very angry that this little toy dared to resist in the face of itself. It was cruel and stepped on it flat with a little force.

Soon, the familiar smell of blood wafted through the wind, and the bone dragon was a little excited, stepping on this pile of scrap iron, it raised its head and screamed.


Lao Tzu's soldiers!

Lao Hu raised his heart in his throat, but fell back helplessly.

He knew it was too late.

The tanks are flattened like that, you don't need to think about it, people will definitely die.

"Order, let the tanks and armored battalions withdraw from the encirclement of Area C, and let the helicopters go up"


Shun Liu's eyes were cracked.

Of course he knew that most of the brothers in the tank were gone.

For a moment, it seemed that something overflowed from his chest and blocked his throat instantly. Without even thinking about it, he picked up the gun and started shooting wildly.


At the same time, the sounds of guns and roars all around sounded, and these sounds came together to give out a deafening cry.

Regardless of whether their bullets are useful or not, and whether they hit the opponent or not, at this moment they just want to avenge their brothers and buy time for other tanks to evacuate.

Crackling sounds came from all directions, pouring down on the bone dragon in a condescending manner.

But the bone dragon in the center of the storm didn't seem to care at all, it just covered its whole body with a faint white shield, and it didn't even look at the soldiers who were shooting wildly.

That unrestrained appearance has a kind of feeling that I will stand still even if you let the wind howl.

Even, it has a separate mind, in the hail of bullets, to chase those tanks that want to escape, like a cat chasing a butterfly, with one front paw, one rear foot, one flick of the tail, and another one.

For a while, the sound of ga~ga~ga~ kept ringing, harsh and cruel.

"Let the helicopters attack!"

Seeing the wreckage of the tanks, Lao Hu couldn't bear it.

Although he knew that whether it was against people or foreign objects, war would inevitably lead to death.

But even if he sees more life and death, broken limbs and wreckage, when these pictures appear again, his heart will still be very uneasy, after all, they are all lives.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed these emotions in his heart.

Old Hu gritted his teeth, and stared fiercely at the bone dragon that wantonly ravaged his subordinates. In his eyes, there seemed to be anger spurting out.

"Helicopters, why aren't they attacking!"

Old Hu roared.

"They're screwing!"

The voice of the commander on the side came immediately.

"Boss, the monster is too close to the armored battalion, it's inappropriate to fire rashly, wait a minute, they are looking for an opportunity"

Injure allies by mistake...

Lao Hu knew what it meant.

The helicopter is in the air, so it is not easy to shoot. Without infrared guidance, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and there are all friendly troops below. The correct approach is not to advance aggressively.

The reason why Lao Hu yelled knowingly was because he felt aggrieved.

Moreover, there is another reason, he is not sure whether this thing can fly, after all, the opponent has wings, although they are all bones.

just in case……

Hey ~
(End of this chapter)

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