Chapter 344 Dragon Three
In Lao Hu's worry, soon, there was a helicopter's sacrifice, and the bone dragon finally stopped destroying those tanks, but turned around and chased after the helicopter flying to the center of the field.

At this time, the remaining helicopters seized the opportunity, adjusted their angles immediately, and started shooting.

puff puff puff~
Mixed with rockets, air-to-surface missiles, and large-caliber rotary machine guns, the group of armed helicopters with full firepower did not hold back.

But the bone dragon on the ground was screaming angrily, but had no choice but to look at the carrot on the stick like a donkey, unable to reach or eat it, so it could only be hung away.

Call ~
Seeing this, Lao Hu heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this thing can't fly.

Otherwise, we can only use nuclear bombs.

The bone dragon was led away, and he quickly ordered the tank to evacuate.

While staring at the retreating armored troops, Lao Hu was also staring at the bone dragon that was jumping back and forth and being beaten passively.

"Tell the helicopter to be careful, don't go too low"

"If there is no ammunition, go back and reload immediately"

"Be safe and don't delay too long"

Finally, the armored troops were evacuated, and all the wreckage was recovered. In the encirclement, only the helicopters hanging in the air and the beaten bone dragon nestled below were left.

The bone dragon jumped up and down, but couldn't reach it, and could only roar and be beaten one-sidedly, which looked very funny.

The helicopter formation was stable at a suitable height, and it was a fat bang against the bone dragon below.

The shield on Bone Dragon's body flashed from time to time, showing no sign of weakening at all. This situation made Lao Hu frown.

What should I do, I can't penetrate the opponent's armor at all...

No matter, send more helicopters to support!

After calling for help, Lao Hu looked at the bone again, he always felt that it would not be so simple, this dragon should not be so stupid.

Take the intercom, connect to the helicopter channel, and Lao Hu personally directs.

"Number 1, watch your height"

"Number 2, go back and reload"

"Always be careful, just in case..."

At this moment, the bone dragon seemed to be tired, it stopped jumping, but nestled in the same place, with a click of its limbs, it settled on the ground, and then spread its wings, making a movement of a roc spreading its wings.

Are you going to fly away!
Lao Hu suddenly raised his heart to his throat.

But in the next second, Lao Hu was dumbfounded.

Because the bone dragon didn't fly away, it just raised its neck.

Different from the previous howls, this time the buff was obviously added to the roar.

With the bone dragon as the center, the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out in a circular agitation, and with a bang, they arrived in an instant.

As if a sledgehammer was hitting him head-on, Lao Hu suddenly felt a splitting headache, and his whole brain was buzzing.

Shaking his head vigorously, he leaned on the table, squinted his eyes, and saw that many people had fallen down on the parapet a little closer to the bone dragon.

Even if I am so far away, I can affect it, let alone the nearby helicopter.

Pressing Sisisi's buzzing headset, Lao Hu shouted nervously.

"Get out!"

Before Old Hu finished speaking, the second roar came quickly.


Thorn~ stab~ stab~ snap~
Under the influence of the sound waves, Lao Hu saw sparks splashing from the helicopter in the air, and there was a bursting sound, and then it began to smoke, and it swayed to the east, to the west, and was about to fall.

But fortunately, the propeller was not damaged, so it was safe and sound.

Now, without Lao Hu's reminder, the helicopter formation quickly evacuated.

At this time, the bone dragon that screamed twice also stayed in place to rest, as if waiting to cool down.

Old Hu gritted his teeth.

This won't work, the current attack is just to tickle it.

It seems that he has come up with a trick!
"Railgun Ready"

Old Hu ordered in a deep voice.

Soon, with a few muffled clicks, the thick protective wall was opened from the inside, and white barrels the size of washbasins were pushed out one by one, sticking out of the wall more than one meter away.

The CS-GO modified CF electromagnetic gun is no longer using electromagnetic force to push projectiles to cause damage, but has truly become an electromagnetic gun that can launch electromagnetic force to attack.

It was originally installed on a destroyer as the main gun, but it was "borrowed" by Lao Hu.

This new type of electromagnetic gun, it can be said that apart from the shortcoming of a short range, it has all advantages, such as huge power, no need to reload, short cooling time, and fast firing speed. It is perfectly suitable to be used as a fixed fort.




Stab it!

prick prick~
Several electromagnetic waves were emitted at the same time, and they were intertwined together to form an electromagnetic net, rushing towards the bone dragon from all directions.

Seeing such a vast attack, the bone dragon seemed to be taken aback, and it quickly put up its shield, trying to avoid it.

But this time, even though it was blocked by a shield, some electromagnetic waves still got in.

They hit the bones of the bone dragon fiercely, and the jumping sparks made it numb for a while.

Under the steady stream of strong electric shocks, the bone dragon could not help but howl.

This is the first time Bone Dragon has been injured in so many confrontations.

"it is good!"

"Increase output!"


Lao Hu clenched his fist excitedly.

Seeing that the attack had an effect, he immediately ordered the electromagnetic gun to fire at full power.

In the next second, the originally dense power grid group directly interweaves into a piece of white light, and the entire encirclement rings beeping in the flashing electric light.

The area where all the electromagnetic guns are aimed is even more dazzling in white, and it seems to have completely become the exclusive domain of Yang-Thunder King Yongxin.

And the bone dragon in the most central position seems to become a magnet, absorbing all the current, and as a result, it screams from the electricity.

Who would have thought that the electromagnetic gun could penetrate the magic shield?
Looking at the bone dragon that was passively beaten and scurrying around like a mouse, Lao Hu was very happy. He felt that he had finally let go of his breath, but before he was happy for a few seconds, the abnormality appeared again.


The bone dragon endured the electric shock, shrunk to a corner, and howled again.

With one blow, the soldiers who were hiding in the city wall and who were a little closer to the bone dragon were directly paralyzed.

In an instant, a gap appeared in the dense electromagnetic net circle. Without hesitation, the bone dragon spread his legs and ran towards the quiet area C, as if he knew that it might be dangerous to be trapped like this.

Bone Dragon ran to the bottom of the parapet in two or three steps, first climbed twice, but the parapet was too slippery to climb up, then jumped up again, and when he found that he couldn't jump, he dug directly.

Accompanied by the teeth-stinging sound, the Bone Dragon lowered its claws and wrapped it around the outside of the city wall. A big hole was directly dug out of the steel plate made of special material.

With great force, the claw stuck in the hole was pulled out, and the bone dragon went down with another claw, click, another hole.

Those special material shields that are impenetrable to grenades, seem to be unable to stand under the violent brilliance of the bone dragon.

Even though he was being shot from the electromagnetic cannon behind him, the bone dragon still endured the pain and dug hard.

If no one stops it, it may take less than a minute for the parapet to collapse.

Say you are smart, you still know how to dig, say you are not smart, don’t you know how to put skills everywhere?

Looking at the skull dragon, Lao Hu seemed to see his own husky.

Sighing, he ordered again with some distress.

This is the last move...

"Mobile Gundam"

(End of this chapter)

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