Chapter 345 Dragon Four
"Go Gundam!"

A moment after the order was issued, I saw the thick defensive wall slowly cracking in Area A opposite Area C.

Amidst the exclamation of the surrounding soldiers, robots with a height of about five meters walked out slowly.

Metal body, straight lines, silver paint, plus huge cold weapons, dozens of combat weapons stand together, giving people a sense of oppression, like a god, domineering sideways!

"I'm not blind"

"Really a robot"

——The dragons have appeared, what else is impossible?

The soldiers, who soon figured this out, cheered.

They looked at the humanoid weapons that would only appear in their imaginations and appeared in front of them in an unstoppable manner.

That kind of shock, that kind of excitement, at that moment, countless people felt that they were sure of winning.


"Go ahead"

"Fire, fire"

Amidst the shouts of the soldiers, the group of Gundam formed a roaring formation, formed a cone shape, and rushed towards the Bone Dragon who was planing the wall.

While moving quickly, they drew out the huge long knives hanging behind them one after another, and assumed the most suitable attacking posture for exerting force.

In the silver Gundam's hand, Gao Qing's long knife was very dazzling.

The entire blade is thin and slender, and it is black, it seems that it does not even reflect light, and it is not an ordinary material at a glance.

At this time, in the corner of Area C, the bone dragon was still being electrocuted while digging the wall desperately, like a bamboo mouse that knew its time had come and if it didn't escape, it would be boiled and eaten.

Suddenly, it felt that the electromagnetic force on its body had weakened. Before it could react, it suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind.

With huge kinetic energy, a roaring black sword slashed at the bone dragon's hind legs.

Although the whole body of the bone dragon was protected by the shield, the kinetic energy brought by the sword did not decrease at all.

At the same time, all Gundam's long knives hit.

Their strength was concentrated in one place, and they exerted their strength at the same time. With a bang, the unprepared Bone Dragon was beaten into shit, and hit the protective wall with its head, almost getting its head stuck in the hole it just dug.

It got up angrily, and before it turned back, it used a bone dragon flick first.

With a whoosh, dust was scattered everywhere, and a crack was drawn on the ground behind him. However, this unexpected blow did nothing.

Who would have thought that the unmanned Gundam would be very flexible under the condition of computer intervention and control.

As soon as they hit a hit, they immediately retreated, so the bone dragon's counterattack was directly dodged ahead of time.

Moreover, since the Gundam clusters are connected to the same network and belong to the same data link, there is no dead angle for them to share information.

Even, as long as the internet speed is fast enough, they can fight, watch episodes, and download movies at the same time.

Ah, thanks for 5G~
Flicking its tail, the bone dragon immediately turned around after feeling that he had swept through the air.

Bone Dragon was very disdainful when he saw that it was the lumps of machines that attacked him just now.

It bowed its head and shrunk its neck, like a spring. It exerted force on its body, then pounced, and attacked a Gundam.

10% is probably going to back off...

20% may be about to howl...

50% chance is to jump forward...

Seeing the bone dragon's movement, Gundam, who was facing the dragon's head, immediately dodged to the side after a quick calculation.

The bone dragon rushed to nothing.

Taking advantage of this gap, the other Gundams immediately made up for it, and slashed up, still in the hind legs.

The bone dragon doesn't believe in evil, it pounces again, but it is empty, and it is still beaten.

Pounce again, empty, get beaten...

When it became angry and prepared to launch a sudden attack, it suddenly found that it was led back to the center of the field again, and it suddenly felt a little bad.

Sure enough, the next second.

Countless electromagnetic cannons were fired from all around, gathered above its head, and the pale electric grid covered its body again, and the familiar tingling feeling spread along the bones again and spread all over the body.

Bone Dragon raised his head and let out a howl.

It turned out that the soldiers in Area C had switched defenses just now while Bone Dragon and Gundam were fighting.

Countless electromagnetic cannons reconnected into a large net, and the electromagnetic field of Yang-Thunder King Yongxin unfolded again.

The situation seems to be starting to improve, the electromagnetic gun is the main attack, and the Gundam group is on the side, one for melee and one for long-range.

It's like fighting a BOSS, finding the right part, and clearing the level seems to be right in front of you.

Besieged in the center of the field, the bone dragon reluctantly prepared to let out a howl, but who knows, it seemed that it was exhausted, and this spellcasting was directly interrupted by the electromagnetic gun.

The extremely aggrieved Bone Dragon soared with anger.

Under the blessing of anger, it finally suddenly pressed a paw on a Gundam, and then it stepped hard, hard.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the Gundam that was pressed into the ground was directly deformed.

Feeling that it wasn't enough, it ruthlessly kicked one paw after another, directly stepping out a big hole.

Looking at the ugly Gundam buried in the soil, it finally let out a sigh of relief, but the price was the crazy attacks of other Gundams on it - such a good opportunity, it must be crazily output.

However, when it kicked away the Gundam that had turned into a pile of garbage, it suddenly felt that its hind legs were a little sluggish, and it should have been injured in the attack just now.

Looking at the non-stop electromagnetic net like a gangrene on the tarsus, feeling his injured and getting worse hind legs, and looking at the monster robots not far away.

The sense of crisis in Bone Dragon's heart continued to spread, it no longer hesitated, and ran directly to the familiar C area.

But this time, it's not that easy.

There is a power grid hanging above the head, constantly exerting force, and there are Gundam groups harassing and restraining them, and they don't stop their black hands.

Moreover, since the casualties, the rest of the Gundams have become more cautious after analyzing the state of the bone dragon. When they see something is wrong, they immediately stay away.

In this way, Gundam kept the distance and assisted the power grid to continuously weaken and suppress the bone dragon, making it howl and forcing it to keep retreating.

As time went by, Bone Dragon really got hurt.

Originally it was just a leg injury, but now the whole body is covered with paint, and black scorches and cracks appeared on the white bones of the body under the continuous "moisturization" of the power grid.

Feeling the passing of life, the bone dragon no longer retains its strength.

It first howled at the top of its throat, and then its eyes began to turn red, spreading to the whole body in an instant. At the same time, its body also began to swell, like a large-sized lobster that was cooked.

Flashing the bone wings, it rose slowly in the electromagnetic net, more than half a meter above the ground.

In the center of the field, there is a beeping white power grid on the outside, and inside it is a bone dragon from another world that has turned red. It is white and red. This scene looks so weird and dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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