Chapter 349 Dragon Eight
The helicopter pilot was already nervous enough to find a stranger suddenly appeared beside the bone dragon.

Now he was suddenly overwhelmed by Lao Hu's three consecutive questions, and it took him a while to react, and finally remembered Lao Hu's instructions.

After a while, after careful observation, the driver returned.

"This... yes, yes, white dress, very, beautiful"

"Okay, great!"


After being affirmed, Lao Hu immediately burst out laughing.

Miss Lin, it must be her, she didn't run away!

Lao Hu let out a sigh of relief while laughing, and the stone in his heart was also let go at this moment, because no one knew Miss Lin's power better than him.

Haha, stupid thing, smelly bone frame, you can go to hell!

But hearing Lao Hu's laughter, the helicopter was very puzzled.

When is this, the fire is imminent, are you still laughing?
While complaining about his boss in his heart, the driver stared at the bone dragon and the girl, and then he was stunned.

"It's not good, boss, she, she stopped in front of the bone dragon!"

The helicopter pilot's voice rose an octave suddenly.

Hearing this, Lao Hu was overjoyed again.

Hey, I took the initiative to make a move, okay, great!

With Ms. Lin in charge, there is no need for our soldiers to fill it up with our lives.

Ever since, Lao Hu cleared his throat with a cough, picked up the walkie-talkie, and gave the order boldly.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, don't panic"

"You don't need to take the initiative to attack, just cover yourself!"

"Be careful not to let the monkeys see it, if you find it, expel them immediately"

"If you're a bone dragon, just leave it alone."

Those soldiers who hadn't caught up with the bone dragon naturally didn't know what happened on the front line, so when they heard this order, they didn't think too much and responded immediately.

Only the helicopter pilot, who had seen the incredible scene in front of him, was a little silent. He didn't understand why the boss gave such an order.


Maybe it is to sacrifice a few people to protect the majority, but that is also a life, hateful monster!

But as a soldier, an order is an order. Although I don't know why, after struggling hard in my heart, the driver still chooses to obey the order.

"Master, the bone dragon rushed towards her..."

Although following the order above to expel those Monkey Kingdom troops who had noticed something, the driver was still paying attention to the movement of the bone dragon.

After all, a girl suddenly appeared in the direction of the bone dragon, which was too weird.

Moreover, this girl may be dying...

So, he kept staring, hoping for a miracle to happen.

Then, praying silently in his heart, the driver who had been staring at the bone dragon and the girl saw the next shocking scene.

As if he didn't see the ant-like girl blocking the way, the dust was stirred up, and the fast-running bone dragon rushed over.

On one side is a huge, almost invulnerable bone monster.

On the other side was a thin girl in a white dress with fluttering long hair.

When the two sides meet together, what will happen to the ending is simply no guesswork.

Hey ~
Seeing the two sides getting closer, the driver closed his eyes in distress.

Then, he heard a loud bang, as if a pile driver was hammering the ground, dull and heavy.

what happened?
Hit the wall?

No, there is obviously nothing in front of the bone dragon?
The driver eagerly opened his eyes.

Then, he saw the bone dragon twisted into a ball and fell to the ground...


what's the problem?

His mind suddenly couldn't turn around. Seeing the picture in front of him, the words in his mouth came out without thinking.

"Bone Dragon, Bone Dragon fell to the ground!"

"Where is that girl, she, oh, she is still there, she is still standing there, be careful"

"Oh my god!"

"The bone dragon stretched out its claws towards her, no, be careful!"

"Ah, this, this, the claw of the bone dragon was cut off!"

"This, how is this possible!"

Hearing this, Lao Hu laughed again.

Ms. Lin, it's really awesome!

"All of you are on alert, you are not allowed to approach, all teams, follow this order, and you are not allowed to act without my order"

Lao Hu picked up the walkie-talkie and proudly ordered.

With Miss Lin here, I have nothing to fear!
Stop attacking?
Could it be that the bone dragon is under control?
Or is there some unknowable factor?
Shun Liu stood in the carriage stomping her feet and looking ahead anxiously, her heart full of doubts and curiosity.

Because the bone dragon had already escaped his sight, he had no idea what happened ahead.

At this time, he is like a dead house waiting for the release of [Monster Hunter World: Enhanced Power], he is in a hurry.

Finally, after 10 minutes, Shun Liu finally saw the helicopters and tanks assembled in the distance, and also saw the combat commander Lao Hu who had just got off the car.

Hey, there are so many people gathered together, could it be that the bone dragon was caught!
Looking at the group of soldiers crowded together in the distance with excited expressions, Shun Liu couldn't help but think this way.

Because she was too curious about the bone dragon and wanted to know if her guess was right, Shun Liu jumped out of the truck just after passing the temporary checkpoint and before approaching the crowd.

After landing, without saying a word, he immediately ran towards the crowded place.

Passing through the tank group, passing the armored vehicle formation, and then parting the crowd, Shun Liu hadn't even gotten close when he heard wailing from the center of the crowd.

Hey, this voice seems to be that bone dragon!

Hey, have you really been caught!
Shun Liu suddenly became happy, and pushed forward even harder.

"Come on, come on, borrow it"

"Brother, let's go"

"Squeeze your sister"

"You stepped on my foot"

Shun Liu squeezed in desperately, but unfortunately there were layers of human walls in front of him.

And the ones standing in front of them are all rough men who are soldiers, all of them are in good health and stubborn, so Shun Liu yelled for a long time and squeezed for a long time but didn't go in.

He had no choice but to stand outside the crowd, jumping and jumping, and finally, the moment he jumped to a high place, he seemed to see the huge bone lying on the ground among the crowd.

This time, he was overjoyed.

Hey, it's really a bone dragon!
Just that one glance was really not satisfying, just when he squatted down and was about to recharge his energy before jumping, he suddenly heard someone saying, Old Hu is here.

With a jolt, Shun Liu immediately stood up straight.

Soon, he saw the sullen old Hu striding towards him, so Shunliu hurriedly stood aside, raised his hands in salute, and kept his eyes fixed.

Then, Lao Hu walked over.

Shunliu rolled his eyes, took advantage of the road that Lao Hu left, quietly followed, and slipped in too.

No need to shoot, just sneak in.

 Thanks to Lanlin Baiyu for the 1000 point reward.

  Thank you Mei Lingshuangxue for your 200 point reward.

  Um...thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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