Chapter 350 Dragon Nine
Lao Hu walked ahead in a hurry, and the soldiers around immediately dispersed to make way for Lao Hu.

Shun Liu sneaked behind and took the opportunity to sneak in.

It was quiet in the circle surrounded by dense crowds.

The huge bone dragon that was originally majestic and majestic now looks extremely miserable.

With its limbs removed, it only had its body on the ground. It could only keep its belly up and howl continuously. No matter how hard it tried, it still couldn't move. Its funny appearance was like a tortoise whose shell had been turned over.

Seeing the funny and weird scene in front of her, Shun Liu was stunned.

Hey, why is this bone dragon so miserable all of a sudden.

Could it be that the monster's shield was gone, so it was caught and beaten up?
It's not right, this guy has hard bones, who can remove its feet and claws, even Lan Xiang's excavator, pile driver and other heavy machinery can't do it, and look, how neat the cut is.

So, what the hell is going on here.

Could it be that another black technology similar to Gundam has appeared? !

Puzzled, Shun Liu looked at his teammates next to him, hoping to find the answer.

But the row of tank soldiers with helmets next to them was quiet, with extremely surprised expressions on their faces, and their eyes were all meowing in one direction—the opposite of the huge bone dragon, the blocked place.

Hey, what are you looking at?
Shun Liu moved her body and looked over.

Then, he saw a man.

No, to be precise, it was a slender figure that made people think about it just by seeing it.

Even though she is in the Gobi Desert full of yellow sand, she is still spotless.

She was wearing a long white dress, with her back to everyone, standing gracefully like a fairy left behind.

A gust of wind blows, her dress flutters, thin and light, like a white hemp swaying in the wind, cool and refreshing.

This is not imaginary, because Shun Liu really smelled the faint fragrance wafting in the wind.

Shun Liu was stunned.

She is so dazzling, so mysterious, people can't help but want to get a glimpse of her true face.

who is she? !

What does it look like!
Shun Liu is in a hurry.

Looking at the soldiers she was facing, with their sluggish looks, Shun Liu became even more anxious, as if his heart was being scratched by a cat.

Itchy, want to see!

She must be beautiful!
At this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Shun Liu, Shun Liu clenched his fist without thinking about it, and was about to get angry immediately, but at a glance, it was Lao Hu!

He quickly changed his face from anger to seriousness, and by the way he stood up straight and saluted meticulously.

However, his actions were directly ignored by the opponent.

I saw that Lao Hu first looked at the bone dragon lying on the ground, and then ran towards the girl enthusiastically, saying hello and shouting at the same time.

"Lin, Miss Lin"

As soon as Lao Hu shouted, Shun Liu saw the girl turn around.

that moment.

Shun Liu felt as if a cold air was blowing towards her face.

His eyes widened, goosebumps all over his body.

"so beautiful!"


"It's so cold!"

Not only Shun Liu, but also the tank teammates next to him were amazed.

so beautiful...

Shun Liu looked at the other side stupidly, murmuring softly with his half-open mouth.

So lovely……

As the saying goes, one or two years in the army, a sow is better than Diaochan, let alone such a beautiful girl in front of me.

God-given facial features, perfect face, and slender figure, apart from a little indifference, she is simply impeccable!
Huh, wait!

Looking at the girl in front of him who looked extremely petite standing in front of the huge bone.

Shun Liu suddenly had a jolt, and had a funny idea.

This bone dragon, could it be that she...

No, it's so possible!
Shun Liu shook her head, and instantly kicked this thought out of her mind.

This is a beautiful girl, not a bald man, how is it possible~
But in the next second...

He saw his boss's boss, Lao Hu, talking to him kindly and kindly.


He tilted his head to look at the sky, thinking about the original image of Lao Hu.

Why did he suddenly feel that the girl in front of him seemed to have some connection with this bone dragon.

"cough cough"

Lao Hu didn't know what the soldiers under him were thinking, but they probably all looked puzzled and confused.

But after confirming that the girl in front of him was indeed Miss Lin, he was completely relieved, and his face burst into a smile.

Even standing in front of this invulnerable, extremely dangerous Bone Dragon who once cost him his troops, he is not afraid at all.

At the same time that the crisis of the monster's escape was resolved, Lao Hu began to consider the immediate issue of confidentiality.

In any case, the fewer people who know Miss Lin's identity, the better.

So, he turned around, looked at the onlookers with a cold face, took a breath, and began to give orders loudly.

"Squads disperse"

"Stop crowding here, leave in an orderly manner, and go to your respective designated areas"

"What are you watching here, go to the outside, I didn't see those monkeys sneaking around there"



After a while of sparse responses, the soldiers began to line up and retreat slowly.

Seeing that his subordinates were obedient and satisfied, Lao Hu looked at Lin Yi.

Because it was inconvenient to stare at people, he just meowed casually.

As a result, he saw that Miss Lin was wearing slippers. At that time, he couldn't help but froze.

Then, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.


People can't compare with people.

He is not only so beautiful, but also so powerful.

Wearing slippers and a skirt can put down the mighty monster, it's simply.

Look at those superheroes on TV who wear their underwear backwards, wear onesies, drug mutants, and self-made armor.

Compared with Miss Lin, they are all scumbags.

After thinking about it, Lao Hu was even more grateful and fortunate that this Miss Lin was his own.

So, he smiled and said sincerely.

"Thank you, Miss Lin, for this matter!"


Lin Yi returned calmly.

At this moment, she felt that someone seemed to be staring at her, so Lin Yi tilted her head to follow her gaze.

It was none other than the bone dragon that fell on the ground with its limbs removed. The other party turned its head away and stared at Lin Yi with tyrannical and fierce eyes, as if he wanted to eat her alive.

You are too weak.

Ignoring the vicious Bone Dragon, Lin Yi just meowed once, and Lin Yi looked away.

She looked around at the soldiers who kept turning their heads as they retreated.

Farther away, she saw the temporary checkpoints being set up.

There are many people around, all of whom are heavily armed, armed with guns, ammunition and wearing camouflage uniforms.

Too many people, messy, and all soldiers.

Lin Yi didn't like such a chaotic and crowded scene at all, so she was going to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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