Chapter 356
——About this textbook, not a single word can be disclosed!

— Otherwise, it will be punished as a crime of endangering national security.

Therefore, as a student of this base No. 666, a magic school, and a participant in this cross-generational study, Zhang Xiaolu naturally knows that there are some things that cannot be said even if the other party is a soldier or even a fellow villager. ,That's not OK.

"These, can't say, really"

Zhang Xiaolu put down his chopsticks, returned seriously and helplessly.

Seeing Shun Liu wanted to ask a question again, Zhang Xiaolu waved his hand directly, and then patiently explained.

"Brother Liuzi, don't ask, what we did is definitely not a bad thing"

"In fact, it is the same as you in essence, and it is also for this country"

"Besides, there are strict requirements from above, and it must be kept secret, and a word cannot be mentioned."

"We soldiers must be loyal, so don't ask me."

Hearing these righteous words, his teeth itched smoothly, but there was nothing he could do.

Hey, every time I use such words to block me...

I know this matter is very confidential, but I really want to know...

Shun Liu didn't get the answer he wanted, and Shun Liu, who was full just now, suddenly became bored again.

Pushing the plate away, he lay faceless on the table, winking and biting his fingers while groping around, as if trying to distract himself to relieve his depression.

Zhang Xiaolu smiled when he saw the cute and funny kid on the opposite side.

He knew that the other party should have accepted what he said.

Then he could eat with peace of mind, so he picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head to continue eating his own bean sprouts.

A month ago, when Shun Liu and the others first came here, Zhang Xiaolu at that time thought that they were the same as himself, that they were carefully selected seedlings from all over the place to learn magic.

Unexpectedly, it was not the case, the thousands of them were just some ordinary soldiers who were more powerful in combat.

Later, during the class, those teachers with great backgrounds revealed it in detail.

It is said that what Shun Liu and the other soldiers did this time involved Ms. Lin more or less. In order to keep it secret, the higher-ups temporarily restricted them here.

After all, the teacher excitedly took out the battle videos of these people.

——Humans vs. Bone Dragons!
Even though Zhang Xiaolu was also a soldier, he was still shocked by the grandeur of the scene this time.

In the huge and strong defense circle, planes, cannons, tanks, electromagnetic guns, Gundams, and black technologies from the human side took turns to battle one after another, making it dizzying for people to watch.

But even such a military strike that can cleanse a small country has little effect against the bone dragon.

It wasn't until a strange yet familiar figure reappeared that this bone dragon battle was finalized and came to an end.

Then, the teacher pointed to the fuzzy white figure on the video, and said excitedly, this is the source of our teaching materials, this is our magic instructor, have you seen it, how powerful she is, I don’t need to say it!

What the teacher said made the auditorium explode instantly, as if cold water was suddenly poured into a frying pan!

Everyone's face was full of surprise, their mouths were open enough to stuff an apple.

——She is our material writer?
——She actually knows such powerful magic?

——So awesome!

——Would I be able to be like her when I practiced to the end, when I waved my hands, the mountains fell apart?
——I also want to be like her and save the world!

After seeing such a subversive video and getting an affirmative answer from the teacher, at that moment, even these soldiers who had been exposed to magic for a while became excited again.

In the video, they saw humans fighting against bone dragons in order to protect their homeland.

Seeing those epoch-making black technology hot weapons, they should have killed the Quartet, but they couldn't do any harm to this monster.

Seeing Ms. Lin appear again, she relaxed and comfortably defeated this mighty monster with magic.

At that moment, looking at the mysterious Ms. Lin in the video with fluttering white skirt, who can guarantee that I don't want to go out of my way.

They cheer, they are excited, they are envious.

——It’s really awesome.

——With a wave of his hand, the bone dragon fell to the ground.

——Waving again, the bone dragon was cut open.

——Even the sound waves emitted by the dying resistance were suppressed and erased at will.

——In the end, the monster that broke into the earth was cut into slices and packed away...

——You must know that just 10 minutes ago, this bone dragon rushed out of the heavy siege of humans, and the humans who had taken advantage of the right time and place not only did not harm it, but were beaten by the bone dragon.

——But one thing beats one thing, in front of magic, this bone dragon is as crisp as a piece of tofu!
——This is magic, it really is amazing!

——I am so envious that the wall of the body is separated!

After watching the video and listening to the explanation, Zhang Xiaolu was also very excited.

But after returning to the dormitory, after washing up and doing his homework, he calmed down again after lying on the bed.

It is now certain that magic exists and has been practiced to the highest level by some people.

And the power of magic is really awesome, just like in the video, the evil creature that can't be dealt with by the epoch-making thermal weapons has no enemy under magic.

In this way, what I have learned now is really priceless, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a step to the sky!

But in the next second, Zhang Xiaolu smiled wryly again.

The future of this road is very bright, and the ideal is also very full, but the key is that I really can't learn it...

Sometimes, Zhang Xiaolu also wondered whether learning magic really requires wisdom and talent as described in the novels of comprehension.

And each school and sect will only select those mortals who have spirituality to become disciples, and those who do not have the root of wisdom will not accept them, because no matter how hard they try, it is impossible for them to learn.

If this is the case, then I either have no talent, or I have the most scumbag bronze-level wisdom root, so I have made no progress in these three months.


This is really shocking.

Moreover, learning magic is really difficult, just like practicing qigong. The whole process is meditation, calculation, guessing, and self-realization. There is no real thing to speak of. Can anyone really learn such idealistic magic?

Can learn or not.

Give up or persevere.

Sometimes Zhang Xiaolu is almost hysterical.

But at the same time, he also thought that his country is so big, with a population of more than one billion, maybe someone can learn it, and in the end, he can call the wind and rain like that Miss Lin, omnipotent.

But no matter what, that person is definitely not him, he is still very self-aware.

(End of this chapter)

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