Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 357 Depressed Dean Zhou

Chapter 357 Depressed Dean Zhou
It has been three months since I came to this "magic school", and I am still a scumbag, so even if it takes another three years, I guess I will still be like this.

Zhang Xiaolu once again lamented that he was really stupid.

During the three months of studying at base 666, no "student" was sent over.

That means, either the above will search and filter again.

Because talents are hard to find, and loyalty must be guaranteed, and because this matter is really afraid of accidents, the search for "seeds" is progressing slowly.

Either the country is finding another way, for example, transforming people.

Use these captured alien creatures to extract genes, re-modify, imitate, and then act on humans.

In layman's terms, it is a genetically modified super soldier like the Hulk, so a series of actions in learning magic has been postponed for the time being.

Of course, it is also possible that both are being caught.

Zhang Xiaolu didn't know exactly how to do it, and he didn't know what his superiors thought, but he knew that he should continue to work hard now.

As for giving up, it's still too early!

Just like those written in those comprehension novels, even if the talent of the pig's feet is very useless, as long as you work hard and add a little bit of luck, you can still poke the sky and trample the ground.

So, there is nothing to say, just come on!

Institute No. 999.

In the past few days, the researchers in the research institute have all been cautious, even walking quietly.

Because their dean, Comrade Zhou, was very angry.

Seeing Dean Zhou's frightening expression with livid face, frowning and gritted teeth, the others were very scared at first, but after knowing the ins and outs of the matter, they all sympathized with him.

——His precious lump, the Gundam battle group, including the handsome red Gundam that can fly freely and change its shape, was all damaged a month ago, and more than half of the Gundams are completely damaged, the kind that can't be repaired , completely turned into scrap iron lumps.

You know, they are all Dean Zhou's treasures. To be exaggerated, these Gundams are stuffed under the blanket when he usually sleeps.

Therefore, now that the Gundam Group has suffered heavy losses, it is no wonder that he looks like a dead X in pain.

"Xiaobai, you should move carefully."

"Oh, mother, I feel sorry for me to death"

"That's enough, Lao Hu, that old immortal"

"If I knew it was like this, I wouldn't have lent it to him even if I killed him."

In the maintenance room on the side, Lao Hu stood in front of the conveyor belt beating his chest, staring at his battle-damaged Gundam with tears in his eyes.

On the other side, Mo Bai, who was driving a Gundam, was helping to move the heavily damaged Gundams.

Because these damaged Gundams are large in size, the parts are more precise, and Dean Zhou is more distressed, so ordinary forklifts, trailers, and engineering arms cannot be used and handled.

Moreover, many Gundams have been seriously deformed and need to be disassembled separately before repair work can be carried out.

And to deal with these huge and delicate baby bumps, ordinary construction machinery can't handle it. Only the Gundam driven by Mo Bai is quite flexible and strong enough, so she was captured by Dean Zhou to be a strong man.

Facing these Dean Zhou's favorite treasures, she controlled her own Gundam, and carefully lifted up a group of invisible iron bumps, and after comparing and analyzing the data link of the Gundam, she found that the group was actually It's Gundam's right thigh.

After determining the location of the parts, she carefully lifted the parts and placed them in the huge container marked "legs" on the side.

Then turn around and get another piece, and repeat, mechanically and tediously.

However, Mo Bai didn't say anything, because her usual training was roughly the same.

Gundam is not so easy to control. If you want to control Gundam to make any action, or even go further, to achieve the state of man-machine integration, you must train, and there is no shortcut.

Coincidentally, the handling and disassembly work this time can be regarded as daily training.

Moreover, Mo Bai still has his own little thoughts to help Dean Zhou this time.

After half an hour, it was finally over.

Mo Bai took off the helmet and hugged it in her arms. Then, she flicked her ponytail, wiped off her sweat, and arrived at Zhou Zheng, who was looking back and forth with a painful face, looking back and forth at her "baby" to "waste". Dean's side.

"Dean Zhou, it's been so long since I asked you the last time, you should have thought about your words now, it's time to tell me the truth."

Unobtrusively blocking behind Dean Zhou, Mo Bai stared at someone.

Two weeks ago, Mo Bai asked Dean Zhou about the whole process of the disappearance of the sword.

Because Dean Zhou came to rescue people, he happened to be facing the direction of Gundam, so he could see where the big knife went.

And, one more thing, when the accident happened last time, the two people who came to the research institute were also invited by Dean Zhou.

Therefore, Dean Zhou, who met those two people, must know the truth.

But it's a pity that when Mo Bai asked Dean Zhou last time, he was escaped by his shit.

This time, hum, Mo Bai snorted coldly, and began to move his neck, hands and feet to prevent someone from running away suddenly.

But after waiting for a while, seeing that Dean Zhou didn't seem to respond, and was still staring at his Gundam thoughtfully, Mo Bai had no choice but to raise his volume and reminded again.

"Dean, I've been moving things for you for a long time. If you still haven't explained the mystery of the disappearance of the big knife last time, then it would be really unkind."


But it's a pity that even though Mo Bai said it twice, Dean Zhou still didn't hear clearly. He was still looking at his precious pimple with distress, and even the wrinkles on his face were tangled together.

Can't hear?
Or, pretend?
Mo Bai frowned and took half a step forward, she coughed lightly and said word by word.

"I'm talking about the knife. The last time my Gundam had an accident, the knife that fell was gone. Although you added another one later and said it was the original one, I know that you are lying, because that one I am too familiar with knives, so you can’t fool me, tell me quickly, Dean, where did the original knives go?”


Dean Zhou finally heard what Mo Bai said this time, but after hearing it, he was taken aback, and suddenly felt a little pain in his head.

Hey, why is this problem again!
It's not good to tell the truth, you still have to fool around.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately began to think of reasons.

"That, this, the knife, it..."

Dean Zhou looked up at the ceiling and began to speak.

Mo Bai on the opposite side was neither in a hurry nor spoke, but just stared at someone.

Under such close-range, guoguo-eating gazes, someone soon became anxious.

"Little Bai, do you have a lot of question marks now?"

"Ha, you're overthinking it. That's your original knife, but it was enchanted by me. Yes, it has been reforged. Haha, how are you? Are you surprised and happy!"

Lying while stroking his Mediterranean-like head, Dean Zhou looked around to prevent Mo Bai from seeing that he was lying. By the way, he did not forget to find a way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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