Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 367 Ying Jiang was deflated again

Chapter 367 Ying Jiang was deflated again
Denglongjian is merciless, destroying a ship with one claw.




The boat tilted, the sea water poured back, people fell into the water from time to time, and some people were screaming for help.

Finally, these miserable screams made others react.

This is a monster!

is the devil!
It's a murderous thing, hurry up, run away!

They yelled, begged for help, and fled around in the sea like headless chickens.

Driven by the desire to survive, many soldiers began to stay away from the bone dragon. While fleeing, they prayed in their hearts, hoping that the bone dragon would not find them.

Seeing those who fell into the water fleeing in all directions, like ants, they ignored their heads and ignoring their backs, and snorted from their noses in disdain. The giant dragon transformed into the Dragon Sword flew into the air with a flick of its tail, and then, it arched its body, Let out a growl.

Even though it was recast and reborn by Lin Yi, its roaring skill seems to be innate, and it is extremely skillful in using it.

The terrifying sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions centered on the giant dragon, and the surrounding sea water seemed to be boiling, being stirred up to a height of more than one meter.

This sound wave was like the sound of death, whistling close to the surface of the sea, all the seven orifices of the human beings affected by it were bleeding, without even struggling, and there was no sound for an instant.

Seeing that there was no more movement in the sea, the Dragon Sword rose into the air.

It widened its eyes and looked at the densely packed ships and docks in the far distance. It was enjoying itself and wanted to go there to play again. Anyway, in its view, the military center is like a playground, which is extremely fun.

It roared, and the clouds immediately gathered under it.

He was about to leave, but at this moment, Lin Yi's voice came from his ear.


Although the voice was very soft, it was full of majesty that could not be refuted.

The bone dragon shrank instantly, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Flicking its tail, it turned around quickly, it was still very self-aware.

Knowing that I am in front of the opponent, just like those ships in front of it, I have no power to fight back...

Then, with a chirp, it turned back into its original body, and flew back to Lin Yi at an accelerated speed.

Looking at the slightly trembling bone sword in front of him, Lin Yi held it back and put it into the space bag. At the same time, he drew a portal with his left hand and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi left, but this Dapingyangli was completely overwhelmed.

The patrolling fleet arrived at the scheduled time, but there was no news. The harbor base didn't dare to delay, and quickly sent people to investigate.

But 10 minutes later, the video sent back made everyone shudder.

From the large drive with a displacement of up to 10 tons to the frigate with a displacement of thousands of tons, all sank.

On the gently rippling, blood-red sea, the corpses were next to each other, and there was no place to stand. Tens of thousands of people, without exception, were all dead!
Such a big news must not be hidden. After the incident was reported layer by layer, when it reached the Hexagon Building, the top management of Yingjiang was also shocked.

The last time I clamored to fight against aliens in order to protect the earth, but was defeated by the other party.

This time, they were wiped out without seeing each other again. This Dapingyang is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

An emergency meeting was held. After reasoning and discussion by the think tank, the high-level executives ordered overnight to withdraw!

In fact, even without this order and double the money, no one would dare to come to this place again.

Unless, Yingjiang can really get alien black technology one day, otherwise, judging from the current level of technology, going to Dapingyang to provoke troubles will undoubtedly kill himself by hitting a stone with an egg.

What exactly happened in Dapingyang may be little known except for the participants and the high-level officials of the Hexagonal Building.

But no matter what, the whole army was wiped out again, and such a slap in the face must not be publicized.

So under the acquiescence and whitewashing of the high-level of the Hexagon Building, as the world's number one old hooligan, Ying Jiang is still strong.

The world is still peaceful, the country is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, thank you Yingjiang~

The locusts flew by and left a shadow. Somehow, the country also knew about this matter, and followed the clues to investigate.

Then, only then did I know that Ying Jiang had stumbled again in Dapingyang without making a sound.

After many investigations, after knowing many details of the matter, I was shocked!
Hey, this similar scene, familiar smell, this is not Miss Lin, who else could it be?

The high-level people who attended the meeting at that time felt comfortable in an instant.

Watching the other party eat up, it's like eating popsicles in winter, how refreshing it is!

Dean Zhou doesn't care what happened to the outside world.

He was very busy, and he never touched the ground in Institute No. 999.

A month ago, when he just took back his destroyed Gundam, Dean Zhou was about to cry. At that time, he wanted to take a knife and find someone to fight for his life!

Later, I was persuaded by the boss above.

No matter what you say, Dean Zhou finally calmed down for the time being.

Due to the criminal law and the face of the big bosses above, although Dean Zhou can no longer slash people with a knife, Dean Zhou still decided to beat someone up, even if he couldn't beat him, he still had to go.

This time, see how this unreasonable grandson dares to fight back!
And the bosses above seemed to know that Dean Zhou's grievances were difficult to appease. In order to appease the anger, the high-level officials sent a lot of strange beast materials after careful consideration.

Now, Dean Zhou didn't say anything.

999 belongs to the high-tech technology research institute, and naturally has dabbles in material research, so there is nothing wrong with accepting these exotic animal materials.

What was sent along with them, apart from these extremely precious and highly sought-after exotic animal materials no matter which scientific research institute they were in, was also the complete video of the bone dragon battle.

In addition to the fact that Institute 999 has sufficient authority and is a direct participant in the incident, another reason is that Institute 999 is essentially a weapon research and development center.

Therefore, looking at the complete process of the war against alien beasts will help researchers to develop ideas, improve steps, and lay the foundation for subsequent research and development.

After all, those who engage in scientific research, especially those engaged in high technology, do not just rely on their brains, they must be put into practice.

Just like the old saying - what is done on paper is always superficial, but you never know that you have to do it yourself.

After getting the video, Dean Zhou immediately led a group of scientific researchers to observe the overall video of the battle of the bone dragon from the overall situation, and then carefully, repeatedly studied and reviewed the video, with Gundam as the first Combat video from the angle of view.

Dean Zhou was very pleased to see his own Gundam so brave on the real battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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