Chapter 368 Progress
in the office.

Standing in front of the big screen and watching this large-scale modern war from the perspective of God, Dean Zhou felt a lot.

Staring at his Gundam, he looked at it, and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Gundam is a combat weapon, whether it is a long-range gun attack or a close-range physical sword, these attack methods are very monotonous.

That's why in the face of such a difficult bone, it can only be restrained, unable to penetrate the armor and cause effective damage.

Under the coordination of the combat information chain, the Gundam cluster performed fairly well, but its calculations still need to be improved and streamlined. After all, on the ever-changing battlefield, there is not so much time to ink.

The battery life is too short to fight at full capacity for a long time, which is a fatal problem.

Compared with those tanks and heavy armored vehicles with a thick armor of about one meter, the Gundam simply goes to the battlefield without clothes, and its body is too fragile.

Good, bad, etc., and so on, including the subtle faults that have been tested so many times before, but have not been found, have been magnified countless times on this battlefield full of bullets.

And these advantages and disadvantages, after being targeted, can even influence the situation of the battle.

If the red gundam's special weapon can be handed, even if the bone dragon's bones are changed, it will die.

If the compressed nuclear bomb is loaded into the body of the Gundam, even if the Gundam is destroyed to the point where it cannot move, it can still launch a death blow, instead of turning into a pile of scrap metal and being trampled like it is now.

If the electromagnetic force emitted by the military's electromagnetic gun can not affect the Gundam, but only unilaterally confronts the enemy, the situation on the battlefield will be very different.

in case……

He thought a lot, right, wrong, annoyed, depressed, regretful, angry...

While thinking, Dean Zhou took out his mobile phone and tapped frantically, writing down all the thoughts that popped into his mind at this moment, then ran back to the office non-stop, locked the door, and started to tidy up.

The next day, early in the morning, Dean Zhou called everyone together in high spirits.


He shouted in high spirits.

During the meeting, he had a different idea, no longer smashing the Gundam itself or placing extremely high demands on the driver, but preparing to combine the two.

To put it more simply.

The Gundam that Mobai was driving before was purely manual, supplemented by a small amount of computer control. It is a purely manual transmission car, which has high requirements for the driver.

Now, after watching the battle of the unmanned Gundam swarm, Dean Zhou found that the wisdom displayed by the swarm during the battle can be completely independent, so he decided to increase the computer-assisted component of the Gundam control system.

At the same time, in this battle, he also saw the shortcomings of this machine-like humanoid combat weapon.

In terms of flexibility, although Gundam is far behind armored vehicles and tanks, it is too brittle.

Although special alloys and high-tenacity fibers are used all over the body, and the key joints are thickened, even so, Gundam is still too brittle in actual combat.

However, Dean Zhou also found this shield...

This battle brought all the problems hidden in Gundam to the surface. This is not a bad thing, because Dean Zhou has already found a relevant solution.

Looking at the video of this battle now, Dean Zhou couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, cruel war is the root of catalyzing scientific and technological progress...

Although this idea is very cold-blooded, but if you look at human history, you will find that it is really the case.

After unifying the research ideas at the meeting, Dean Zhou gave an order to lead by example.

After paying the serious debuff of being almost bald, and leading everyone to work overtime for a month, he finally completed all the planning before the actual operation, and then directed everyone to start an orderly change of clothes.

Another week has passed, and the new Gundam is still being redone.

But because it is not starting from scratch, the modification progress is still very fast.

As far as the current semi-finished Gundam is concerned, its appearance is similar to that of before, but the difference is that Gundam's combat thinking has changed, from the previous people-oriented to the integration of man and machine, complementing each other.

In actual combat, Dean Zhou found that the unmanned Gundam cluster was a successful design.

Well, it can be used and added to the existing human-controlled Gundam.

The principle is also very simple. It only needs to establish a complete combat information chain to provide assistance to the driver of the Gundam.

Just like jet fighters, smart computers can even fly by themselves, meet enemies, evade, and save danger after continuous learning and passive instillation of information.

The reason why I didn’t do this before is because the Gundam is always active on the ground. Unlike the fighter planes flying thousands of miles high, the combat environment on the ground is more complicated, and external factors have a great influence. It only relies on computers to handle it. It is easy to make mistakes.

Therefore, Dean Zhou has always been worried that Gundam's information processing is slow, and the battlefield is changing rapidly, resulting in slow response and incalculable consequences.

But now it seems that he has considered too much.

In the Bone Dragon battle, Gundam advances and retreats in an orderly manner, flexible and changeable, without any slowness or sluggishness at all, just like a real person.

Of course, such a good effect can be achieved, except that it is the first time that Gundam is on the battlefield, and it is completely unopened.

In addition, because the battlefield is located in a remote area, sparsely populated, the air is clean, and no signal interference is also an external factor that cannot be ignored.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, and I didn't pay much attention to human-computer interaction, so this issue was put on hold.

Now, Dean Zhou has a clue about signal interference, anti-intrusion, and confidentiality work.

——After learning from 888, he quickly found a solution.

It only needs to change up to the original receiving frequency band, and then amplify, increase the frequency, and encrypt it. Although it is simple, the painstaking efforts of the 888 Institute are indispensable.

Then, the Gundam with the replaced brain was connected to the supercomputer cluster.

After the supercomputer is authorized, it will become like a honeycomb mother body. Even if it spans thousands of miles, it can synchronize and analyze the information sent back by Gundam in real time, find the best solution, and then send it back to Gundam.

This interaction process will be completed within millimeters, so that cloud combat can be truly realized.

Even, in order to deal with emergencies, in some extreme cases, Gundam can also carry small "hives", through usual learning and actual combat records, to further improve its intelligence.

Such a high-intelligence Gundam coupled with a driver is the correct way to combine two swords and become invincible in the world!

Another week passed, and Gundam was completely remodeled.

After conducting thousands of simulation tests, the obtained data satisfied Dean Zhou very much.

Looking at this new combat weapon, Dean Zhou smiled very happily.

The Gundam in front of me can be called a cross-age combat weapon, not the kind of artillery that was jokingly called before, covering a pile of iron lumps and firing gunpowder.

No matter the data or all aspects of offense and defense are satisfactory, only Mobai is not happy.

Because her tall and cool appearance comes from a high-tech robot in the future, she has been changed to be ugly...

But unfortunately, as a driver [driver], it is useless for her to give advice to Dean Zhou [builder], she can only choose to accept and adapt.

 Thanks to Takagi, who is good at raising maggots, for the 1000 points.

  Thanks to Xiang Xinyi for just asking to draw a card to get the King of Dumb Hair.

(End of this chapter)

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