Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 369 Why Are You So Powerful?

Chapter 369 Why Are You So Powerful?

Under the leadership of Dean Zhou, after working overtime, the new Gundam was made.

The rest is Mo Bai's business, and Dean Zhou can finally go home happily.

After working for so long, he has lived up to expectations and achieved impressive results. Whether it is for the scientific researchers below or the high-level bosses above, he finally has an explanation.

Not long after returning home, Lao Hu came to the door to apologize with tea, water, cigarettes and alcohol. After all, he scrapped all the mechas of the family, and he couldn't justify not doing anything.

Lao Hu was cautious and accompanied the conversation with a smile, while Dean Zhou sat on the sofa, reluctantly responding without saying a word.

Although two months have passed and the new Gundam has been reborn from the ashes, Dean Zhou still has a straight face.

——After all, it's rare to see Lao Hu's grandson so polite, Dean Zhou must want to have a better time.

A week later.

Institute No. 999.

Mo Bai is adapting to this combat weapon that has been completely changed from the inside to the outside.

She thought that the new Gundam would be difficult to operate, and she still needed to practice, but who knew, this Gundam was surprisingly simple and fit well.

With the prompting and cooperation of the smart computer, the previous cumbersome steps, such as trying to maintain balance when walking, maintaining the center of gravity when moving, measuring distance when aiming, etc., are all taken over by the smart computer.

She only needs to focus on fighting, press the fire button or give precise orders.

When he first boarded Gundam, Mo Bai was amazed as soon as he took over the smart computer.

This is simply tailor-made for her, and it is extremely smart, and even has a super powerful self-learning function.

As the communication between the two sides deepens, it can accurately record and infer the meaning in the vernacular words and actions.

There is nothing to say, facing such a humane and obedient baby, Mo Bai fell in love with it instantly, and even named it Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, you are right"

In the observation room on the side, Dean Zhou, who was always paying attention to Mo Bai's movements, explained with a smile.

"This is the huge amount of information collected based on your previous habits of driving Gundam and your daily training status. We will summarize, classify, streamline, and attach a certain sequence of logic to help you tailor-made a Gundam dedicated smart computer. , it is the only..."

Having said so much, Dean Zhou still didn't say some things.

——If such an awesome smart computer could be done, it would have been done a long time ago. It was Dean Zhou who asked Lin Yi for help.

Knowing that the intelligent two-dimensional navigation images at Taixing Airport were designed by Lin Yi, Dean Zhou is sure that Lin Yi is definitely a master in artificial intelligence and interaction.

The result was astonishing.

Such a small, no, microcomputer the size of a dime is simply astoundingly smart.

Not to mention the basic dialogue, it can even distinguish the mood of the current interlocutor according to the tone and expression, and choose an appropriate answer.

Moreover, through later learning, its IQ can even reach the level of a 10-year-old child.

Of course, this is based on Dean Zhou's simulation experiment. Whether it is really possible or not is a matter of opinion, but as far as it is concerned, the speed, algorithm, and intelligence it shows have already shocked Dean Zhou greatly.

Sometimes, Dean Zhou is thinking, this Miss Lin is young, by the looks of it, she is less than 20 years old?
It's okay to be pretty, but why is she so good in every field?

Moreover, he can use magic and supernatural powers!

Could it be that she is really an alien?
Looks young, but has actually lived for thousands of years?
After some brainstorming, Dean Zhou became dejected again.

There is no way to prove these things he thinks, he can only be happy in his heart.

Hey, Miss Lin, you are such a fan~
Even if the real identity of the other party cannot be known, the tone has already been set.

——Miss Lin is our good friend, you can trust her.

Then there was nothing to worry about, and Dean Zhou began to contact the other party.

Letting the other party come here to visit is different from inviting the other party to make a move. There must be benefits. Otherwise, why should they do things for you?
Equivalent exchange, Dean Zhou understands.

But ordinary money and property rights are not rare, and the price for asking this thousand-year-old alien to make a move is alien materials.

999 Institute, as a high-tech research and development center, must have these things, plus someone's apology last time, and Lin Yi didn't want much, so the two parties hit it off and the deal was completed.

A week later, the item arrived.

Then, out of nowhere, the sound of the wind,

Knowing that Lin Yi has built a super computer, the higher-ups are unceremonious to play Qiufeng.

From the inside to the outside, check [copy] this coin-sized smart computer completely.

What hardware, software, logic, calculation, simulation, experiment, as long as you like it, pack it all up and take it away.

If it weren't for the fact that this Gundam is also a new technology and ultra-modern combat weapon, and this microcomputer is also specially made by Lin Yi, and some civilian modules of military equipment have been removed, Dean Zhou felt that the higher-ups would definitely take it away without hesitation.

After dealing with the bosses above, the next ones are the major companies.

Huawei, Penguin, Awai, etc., all came to visit in the name of learning, and Dean Zhou couldn't refuse. After all, these are domestic taxpayers, one of the best big companies, and they are also ranked in the world. Within the top 500.

The scientific researchers who looked at them all stared at the "coin" and yelled, excited.

Dean Zhou can actually understand these people's gaffes.

After all, where the running score data of this thing is placed, it can be said to beat any micro-processing equipment on the market, whether it is for civilian or military use.

So, good stuff, everyone is jealous!
But unfortunately there is only one.

It is difficult to copy.

This kind of highly integrated equipment composed of thousands of parts has no drawings, dimensions, ideas, and directions, and a slight deviation can make the final result completely different.

So, looking at Mobai, who was having a great time driving a Gundam in the training ground, Dean Zhou sighed.

Hey, you are so happy, but you are so envious of others...

A week later.


East of Haishi, a suburb 80 kilometers away from the city center.

This is an unfinished building that was temporarily put on hold because the developer ran away with his sister-in-law.

Under the dark night, this high-rise building with about 10 floors stood alone.

On this piece of land, except for this office building which has already laid the foundation and built a skeleton, the rest of the land is overgrown with weeds, desolate and dilapidated.

Because the land has been taken back by the court and is still being auctioned openly, it is naturally not allowed to move until the formalities are completed.

During this period of neglect, because no one took care of it, the place became a gathering place for wild cats, dogs, wild boars and homeless people.

 Thanks to book friend 20190603194235591, Shanjiao Cat for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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