Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 371 Long-distance Combat

Chapter 371 Long-distance Combat

"Big bear is in place!"

"The sketch is in place!"

"One, three, five groups are ready!"

Reports came through the earphones, and Milk Tea nodded secretly. Seeing that his subordinates were all ready, Milk Tea nodded to the person in charge of Institute 999, motioning for him to enter the venue.

Soon, after a phone call, the special heavy-duty truck parked outside slowly opened the rear door, and then carefully dragged out a huge object covered in camouflage cloth. Judging from its outline, it was completely impossible to tell what it was.

The answer was quickly revealed.

The camouflage cloth was torn off by the staff, and a lying Gundam robot appeared in front of everyone. Under the action of the gravity machine, the Gundam was slowly straightened up and placed on the ground.

Then, with the help of the staff, the body restraints are lifted.

This Gundam is different from the one that milk tea saw for the first time in 999.

The human features of this machine are more obvious, without the mechanical sense of cold metal, without those sharp lines, and with a lot of killing breath, it becomes smoother.

Although it is still a machine, it has become more in line with the structure of the human body as a whole, and may be more flexible?
Why is there a totem-like column on the back?
What's that, a battery?

Or a weapon?

Just when Milk Tea was brainstorming about Gundam, the driver came, and it was none other than the girl with a ponytail that Milk Tea had seen in 999, Mo Bai.

The other party didn't come to the meeting just now. It seemed that they were delayed by something urgent, but they were also on the same channel, and they heard it all the time, but they didn't arrive at the scene.

Seeing the milk tea, the other party nodded, and then looked up and down towards the milk tea, meowing for a while, then turned and left, and walked towards the unfinished building.

Milk tea: Meow?

On the hillside one kilometer away, Big Bear also saw the Gundam through the scope.

After all, it's hard not to pay attention to a guy who is so tall when erected.

"I X, this is their secret weapon, a Gundam, tsk tsk, it's really handsome!"

Because the headset was still connected, Xiaopin and others soon looked over.

"Niu x"


"Give me one too!"

To be honest, facing a pilotable mecha that breaks through the dimensional wall and appears in reality, what hot guy doesn't like it?

Ten minutes later, Mobai's Gundam and the dragon group joined together to complete the layout of the encirclement. After re-discussing and discussing, Hongdou also gave a battle plan according to local conditions.

After reading the Gundam data given by Dean Zhou, and after a series of evaluations, Gundam stood directly at the center of the storm—the sixth floor of the unfinished building, facing the lightning.

——The fighter plane is activated, welcome, Lieutenant Colonel Mobai.

Mobai entered Gundam, and a female voice she was familiar with rang in her ears.

Then the Gundam conducts a self-test, and within 10 seconds, all the green lights are on, and then go out quickly.

"Get ready"


— is observing the external environment.

- Analyzing possible targets.

- is looking for the best solution.


As soon as Mobai's voice fell, Smart Xiaobai took over Gundam and started a series of pre-war matters such as analysis and matching.

——In the past, these cumbersome things required Mo Bai to input and adjust them one by one. At that time, Mo Bai could not trust the computer.

Of course, this is not to say that the previous Gundam is not intelligent, but compared with the current Xiaobai...

Soon, a message came from Hongdou's side, and after receiving it, Mo Bai entered some common sense information about alien beasts and precautions for battles from Milk Tea and Hongdou into the computer one by one.

Xiaobai immediately began to analyze, overturned part of the plan just now, and started again.

Mobai's side is nervously making pre-war preparations, but Longzu's side has already made arrangements.

Because the cooperation mission this time is quite special, most of the people selected by the milk tea are good at sniping.

As for close combat, less than ten were picked.

Because in the face of alien beasts, close combat is stupid and dangerous.

The fewer melee units with the highest level of danger, the more damage can be reduced. In the past, there was no way, but today, there are Gundam machines in front of them. From the perspective of coordination and safety, it is naturally better to use long-range firepower.

According to the plan that had been drawn up long ago, the masters of the dragon team were scattered at various commanding heights around the unfinished building.

Even, they were all one kilometer away in order not to scare the snake away.

After all, what we have to face now is not human beings, but alien creatures.

Its ability is really elusive. If the opponent can fly, teleport, or see through, and can penetrate the defense line without hindrance, it will be more dangerous. Therefore, it is better to put the defense line farther away during the insurance period.

In addition, the advantage of being far away is that the encirclement network can be expanded as much as possible. In case of abnormalities in the circle, there can also be sufficient reaction time to formulate countermeasures here.

To strike a target one kilometer away, this distance may be a bit far for a conventional miniaturized combat team, but it is not a big problem for the dragon team.

For the smooth operation of this battle, the dragon group is equipped with the latest improved and enhanced Type 10 anti-material sniper rifles.

It has a maximum range of 2 kilometers and an effective range of up to 1.5 kilometers.

Equipped with special 12.7mm bullets, the power can easily penetrate 5MM steel plates.

In the hands of a sniper master, it can even shoot a tank at a distance of 800 miles.

But don't look at the gun's stats so powerful, in fact, the scope is its body.

If this gun can sell for 3 yuan, then the scope can be sold for [-] yuan if it is disassembled alone.

Because the scope of the Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle is not only a scope, but also an individual fire control system.

What is a fire control system?

To put it simply, when a target appears, it can realize the autonomous search and identification of the target, and can also automatically calculate the external conditions and trajectory, calculate the compensation parameters required by the weapon, and automatically compensate.

It can even be connected to the data link when needed, which is very informationized and intelligent.

Therefore, the dragon team has the confidence to spread the encirclement so far.

Such a large encirclement can not only strike opponents within a safe and effective distance, but also allow oneself to stand on the battlefield from the perspective of God, monitor the battlefield from a long distance, and provide firepower assistance to Gundam, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Moreover, in order to ensure the safety of this mission, the dragon team has also prepared a strong backup.

Under this unfinished building, many super electromagnetic guns-land mines were buried. If the wartime deteriorates and there is a danger of losing control, they will be blown up directly.

(End of this chapter)

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