Chapter 372 Climber

9 pm.

A snow-capped mountain nearly [-] meters above sea level.

The north wind is howling, and the snow is all over the sky. Under the moonlight, this restricted area for humans looks extremely cold and beautiful.

Although there are mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the world and explorers who are full and have nothing to do to conquer the world's highest peak every day, at night, no matter how powerful or experienced the old driver is, he dare not go up the mountain .

But there are always people who don't believe in evil and think that human beings are the masters of this world.

But after freezing to death, falling to death, and countless iron men who were made into specimens were buried under the mountain and became nourishment, all climbers understood a fact.

Going up the mountain late at night, it is undoubtedly lighting a lantern in the hut - looking for shit.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

Next to the top of the mountain, in a depression made up of several protruding stones, Zhang Shan shrank into a ball, hugging himself tightly.

In this one-square-meter cave surrounded by snow, Zhang Shan is staring at the only light source in front of him—a small LED incandescent lamp.

Even though his beard and eyebrows were covered with ice, he didn't dare to blink, for fear that the light would go out if he blinked.

Wearing gloves, a hood, and a mask, he shrinks tighter and tighter, but even though his whole body is tightly wrapped, he can still clearly feel the temperature on his body slowly passing away.

Hearing the howling of the north wind outside, Zhang Shan felt as if there was a devil whispering in his ears.



Zhang Shan shrank his neck and shook his head vigorously.

He forced himself not to think about the things that made him afraid, but desperately turned his almost frozen mind, trying to think about some happy, bright, and positive things that made him happy.

Three years in high school with excellent grades.

He performed well in the college entrance examination. Between Qingbei and Lan Xiang, he chose Lan Xiang.

Graduated from Lan Xiang half a year ago.

Started a company a year later.

Start making money in the second year.

Opened a branch in the third year, and then went all the way, smoothly.

Then there is the debauchery, luxury cars and beauties.

After indulging for a while, he felt bored, and then began to bravely climb the peak and experience a different life.

Climbing started before dawn in the morning. Although the mountain was covered with snow and the mountain road was difficult, there were guides, bodyguards, and high-tech mountaineering equipment. Zhang Shan and his party went smoothly. In the afternoon, they reached the top of the mountain.

Zhang Shan is full of fighting spirit, thinking that the world's highest peak is nothing more than that.

Thinking about reaching the summit for the first time, how should I brag when I go back.

But who would have thought that just after setting off from the temporary camp in the afternoon, the originally clear sky would change instantly.

The clouds were dense, the lightning flashed and thundered, and it even started to rain lightly.

In this extreme weather where dripping water turns into ice, the rain falls on the ground, making the whole ground extremely smooth, and you will fall if you are not careful. If you are on the edge of a cliff, then...

Faced with such dangerous weather, the guide tried his best to dissuade him.

But Zhang Shan, who is ignorant and fearless, disagrees. How can he give up halfway when he is about to reach the top of the mountain?

Without hesitation, he ordered the bodyguard to carry the guide up, but the guide had no choice but to appoint him.

But immediately, Zhang Shan regretted it.

A group of people climbed more than ten meters in the snow and rain. The bodyguards and guides he hired fell into the cliff in a sudden blizzard.

Only he, lying on the ground, survived by luck.

A group of more than ten people was instantly wiped out.

Recalling the screams of his subordinates and bodyguards when they fell into the cliff, Zhang Shan turned pale and trembled all over.

Still in shock, he immediately walked down the mountain, but it was easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. He couldn't and didn't dare to walk fast, for fear that if he was not careful, he would follow in the footsteps.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and Zhang Shan walked slower and slower.

Then he found sadly that the few resources he had on him could not support him to go down the mountain at all.

With no one to accompany him, no one to help him, he had no choice but to find a place to hide.

It's better to freeze to death than to fall to death, he comforted himself, and if he was lucky, he might survive the night.

But now...

Zhang Shan no longer has illusions.

Because he found that his mind was becoming more and more dull, and he couldn't even solve such a simple math problem as dy/dx=(xy^2-cosxsinx)/(y(1-x^2)), y(0)=2 to find y. Calculate it in your head.

This shows that his intelligence has begun to degenerate, and he knows that he is probably on the verge of dying.

As the LED lights dimmed, he shrunk tighter and tighter.

Maybe tomorrow I will be found by others, but at that time, I may be a corpse, and I will be frozen hard.

Finally, with a snap, he landed on his face and fell down.

Sensing the icy snow, he was unable to stand up, his eyelids became heavier and his breathing became lighter and lighter.

So be it……

As soon as his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness.

Call ~
Call ~
While the snowflakes were flying, the LED light went out completely.

Not long after the lights dimmed, a white figure suddenly appeared nearby.

She was wearing a thin white dress, and her beautiful long hair danced in the snowflakes.

I don't know how she suddenly appeared in such an extremely evil place, and she was dressed so thinly that she didn't feel cold at all.

Raising her head, she looked around, then took two steps, stopped again, and looked again, as if she was looking for something.

But looking carefully, she was actually floating on the snow wearing white sandals, leaving no footprints where she just walked.

Fortunately, there is no one else in this restricted area for humans, otherwise, seeing such a weird scene, they would definitely faint from fright.

And this mysterious girl who suddenly appeared on the top of the snow mountain was not alone. Behind her was a husky-sized golden cat. It looked like a cat but was more fierce than a cat. Grim tiger.

"Mm~ it should be here"

Lin Yi looked in the direction, and then took two steps to the south.

If I remember correctly, the thousand-year-old snow lotus I saw last time should be on the side of the cliff in this place.

But because of the unpredictable climate and changeable terrain of the snow mountain, Lin Yi couldn't be sure, so he could only observe again.

At this time, the sky is still dark, only the white snow that can be seen everywhere reflects a bright star.

She raised her feet and walked to the south, beside her, there seemed to be a transparent shield, keeping the complicated snowflakes away.

Seeing Lin Yi's movements, Rhubarb, who was licking his paws, followed immediately.

Just half a step away, Lin Yi stopped, then tilted her head to look somewhere.


Lin Yi shouted, the meaning in his eyes was very clear.


Rhubarb was a little reluctant, but he couldn't show it.

In fact, it spotted someone covered by heavy snow early in the morning. After all, its nose could smell the smell of dried fish on the shelves of Meiyijia 10 kilometers away, so its sensitivity is not covered.

It's just that at the beginning, it just wanted to pretend not to know.

It is a cat, a cat from another world, and that one is a human being, so it has nothing to do with me, if it dies, it will die.

However, since Lin Yi spoke up, he had to go.

This time, I finally came out with great difficulty, but I couldn't let the other party be dissatisfied and send myself back in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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