Chapter 373 Dior


Lin Yi gave the order, but Rhubarb dared not disobey.

It meowed, then walked over with catwalks, unceremoniously, stretched its paw into the snowdrift, and lifted someone out.

Looking at the man who seemed to be in shock, Da Huang lowered his head and sniffed with his nose.

Uh, more air intake, less air output, take a breath for about 1 minute, hey, he's about to burp.

Seeing Rhubarb rescued the unlucky guy, Lin Yi flew over lightly. She didn't need to smell it, she could tell at a glance that this person was going to die.

However, he was lucky to meet himself in this ice and snow field with an altitude of nearly [-] meters...

Looking up at the beautiful snowflakes flying all over the sky, Lin Yi stretched out her right hand and snapped her fingers lightly.

Pa, the snowflakes in the sky seemed to be attracted, and gathered in front of her with a whiff.

Countless complicated snowflakes kept spinning, converging, and gradually solidified. After a while, a snowball the size of a ping-pong ball with an extremely smooth surface appeared in front of Lin Yi.

"Enchanting - Light"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the little snowball started to glow with a bang.

"Enchanting - Warmth"

"Enchanting - Time Limit"

After applying several enchantments to the snowball, the snowball has completely changed.

It floated lightly in the air, emitting a warm white light.

Looking carefully through the white light, the entire sphere is crystal clear, more like a high-quality luminous pearl.

Beckoning, Snowball flew over, and Lin Yi stretched out his palm to feel the temperature.

Mmm~ just right.

Then she waved.

It was as if a hurricane was howling, and the snowflakes in front of him were blown away directly.

Even the frozen obsidian-like ground under his feet was blown out of a hole.

Not too big and not too small, just enough to fit one person.

Seeing Lin Yi dug a hole, Rhubarb was very interested, and dragged the unlucky guy in without waiting for Lin Yi's orders.

Afterwards, the snowball made by Lin Yi also flew over, hovered beside the other party, and started heating.

"Go, go."

Lin Yi turned and left, and Rhubarb happily followed.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Shan woke up suddenly. Feeling the warmth around him in a daze, he continued to sleep with his eyes closed without even thinking about it.

But after turning over, he woke up.

Something is wrong, why is this bed so hard.

When he touched it, he realized that he was on the ground, and then he heard the whistling sound next to his ear, and he suddenly woke up.


As soon as he sat up, he hit the stone directly.

Covering his head, he yelled ouch, while watching the heavy snow outside, the weather was freezing cold, and his brain suddenly couldn't react.

I went up the mountain in the morning, and then I was in distress...

Wait, I didn't freeze to death?

Until then, he didn't see the snowball hanging in the air.

what is this?
Sensing the warmth emanating from the other person, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Huh~ It's so warm and comfortable.

But how could it float in the air?
Could it be that there are gods on this mountain? !

He was shocked from ear to ear by this guess.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Lin Yi finished walking the cat, and came back from the top of the snow mountain with rhubarb that he still couldn't get enough of.

She first arranged a silent assembly outside Lin Xiaoxi's room door, and then began to process the snow lotus and herbs brought back.

Sorting, washing, drying, and storing the snow lotus and those herbs. For ordinary people, this process may take a week, two weeks or even half a month, but for Lin Yi, a few minutes is enough.

Just when she finished her selection and was about to dry it, a wave that did not belong to this plane came quietly.

Putting down the snow lotus in her hand, she looked somewhere.

Mmm~ It's coming.

"Watch out, it's here!"

The warning of milk tea came from the earphone suddenly, and Mo Bai immediately clenched the joystick tightly and entered the fighting state.

- A change in the driver's heart rate is detected.

- Start analyzing the external environment.

— There is an abnormal energy overflow.

——ready to fight...

Smart Xiaobai also started working at the same time.

After analyzing various possible factors, it suggested that Mobai should take precautions when the situation is unclear.

Nodding, Mobai clicked on the screen.

She first looked at the 360° holographic image from where the milk tea came from, and then took a general look at the fire support around her. After thinking for less than a second, she took a step back gently, and put the three-meter-long sword horizontally. Before, make a defensive posture.

At the moment when the dragon-like lightning disappeared, a thunder suddenly sounded in the room.

There is a kind of meaning that after you sing, I will appear on the stage.

Then, in the smoke and dust stirred up by the thunder, a vague figure came out, not tall, not big, but with unspeakable oppression, making Mo Bai take a step back unconsciously.

She gripped the joystick tightly and stared at the figure intently.

What would it be?

Or river crab?

Soon, the smoke cleared, and Mo Bai, who was nervous, saw a strange human being.

His appearance and height are about the same as that of a human being.

A pair of long and pointed ears protruded from the conspicuous fluffy white long hair, but because of the tight cover, only a tip protruded, and it was hard to tell whether it was real or not.

In addition to this white hair, what is even more strange is that his eyes are blue, and there are strange green facial lines painted on his face. Older.

That's right, this is an old-outsider-intruder who is probably over 60 years old.

But even at his age, Mo Bai did not dare to relax.

Because the corner of the other party's mouth is still clearly showing a disdainful sneer, and the objects on the back only show two handles, but according to Xiao Bai's analysis, it is definitely not a crutch, it should be two swords.


Xiaobai has already fed back the captured information to Milk Tea as soon as possible.

Because this is Mo Bai's first time fighting against a strange beast, even though she has gone through many simulated battles in the laboratory, she lacks actual combat, so she naturally has to obey Milk Tea's command.

"Don't panic, leave it to us"

The sound of milk tea's confidence came quickly.

"Don't do it, try it first"

During the conversation between the two, I saw the old man from the other world on the opposite side pat the dust on his body, then he narrowed his eyes and looked around lazily, as if he was interested in the gun-wielding soldiers hiding behind the bunkers, as well as from the soldiers. He didn't care about the murderous aura emanating from his body.

It was only when he saw the huge 3-meter-high mecha driven by Mo Bai that he became interested. After a few glances, he took two steps forward without any fear.

Mo Bai, on the other hand, followed Milk Tea's instructions and retreated temporarily.

Seeing that the other party didn't follow, but stopped, Mo Bai also temporarily stopped, but the guard he should have didn't decrease at all.

Looking at the old man who was close at Chichi, she still had doubts at this moment.

Is this an alien creature?
Shouldn't it be inexplicable?
Why does it look like a coser at an anime convention?

Also, it doesn't seem to be doing any damage.

Just now the other party appeared from the lightning, because she couldn't see her appearance, and it was the first time she encountered such a situation, Mo Bai thought it was something strange, so she thought about it wildly, which made her heart tense up unconsciously, causing Burden, feel oppressed.

But now, seeing a human-like outsider standing in front of her, she naturally has no fear.

(End of this chapter)

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