Chapter 376

Feeling that he was locked in all directions, Dio didn't panic. He used the Gundam as a shield and rolled towards the opponent.

Naturally, the front of the Gundam will not be attacked by the dragon group, but bullets from other directions still arrive as scheduled.

At this moment of crisis, Dior showed his strength as a death knight.

Passing through the gap between his legs, after passing through the Gundam, he bent down, rolled on the ground, and then bounced up quickly as if a shell had landed, pointing his toes, and began to jump rapidly.

The figure was erratic, nimble like a swift, and his speed was so fast that even his moving track was blurred. With his sharp body skills and experienced experience, Dior dodged all the deadly bullets that could shatter when hit.

Although the powerful 12.7mm bullet failed to hit, its kinetic energy did not decrease at all.

The bullets whizzed, tore through the air, and shattered the one-meter-thick concrete wall.

Fortunately, the melee team had already evacuated early under the order of milk tea, otherwise, just look at the cement wall to know the consequences.

With a crash, the three-meter-wide and one-meter-thick load-bearing wall shook twice, and collapsed with a thud.

Its collapse set off a chain reaction.

One after another, the top three floors of unfinished buildings with only six floors collapsed.

Even the bullets couldn't hit Dio, so these collapsed walls naturally wouldn't pose a threat to him.

In the dusty smoke, Dio turned over a few times, and lightly landed on a broken railing.

He looked down and saw the disgraced soldiers who were still raising their guns at him. Sensing the murderous intent of the opponent, he narrowed his eyes coldly.

Such a low-level human being almost hurt him, which made him very upset.

By this time, he already understood that these human beings in the vicinity are only paralyzing, while those lying in wait in the distance are the killing moves.

Well, in that case, you all go to hell!
He tiptoed, and was about to jump down, clean up these soldiers, and then go to clean up the dregs in the distance.

Suddenly, the rotten bricks on the broken floor under his feet were bounced away, and a flash of lightning came close to his face.

It was Mo Bai who was hiding under the ruins and looking for a gap!
Hmph, bug carving trick!

Dio gave a disdainful smile, turned the activated rune sword lightly, and flicked the electromagnetic away casually.

But who knew, the electromagnetism after the bounce did not dissipate directly, but spread out instantly, turning into a big net.

Dio was shocked.

At the same time as the big net came, the familiar palpitations came from all directions again.


Dio gritted his teeth.

A momentary carelessness put him in a two-man situation.

Dodge the net, or dodge the bullet.

But at this moment, there was no time for him to think about it. In an instant, he made a decision to resist the electromagnetic network.

The electromagnetic net was directly covering his body, and in a moment of numbness, deadly bullets also hit him one after another.

With the restriction of the big net, Dio knew that he couldn't dodge, so he could only lift up the rune swords and stagger each other in front of him.

The invisible bullet knocked it down with a huge impact, and with a plop, Dior flew three or four meters away before falling into the ruins.


Daxiong looked through the scope for a long time, but couldn't find the opponent's figure.

"Probably not..."

The skit from another angle didn't see Dior either.

"I gonna go see"

The black-white Gundam pushed away the rotten bricks and broken cement slabs that were pressing on him, and stood up.

The current Gundam is covered in paint and dust, and it looks like it has been drilled out of a garbage dump.

Holding the big knife, she slowly walked towards the direction where Dio fell.

"Xiaobai, turn on the thermal imaging and look for life forms"


——Found the target, five meters ahead.

--Be careful!

Xiaobai's warning was interrupted before it was fully issued.

There was a whistling sound, followed by a flash of white light.

Before Mo Bai had time to react, he felt the body shaking.

Then there was another bang, as if something had fallen to the ground.

She lowered her head and saw that it was her own big knife, which fell to the ground for some reason.

She turned around quickly.

Half of the rune sword pierced Gundam's right shoulder straight, and under the blessing of Dior's huge strength, the broken sword pierced deeply.

The joint between the shoulder and the body was on fire, and Mobai, who was wearing a helmet, even smelled a burnt smell. It seemed that the damage was serious, so she shouted hastily.


— Damaged right arm.

— Alternate plans are being activated.

- Failed to start, it will take time to restart again.

Just then, Dio stepped out of the shadows.

His originally flowing white long hair was a little messy, and his body was also covered with dust, but although he looked a little embarrassed, he didn't seem to be injured.

Holding the only rune sword, he stared fiercely at Gundam.

——shou, si!

He yelled, and started running, about to go up and finish off the machine, and then go to take away those wretched villains who can only shoot coldly.

But at this moment, he who was rushing forward suddenly stopped.

Before putting away the rune sword, he carefully looked left and right, and then suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

Mo Bai: Meow? ? ?

Mo Bai was also confused by the other party's coquettish operation, and she unconsciously looked up when she was retreating.

But there was nothing in the dark sky, not even stars.


But looking at someone who was obviously on guard and stroking around cautiously, Mo Bai felt that he shouldn't.

But no matter what, it was a good thing for the other party to stop, so she hurriedly ordered.

"Xiaobai, fix it"

In the sky above the two of them, at some time, a white figure quietly appeared.

She was wearing a white dress, standing with her hands behind her back, the thin skirt fluttering in the wind, light and elegant, coupled with her slender figure, she looked like a fairy.

But the strange thing is that the vast black sky and the conspicuous white are so eye-catching under this contrast, but the people below seem to be unable to see it at all.

M, I'm late.

Lin Yi glanced down casually, just in time to see that Dior was hit by a sniper and fell into the ruins, then showed weakness and waited for Mo Bai to take the bait...

Mmm~ It looks like I missed a lot of fun.

Lin Yi stretched out her right hand and tapped her lips, with an inexplicable smile on her delicate face.

After returning from the top of the snow mountain, Lin Yi felt that the fluctuations had already appeared. Lin Yi originally thought that the strange beasts this time should also be some stupid, tall and ugly creatures.

And the dragon group will definitely arrive as soon as possible. As an enthusiastic citizen, I don't need to go too early.

Therefore, she decided to deal with the tea materials on hand first, and it would not be too late to rush there.

But unexpectedly, what appeared this time was not cats, cats and dogs, but a humanoid creature that seemed to have intelligence. Besides this, the dragon group also surprised her a little.

Their mecha technology is so mature that they can compete with alien creatures in a 1vs1 situation without losing the wind.

Of course, the opponent is a purely physical monster without magic, which also accounts for part of the reason, but this level is already very powerful.

One is driving a Gundam, the other is from another world, and two intelligent creatures are fighting, which is much better than a one-sided savage hunting.

Mu~ If I knew it, I would have come earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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