Chapter 377 Explosion
Lin Yi moved lightly, took a few steps in the void, and then looked around, finding a suitable place to watch.

Then she snapped her fingers lightly, and countless white light spots gathered in the air and slowly formed.

First, a sharp point appeared, and then a circular arc appeared. Immediately, a small moon was fabricated by Lin Yi out of thin air.

Holding the tip of the moon, Lin Yi held up the hem of her skirt, and sat gently on the moon, shaking her feet while watching the play leisurely.

Hum~ It's very powerful, comparable to the iron bump on the opposite side.

This sword seems to have some kind of magic attached to it, using the runestones on it as an activation medium.

Huh~ The perception is also very keen, and you know my general position.

But it's not enough~
Sure enough, alien creatures with intelligence are much cuter than those bones with no IQ at all.

Come on, I like you~
Sitting on the moon, Lin Yi rested his chin on his right hand, with a smile on his face, watching everything that happened below.

"Xiaobai, fix it!"

80% of Gundam's body is composed of memory metal, and the rest is composed of a small amount of carbon fiber.

It can be said that as long as it is not extremely damaged, the memory metal with a certain degree of elongation can recover slowly by itself.

— is being repaired.

——It is estimated that the repair is 50% complete, and the right arm is still unusable.

——Attention, the target is fast approaching!
Xiaobai suddenly issued a warning.

Suddenly feeling strange fluctuations, Dio immediately stopped and looked around, but after searching for a long time, he didn't find anything unusual, and everything was as usual, quietly.

There were enemies everywhere, so Dio stopped looking for them, and could only attribute the fluctuations just now to the special environment of the alien plane.

Holding the sword in his right hand, he rushed quickly, and according to the original plan, he was going to get rid of the machine lump in front of him first.

As he advanced rapidly, the rune sword in his hand shone brightly.

Dior swings from side to side and travels in a bend.

Dodging the sniper bullets whistling in the distance, he jumped up in front of Gundam, raised his strength, and stabbed with his sword.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, there is no way, Gundam can only back up while raising his left arm to block in front of him.

In the next second, the sharp sword struck.

It was as if a hammer had hit a hard rock, with a bang, the huge impact made Mo Bai dizzy, and at the same time, a small hole was instantly formed on the surface of the mech.

Seeing that he couldn't resist, Xiaobai quickly turned on the electromagnetic shield, but he still couldn't resist.

The rune sword penetrated the electromagnetic net and directly attacked the Gundam, and the surface of the rune sword seemed to be enchanted after emitting light. Even the electromagnetic net that can transmit everything of the hundred-tested lark was also bounced off, unable to break through the sword body and cause damage to the enemy.

In desperation, Mo Bai could only fight back in embarrassment, and kept backing away, and then she suddenly found that the broken sword pierced on her mecha seemed to be shining, interacting with the rune sword in Dio's hand.

Could it be some kind of magic link?
Without hesitation, Mo Bai directed Gundam to reach out and grab it.

One arm was destroyed and the other was occupied. Dio naturally wouldn't waste such a good opportunity. He took advantage of the opportunity and launched a crazy attack on the mecha.

A mecha, a strange beast, the two sides fought fiercely among the ruins.

Milk Tea, who was watching the battle, was worried to death. She could see that Gundam was not only injured, but was also being suppressed so hard that he might collapse in the next second.

"Bear, shoot!"

"What, afraid of accidental injury? Can't hit?"


"Demoman, get ready"

"If Xiaobai can't handle it, just blow it up for me!"

"It's okay, I'll take care of it!"

Milk Tea guessed right, Mobai's place is indeed full of dangers.

After resisting several sword strikes, Mo Bai managed to pull out the broken sword, but after turning on the electromagnetic shield, she still couldn't defend against the opponent.

Seeing Dio's disdainful smile, Mo Bai knew he had been fooled.

The enemy strikes again.

Mo Bai closed his eyes.

In the ear, the smart computer Xiaobai kept sending out warnings. The damage of the mecha had reached the point where it was almost impossible to fight back. There was no way, Mobai could only choose to fight desperately.

She sighed helplessly in her heart.

Hey, Dean Zhou, you crow mouth...

Only with your secret weapon...

Turning on the call button, Mo Bai shouted decisively.

"Milk tea, I'm ready!"

While speaking, Dio stabbed again. Not surprisingly, his sword was the last straw that broke the camel's back, and could make the entire mecha useless.

The light on the rune sword surged, and Dio was still on guard, turning back and marching. When he saw the mecha that had given up resistance, he jumped up without mercy and stabbed head-on.

When the sword tip was only [-] centimeter away from the mech, he suddenly felt a shock in his heart. The feeling like a needle prick made him terrified.

Without hesitation, Dior, who rushed into the air, retracted his sword abruptly, stepped on his right foot with his left foot, and flipped backwards on an iron bridge.

Retreat, he retreated quickly!

Unfortunately, it's still too late.

The mech in front of Dior exploded without warning.

And one second before the explosion, Mo Bai had already been ejected.

"Fry him meow!"

Seeing Mobai's signal, Milk Tea immediately followed, making his subordinates detonate all the electromagnetic mines underground without hesitation.

Amidst the huge tremors and roars, countless bright lights shot out from the ground.

At that moment, everyone seemed to see the sun.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, even if they were on guard, they were still blinded by the dazzling light.

Above the clouds.

Lin Yi already knew about Milk Tea and the others' plan, so she cast a spell ahead of time to cover it up.

But in fact, this level of brightness told her that she didn't need to be on guard at all, even if she didn't do anything, she would not be affected by the brightness.

Sitting on the artificial moon she made, she looked down.

Mmm, it's not dead.

It stands to reason that a purely physical monster who doesn't know any magic, and is a common carbon-based creature, has a pitifully small chance of surviving an explosion of this magnitude.

But Lin Yi discovered that under the violent impact of the chained electromagnetic landmines, the opponent actually relied on the shield released by the rune sword in his hand to hold on.

It can be seen that the runes on this rune sword are indeed interesting. At a glance, they are quite similar to their own enchantments.

Lin Yi was a little curious.

So, she took a step forward and appeared behind Dio in an instant.

"Ni, shi, shui?!"

Sensing something behind him, he finally withstood the deadly electromagnetic shock, but Dio, who was at the end of his strength, immediately turned around.

But facing Lin Yi, he was still too weak.

He only vaguely saw a touch of white, and then lost consciousness.

Before everyone from the dragon group arrived, Lin Yi reached out to take the sword.

 Thanks to book friends 20170422163512764 for rewarding
(End of this chapter)

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