Chapter 207
"What do you think of a monthly salary of [-] plus [-] pet expenses?" Cheng Feng said patiently.

The little girl was in a daze without moving, and then she suddenly shouted in surprise: "Cheng Feng! You are Cheng Feng!"

Cheng Feng smiled, nodded, then put on the mask again, and said, "How is it? Have you thought it through?"

The little girl was so excited, she kept nodding her head, but suddenly shook her head again, Cheng Feng was surprised, logically speaking, his salary was very high, so why is this little girl dissatisfied?
"Do you have any difficulties? Is there something you are not satisfied with?"

"No, no! I am very satisfied, I am your fan! I am one hundred... no! 1 satisfied!

But I want to tell the boss, let him send someone to take care of it tomorrow, otherwise the pets here will starve. "

It's also the same reason. I didn't expect this little girl to be quite responsible.

After a while, the little girl explained the situation to the owner of the pet shop. Although the other end of the phone seemed a little dissatisfied, she had already made up her mind to go, and the owner of the pet shop had no choice but to agree that she would come over to take care of the pet shop in person tomorrow.

Cheng Feng asked the girl to get in the car with him, and as the car drove, a high-end villa area came into view.

Cheng Feng asked the girl to follow him, and the two entered a villa.

The villa is beautifully decorated, with a total area of ​​[-] square meters, with its own garden and swimming pool.

The villas with a total price of 3000 million are not top-notch, but they are almost the same.

Cheng Feng bought a finished house with all the furniture and facilities. Then Cheng Feng handed over the key to the villa to the little girl and said, "Okay, this is where you will work for my dog ​​in the future."

"Is this your home?" The little girl looked curiously at the surrounding furnishings.

Cheng Feng shook his head and said: "I live in a hotel for a long time, it is more convenient there, this is the villa I bought specially for raising dogs a few days ago."

"Oh... um!" The little girl was taken aback when she heard the words, and then asked in disbelief, "You bought such a big house just to raise a dog?"

Cheng Feng nodded, and asked in confusion, "Yes, it's a villa for my little milk dog. What's wrong?"

What brain circuit is this?

I've heard of buying cars and houses for women, but this one bought a tens of millions of villas for a dog.

The little girl's name is Du Jingyi, and Cheng Feng already knew about it when he came here. Du Jingyi's ideal is to be a pet stylist.

Du Jingyi opened her big eyes, swallowed in disbelief, and then asked: "Then you must have a lot of dogs?"

"By the way! I almost forgot, just wait!"

Cheng Feng seemed to think of something, and hurried to the second floor, came down with a puppy in his arms, then handed it to Du Jingyi and said, "You will be its owner from now on, you'd better move to a villa, it will be convenient Take care of it."

"So it's just such a little one, don't you live here?"

"It's inconvenient. I've been staying in a hotel. Your job every day is to take care of it and tidy it up."


Du Jingyi whispered: "Actually, I also have pets. The young lady who shares the rent with me has adopted a lot of stray animals. I'm afraid she will be too busy without me."

Cheng Feng thought for a while and said: "It's okay, you ask her to move here to live with her, here are some rooms you can pick at will, and your adopted pets can also be raised here, anyway, this villa is prepared for raising pets."

"How much is the rent?"

"No need! I have prepaid the property fee for several years in advance, and the property management has negotiated with me to settle the water and electricity bills every year. Besides, there is a garden, swimming pool, and home appliances here. You just need to pay for the internet fee yourself. "

Speaking of this, Cheng Feng continued: "Didn't you just say that you also raised a few stray animals, so I will give you another [-] feeding fees every month, what do you think?"

"No! No! You've given me enough!"

Du Jingyi hurriedly shook her head in fright, what kind of boss is this!Doesn't it mean that capitalists treat their employees in an exploitative way?
Why did he come to Cheng Feng's place? He seemed to be taking advantage of others.

Finally, Cheng Feng took out the agreement prepared in advance, which stated Du Jingyi's work content and the respective obligations of both parties.

A monthly salary of [-], and a feeding fee of [-].

With a car, Cheng Feng will give a monthly subsidy of [-].

Du Jingyi's work content: The first is to be responsible for the sanitation of the living environment of pets and the sanitation of pets.

Article [-] Do a good job of pet prevention measures.

The third is responsible for feeding and pets going out to play.

After the two signed the agreement, Cheng Feng said: "Okay, this is the key card for entering and exiting the villa area.

Here are the car keys, the car is parked in the garage. "

"Oh oh oh……"

Du Jingyi blankly accepted the key card that Chengfeng gave him.

It was unbelievable for a while, there are still such jobs in the whole world!
"Oh, by the way, don't mention that I hired you. I'm afraid that the media will cause trouble." Cheng Feng was worried for a reason. He told others that he bought a villa and a car specially to raise a dog, and even paid for a girl to keep it. Know how a bunch of gossip media will fabricate.

Du Jingyi also understood that although her mind was pure, she was not stupid, so she nodded silently.

After Cheng Feng finished speaking, he asked a few words and told Du Jingyi that he was busy recently, so he would not come here, and he would come to see Xiaogangzhen when he was busy.

Xiao Gangbang is the name of this little milk dog picked up by Cheng Feng.

Because Cheng Feng found that this little guy was tough, so he chose such a name.

A villa in Nuo Da, until Cheng Feng left, Du Jingyi was alone in the villa holding Xiao Gangbang, looked at the little milk dog in her arms, no matter how dumb she was, she could tell that it was a little dirt dog .

For a little dog, did Cheng Feng really do this?

The next day...

In a rental house of tens of square meters, there are several cats and dogs, and a girl who looks to be about 25-[-]. At this time, she has dark circles under her eyes.

She didn't sleep all night last night, and a little girl she shared with her didn't come home all night.

She called the pet shop where the little girl worked, and the pet shop owner told her that the little girl resigned yesterday evening.

Call the little girl, the phone has been turned off.

The little girl is a simple-minded girl. She is only 19 years old, and she will be 20 years old in a few months. She dreams of becoming a pet stylist, so she works and saves money. She hopes that one day she has enough money to go to a training institution and learn systematically.

Came to this city full of crises alone, and became roommates with her. She was older than the little girl, and was unknowingly moved by the little girl's simplicity. The two adopted a stray dog ​​and two stray cats.

Looking at the time, it was almost nine o'clock. Wait for another hour. If Du Jingyi hasn't come yet, she will go to the police station to report the case in person.

Dangdang Dangdang!
There was a knock on the door, with dark circles under her eyes. When the girl was thinking wildly, she hurriedly came to her senses and hurried to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a pair of big eyes, with a smile on my face like a spring breeze, and shouted at her: "Sister Yiwen!"

This is Yiwen, whose full name is Chen Yiwen. He is an urban white-collar worker. Seeing that the girl she rented with has not returned all night, and only now came back, he asked loudly, "What did you do last night! It's scary, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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