The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 208 Sugar-coated Cannonballs

Chapter 208 Sugar-coated Cannonballs
"Sister Yiwen, listen to me."

"What are you talking about! Don't even make a phone call. Do you know how worried I was last night?"

"No, Sister Yiwen, I didn't bring a charger, and the phone was out of power, so I didn't call."

"Last night, what did you, a little girl, do at home!"

"I'm picking you up to live with me today. I've found a new place to live. The house in that place is so big." Du Jingyi said with her big eyes open.

Chen Yiwen frowned, wondering: "What are you talking about, why did you find a new residence, isn't it a good place to live here?"

Du Jingyi hurriedly explained: "It's not convenient to tell you, you trust me, pack up your things and follow me now, I guarantee you will be absolutely pleasantly surprised, the car is right below, I'm here to pick you up."

"Car! What car?" Chen Yiwen was curious, Du Jingyi hurriedly led her to the window, pointed to a car downstairs, and said, "Sister Yiwen, look, that's my car."

Seeing a million-dollar SUV parked downstairs under the window, Chen Yiwen couldn't believe it, then looked at Du Jingyi and asked, "Is this car really yours?"

"It's not mine, it's the car that comes with my new job, what do you think?"

"What job?"

"Pet breeder!"

"Nonsense! Why don't you say you're a giant panda breeder!"

Chen Yiwen frowned, curious: "What did you do last night? Did you meet Uncle Greasy, and wanted to keep you..."

"Oh! Am I that kind of person? Sister Yiwen, you have to trust me." Du Jingyi became impatient as she spoke, and started to pack her things regardless, including her own things and Chen Yiwen's things, two big suitcases.

Chen Yiwen stared blankly at the little girl in front of him, and murmured in his heart, thinking that although Du Jingyi had a simple mind, she would never be insane, and besides, there was indeed a car parked under the apartment.

Then the two carried the two adopted stray cats and a Shiba Inu into the car, and Chen Yiwen just sat in the passenger seat in a daze.

"You just got a driver's license, are you good at driving?" Chen Yiwen asked carefully, and Du Jingyi immediately said, "Don't worry, my driving talent is no joke."

Chen Yiwen had no choice but to sit in the co-pilot seat tremblingly.

She also wants to drive, but unfortunately she has never passed the driver's license test. In terms of driving talent, she is really not as good as Du Jingyi, who is less than 20 years old beside her.

The two packed up, the car started, and as time went by, the car drove to a busy area.

Gradually driving into a mansion area, there are villas standing tall, Chen Yiwen looked at the scenery outside the car window, and he understood a little bit, he couldn't believe it: "This is the place you said you lived?"

"Yes!" Du Jingyi agreed casually.

At this moment, she is concentrating on driving the vehicle. To be honest, Du Jingyi doesn't have much experience in driving on the road.

"Could it be that this little girl is a wealthy daughter who has experienced life, and today she plans to have a showdown with her to reveal her true identity?"

Chen Yiwen thought wildly for a while, then hurriedly calmed down, and told himself secretly: "No, you can't look too surprised, you must pretend to have seen the world, the clouds are light and the wind is light, the clouds are light and the wind is light."

Then the car of the two stopped in front of the iron gate of a villa. Du Jingyi got out of the car in a hurry, opened her arms and sang loudly: "Dang Dang Dang Dang! Sister Yi Wen, our new home has arrived!"

Chen Yiwen got out of the car and looked at the villa in front of him, stared at Du Jingyi suspiciously, and asked cautiously, "What does your family do?"

Du Jingyi was baffled by the question, and then she was confused: "Isn't my family just an ordinary family? Didn't I tell you that my college entrance examination results are not satisfactory.

That's why you came to Binhai to become a pet stylist, thinking of saving money to learn pet styling? "

"That's not right, could it be..." A thought suddenly popped up in Chen Yiwen's mind, Chen Yiwen's eyes widened, and he said solemnly: "Who gave you this house, is it a man or a woman?"

"The house was not given to me, but just let me take care of it. This is where I work. The owner of the house is a man."

With a snap, Chen Yiwen snapped his fingers, and then said: "Listen to my sister, that man has bad motives for you, sugar-coated cannonballs, his usual tricks to seduce little girls.

Let's go back, don't be fooled! "

Speaking of Chen Yiwen, she was about to get in the car and leave. Du Jingyi hurriedly stepped forward to hold Chen Yiwen and begged: "Sister Yiwen, it's not what you think, you go in with me first, and you will understand what's going on later?"

Du Jingyi begged repeatedly, but Chen Yiwen had no choice but to enter this "den of thieves" in her eyes with Du Jingyi.

After Du Jingyi parked the car and packed up her things, the two brought a few pets with them. Du Jingyi held Xiao Gangbeng in her arms and sat with Chen Yiwen on the sofa in the living room on the first floor.

Chen Yiwen asked vigilantly, "Tell me, who is that man!"

"Cheng Feng! It's that Cheng Feng, do you know? Dongfang Bubai, Meng Ruoyouqing, Zhang Xiaojing's Cheng Feng! He hired me to be a pet breeder.

A monthly salary of [-], a feeding fee of [-], a transportation subsidy of [-], and a free villa to live in!

How about it, great! "Du Jingyi said with bright eyes.

Chen Yiwen looked puzzled, suspicious, and guarded, then swallowed, touched Du Jingyi's forehead in front of him, and murmured: "The temperature is normal, no fever, why are you talking nonsense all of a sudden?"

"Oh, I mean it!" Du Jingyi said hastily.

"Hi~~ What a big deal, let me tell you, I'm actually a big guy too, Liu Dehua, Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Xiao Gang who talks about cross talk, Xiao Yu, Allen who sings, etc. They have a good relationship with me!"

"Really!" Du Jingyi was surprised.

"What's the matter, let me tell you that Bruce Lee and I drank tea last night!"

"Really or not, hey! No! Bruce Lee must have died a long time ago, if I remember correctly."

"Isn't that right? He insisted that I go to drink tea with him. I really have no choice. I went to drink tea with him last night and almost didn't come back."

"Really, I was a little panicked when I heard it." After Du Jingyi finished speaking, she swallowed involuntarily.

"It's okay, it's just two people talking nonsense, who is afraid of whom!" Chen Yiwen pouted.

"What did you tell him?" Du Jingyi felt a chill down her spine.

"A series of nonsense!"

At this moment, Du Jingyi finally understood, the person in front of her was making fun of her, she rolled her eyes, and patiently explained: "You're making fun of me again, what I said is true."

Chen Yiwen pouted and said, "Okay, let me ask you, you said this villa belongs to Cheng Feng."

Du Jingyi nodded, and Chen Yiwen continued to ask: "Then let me ask you, can he live in this villa by himself?"

"Don't stop."

"What is that for?"

"Keep a dog."

"Why don't you understand? Think about it carefully. Did he buy this villa for people or for dogs?"

"Bought for the dog."

"Is he a big fool! Buy a villa for the dog, and eat enough to support him!"

(End of this chapter)

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