Chapter 123

Gong Changting's eyes dodged, of course she was scary!

God knows how he felt when Jun Ju asked him to use a trumpet to join a team.

You must know that he had fought with her in the game, but she...shouldn't know that the person who beat her "into pieces" in the game was Jun Yi, right?
Gong Changting trembled, thinking of Jun Ju's warning, if this girl knew what happened back then, he would die for the rest of his life.

Just horrible.

He was also oppressed by Jun Zhu, and he was forced to improve his trumpet record within three days in order to let Bai Xixi know that he is not a weak chicken who will drag down the team.

Bai Xixi greeted Gong Changting casually, and Gong Changting replied in a low voice on purpose.

He was afraid, he had scolded and fought with her in the game for a long time.

Fortunately, Bai Xixi did not recognize that his voice was Han Xin back then.

Jun Qiao sat beside Bai Xixi obediently, and said in a low voice 'shyly': "Sure enough, Xixi is as good-looking as I imagined."

Bai Xixi: "...Thank you for the compliment."

Jun's face turned even redder.

Seeing this, Yan Mo was so angry that he was going to die. If Yan Jing hadn't been holding his hand, he would probably explode again.

Since it was the first time for the six of them to meet, some things needed to be adjusted, so Bai Xixi suggested a game first. Gong Changting was originally a substitute, so he watched from the side.

In fact, Bai Xixi wanted Jun Ju to be a substitute, but Jun Ju... Forget it, she couldn't afford to provoke her, so she had to let Gong Changting sit first.

Yan Jing and Yan Mo don't know how good they are yet, so they just took this opportunity to have a look.

As a result, seeing it... She almost wanted to drop her phone.

The whole process was basically Yan Mo's crushing and bullying Jun Chuan, and every time he went to Jun Chuan to brag about it.

Seeing that Jun Chuan was about to die, Yan Mo left without saving him at all. Seeing that Jun Chuan was about to kill someone, he rushed up to grab his head.

Jun Qu said aggrievedly: "Xi Xi..."

The corners of Bai Xixi's eyes twitched, and he said, "Yan Mo, don't bully Jun Ju, are you joining the team to help me or to cause trouble?"

Yan Mo cursed shamelessly!
Reluctantly said: "Got it."

Yan Jing saw that Yan Mo was so aggrieved, his eyes flashed, and he said leisurely: "Xixi, I apologize to you on behalf of Mo, he just misunderstood your friend."

Basically, Yan Mo would not refute Yan Jing in front of outsiders, and after a mocking snort, he lowered his head and went to other places to go wild.

Bai Xixi didn't care too much: "It's okay, anyway, we are all in the running-in period now."

Yan Jing's eyes flickered slightly: "However, I actually admire your friend. You can die so well every time. I don't think it will be possible even if you do it on purpose."

Bai Xixi was taken aback for a moment, then gradually frowned, and looked at the game interface on the phone.

Because we just met each other, we didn't use computers, but played on mobile phones. Anyway, the nature is similar.

She suddenly remembered that she had also played matchmaking with Jun Yi on the phone before, and it seemed that she died for no reason.

There is actually nothing wrong with what Yan Jing said today. Is it really so strange that Jun Yi can die every time?

What's more, even people at the level of Xiaobai have been taken by her for several months, and they are still better than Xiaobai. This kind of person either has an underdeveloped cerebellum or...

Yan Jing glanced at the girl who was in deep thought, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly unconsciously, and continued to play the game.

(End of this chapter)

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