Chapter 124

On the other hand, Jun Qiao's lowered eyes flickered slightly, with an imperceptible gloomy gaze.

Yan Mo did listen to what Yan Jing said while playing the game, and laughed out loud. When it comes to insidiousness, no one can compare to Yan Jing, and then he didn't even bother to lift his head and continued playing.

Jun Qiao said a little 'cautiously': "Xixi...I didn't mean it."

Bai Xixi narrowed her eyes slightly: "Didn't you do it on purpose? Didn't you die on purpose or did you have something else?"

Jun Ju clenched his lower lip, looking at a loss, and then, as if he had made up his mind, he said, "Xi Xi, just watch."

Bai Xixi didn't know what he wanted her to see for a while, but then she knew what he wanted to express.

I saw that the rhythm of the audience changed after Jun Yi said that sentence.

It used to be four people flying one, but now it has almost become one person flying four.

The positioning of the operation is quite awesome, and after a while, he double-killed and triple-killed several times, and the opponent who hit him is about to doubt his life.

Yan Jing and Yan Mo had no intention of messing with him, and they both gave up the home court to Jun Yi.

The only one who was more surprised was Gu Da, so he had to suspect that he was alive.

What, isn't this guy just a weak chicken?Why did he become a great god who slipped into the air now? !

Even God would not dare to do this, would he? !
Because Bai Xixi had been mentally prepared for a long time, when he saw Jun's operation completely changed, he let out a haha.

Fortunately, she thought he was a little white rabbit this time, but he turned out to be a wolf with a big tail pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!
So angry!
When the round was finally over, Bai Xixi didn't even want to look at Jun Chuan at all.

Fortunately, she still believed in him so much and helped him talk about Yan Mo, but in the end, he had already seen that he was pretending.

Yan Mo didn't say anything arguing this time, but put down his phone, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was a little tired.

After seeing it, Bai Xixi asked Yan Jing with a little worry: "What's wrong with him?"

Yan Jing's eyes dimmed, and he stood up beside Yan Mo and took his hand, there was suspected light shining in the palm of his hand, but he said: "He has some old problems, he's fine, he'll be fine in a while."

Yan Mo slowly opened his eyes and was not surprised to see Yan Jing squatting in front of him and holding his hand, frowned, and pulled his hand out: "Okay, no need, I'm fine."

Yan Jing didn't talk much, got up and pulled Yan Mo up, turned around and said to Bai Xixi with a little apology: "Sorry, we have something to do, let's go first, if you have something to do, you can contact us online, under normal circumstances we both will exist."

Bai Xixi nodded, observing that Yan Mo's complexion was a bit grim, and she was still a little worried, but her brothers said she was fine, so she couldn't ask any more questions.

After Yan Jing and Yan Mo left, Gu Da and Gong Changting saw that the situation was not good, so they also found a reason to slip away.

In the end, Jun Ju and Bai Xixi were left.

Jun Jun tugged at the corner of Bai Xixi's clothes: "Xixi, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to lie to you."

Bai Xixi said sarcastically: "You don't have to apologize to me, it's not intentional or not, anyway, I'm the idiot who foolishly counts money for others when I get played around."

Jun's eyes were red, and he twitched: "No, really, you are not, it's my fault, I shouldn't lie to you, please don't ignore me, okay?"

Bai Xixi almost gritted his teeth, shit!Who is the one who should cry? Can a big boy stop crying because of grievances?
(End of this chapter)

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