Chapter 137

Yan Jing added: "This time you go directly to replace my position, and by the way, change your respective positions. You can practice while there are still a few days left."

Gong Changting immediately jumped up: "Boss, what are you kidding, me? Are you crazy?"

Gu Da was also a little confused.

Bai Xixi smiled: "This proposal is quite good. It's just you. You don't need to do anything else. Just follow Gu Da behind. If you have nothing to do, just rush forward and block the knife to the death. It's OK."

Gong Changting: "So my role is to block swords? Hey hey hey, I have no problem blocking swords, but it's a 5v5 match anyway. If I die too many times, someone on the other side will be economical, and at the same time you will be less Is it really okay to find someone who can fight?"

Bai Xixi said: "It's okay, you just need to rest assured to fight, the rest will be enough for us. By the way, Gu Da, you changed to meat this time, and Gong Changting also used a piece of meat."

Gu Da frowned: "Two pieces of meat? Then what do you three use?"

Bai Xixi: "I will be replaced by a mage, Yan Mo will be replaced by a shooter, and Jun Yi will be replaced by an assassin."

Gu Da said: "Isn't it a bit too messy for you to do this? I haven't seen you use other positions before. Is it really okay?"

Bai Xixi reassured: "Don't worry, they both have no objections, you two just carry on and die."

Guda: "..."

Gong Changting: "..."

Bai Xixi leaned over to Jun Zhui's side: "Your assassin position should be the old one, so you don't need to tell me more, huh?"

Jun Jun recalled the scene when he beat his daughter-in-law with Han Xin to the point of exploding, and shrank his neck.

He said submissively: "Well, no problem."

Bai Xixi said with a smile, "Very good."

Jun Ju felt a little guilty, he just wanted to get her attention.

As for Yan Mo, she felt that she shouldn't have to worry about it, as long as Yan Mo didn't get together with Jun Yi, it would be fine.

Several people stayed up late and practiced for three days and three nights. The day before the competition, they all put down the computer and went to rest. After recharging their energy, they finally reached the final.

Because the filming was disturbed, the space of the finals was completely sealed. Only the cameras were inside, and the audience and commentators were outside.

After all, it is a world-level competition, and there are people from all countries, but there are more people from their own country and another country that has advanced to the team.

The shouts outside were deafening, the sea of ​​people was dark, the lights on the sign were bright and flickering, blue and purple intersected together, everyone was shouting cheers at the top of their voices, and everyone's eyes were full of tension and excitement.

This is the glory of everyone for nearly ten years, although not all of them, but most of them have been entrusted with the impulsive blood of their youth.

This is also the first time that our country has entered the world, and it has reached the moment when it is almost the end.

Anyone who has ever played this game is paying attention to this game.

Some of them had to give up the game because of their age, busy work, and family responsibilities, and some of them were young and still played this game without fear of the future.

This game carries too much.

Before entering the arena, Gu Da actually saw his former friends. He used to be willing to do everything for the sake of the game, but not long ago, they all changed.

(End of this chapter)

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