Chapter 138

Suddenly his eyes turned red. If he picked up the game again because of Bai Xixi's words, and played with an indifferent attitude to make up for the number of people in the team, then now he suddenly has the fighting spirit .

Just at this time, his eyes met with his friend's, who suddenly stood up excitedly and shouted: "Guda! Fight! Fight with our past!"

Perhaps this sentence was drowned in the voices of the crowd, but he heard it!
He's almost thirty, and he doesn't have another 30 years for him to fight for his hobbies.

This game, no matter what, must be won!

Gong Changting actually came here with the intention of messing around. Anyway, they also said that there is no need for too much pressure to let him play, as long as he disturbs the opponent's heart, but he was still surprised when he saw so many people at the scene .

Boys, they all have a heart that wants to be admired by others. When they see so many people, they are surprised at first, and then think that he can have so many people watching him in his lifetime. This place is faster than a star's concert There will be more people.

Why did he play this game in the first place?

It seems that he started to play because everyone around him was playing it. After playing for a few days, he was almost addicted to it. He spent day and night scoring points, getting stars, and even failing the final exam. Several subjects.

But it was really fun to play, and he continued to recommend it to people around him to play, and every time he recommended it successfully, he would feel very proud for a while.

Thinking about the fact that he has never paid so much attention to any game, if he really wins this time, will he really become famous?
So many people like him, because the game likes him and likes a substitute. It turns out that there is really a sign with his name on the field, and it turns out that he can also go this far.

So should he try his best to give everyone an explanation for his love?

Therefore, this game must be won!
Bai Xixi was also taken aback for a while. She would think of so many people, but she didn't expect this scene to be so big. To be honest, she really likes games, especially in this plane, although she is playing this game for revenge Yu Jingfeng started playing after completing the original owner's mission, and later became really addicted.

I have to say that this game in this plane is quite good in every aspect, but it is difficult to find games of this quality in the world of time and space.

Because most of the games in the space-time world are close to holographic, there are very few games that use computers and mobile phones.

The feeling of flying on the keyboard in your hand, listening to the beating sound of the mechanical keyboard, really makes people excited.

So she has always attached great importance to this game.

She is sure that she will definitely win this game. She has worked hard for so long, and she has come to this point in such a long time. She hopes to let herself have a hearty competition in this world.

Jun Ju and Yan Mo will naturally do their best for Bai Xixi.

The live broadcast started, and the game officially started.

After all the heroes were selected, the person on the opposite side was obviously stunned, and then began to communicate, as if they didn't expect this lineup.

Bai Xixi said in the headset, "Gu Da, you and Gong Changting will go directly to the upper road to block the road, and don't worry about the rest, just keep an eye on the upper road."

Guda: "Got it."

Gong Changting: "Got it."

There is no doubt that Jun Yu went directly to the jungler, Yan Mo went to the bottom lane, and Bai Xixi was in the middle lane.

 Forgive me for being a bit personal in this chapter. In fact, I am also a game fan, and I happened to catch up with the latest game, so I just wrote it blindly, so you can just read it blindly. I can’t write what the great god wrote. It's an exciting feeling, but I think people should fight for their dreams.

  Of course, you have to work hard and study hard, and you can’t lose your mind because I am the author, and I have to be responsible for what I have said and written, so I will explain here. We must continue to work hard under the conditions that our family has no worries and we can survive.

(End of this chapter)

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