Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 164 The Narcissistic Male God Can't Stand It

Chapter 164 The Narcissistic Male God Can't Stand It (End)
[Otherwise, try to die. 】

Kou Kou suddenly made a sound, and Bai Xixi's mind flashed.

The hormones in the brain are constantly excited and rising.

[I rely on it!Miss sister what's wrong with you!do not scare me!Why is the excitement value so high? ! 】

Bai Xixi laughed in his mind and said to Koukou: "Kuukou, I never realized that you are such a cute and cute system."

【…】Don't make trouble, I'm afraid.

Sake suddenly saw that Bai Xixi's eyes were red, as if she was about to cry, and there was a slight tearing pain in her heart.

He knew that she might be faking it, but he couldn't get angry anymore.

"Why are you crying! It's your honor to mate with me, what's there to cry about! Stop crying!"

Bai Xixi almost bit her own tongue, can you not submit the word match!

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Sake frowned: "I forgive you, don't cry!"

Bai Xixi sighed slightly: "I didn't mean that."

Sake's eyes were a little confused, and there was a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Bai Xixi said in her heart, I'm sorry to the male god, let's wait for her to do a good job of psychological construction to get involved with this kind of matter.

Bai Xixi didn't rub it in any more, but took the initiative to touch Qingjiu's cheek, which felt quite slippery.

Sake was completely in a state of bewilderment, he had no idea why the person who was resisting one second would come forward directly the next second.

Bai Xixi sighed sadly, and kissed him lightly on the side of the cheek: "I'm sorry, this pain is worth it, so let me take it away first."

Sake murmured subconsciously: "What pain value?"

After not getting a response from the girl for a long time, Sake lowered his head in panic, his eyes widened in panic, and the storm slowly condensed in his eyes.

[Congratulations to Miss Sister for successfully obtaining 100 pain points of sake, the task is completed. 】

Bai Xixi crouched in a corner in the system space and shivered.

Koukou can't stand it any longer [Xixi, how long are you going to do this? You make the decision, and of course you have to bear the consequences. You can't just stay here and not go to the next plane, can you? 】

All Bai Xixi could think about was that she was so daring enough to commit suicide in front of the male god when she was recovering her memory, would she be doomed? She could imagine the tragic scene if she met the male god in the next plane.

Although she knew that the next plane was not as scary as she imagined, after all, Mo Xiao lost his memory, but she still didn't dare!

【Xixi, if you don't go to the next plane, I will force teleportation. The taste of forced teleportation is not good. 】

I am your master, you dare to forcibly teleport me!

[I don't want to, but after a certain period of time, my program will automatically send out a transmission command. This is set by your god in my main program. If you have the ability to change it, I won't send it. 】

You're not afraid of boiling water when you play dead pigs with me, aren't you?
[Although your analogy is inappropriate, it doesn't matter, anyway, I won't lose a hair. 】

Bai Xixi held her breath, okay, now even her own system can hate her like this.

Alright, even if she is killed by a male god, she will be buried with this dead system!
Anyway, the big deal is that no matter how much she acts coquettishly with the male god and apologizes, let's see if she is unlucky or just unlucky!

But it's just a matter of stretching the head and shrinking the head, at least the male god has amnesia and she still has a suspended sentence.

So Bai Xixi happily gave the order: go to the next plane!
But what she didn't expect at all was that the next plane completely broke out of her control.

 Talking about Bai Xixi's [-] random ways to die, how random are they?It's that casual!

(End of this chapter)

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