Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 165 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go

Chapter 165 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go (1)

"Hurry up, the crane is red, put on the hanging rope, are you ready for the self-cutting dagger, the empress is going to be angry!"

"Okay, okay, we'll be ready soon."

When Bai Xixi opened her eyes, she saw the extremely busy scene in front of her.

She supported her temple with one hand, and tilted her head slightly, as if closing her eyes to rest.

And a bunch of little maids in front of them were looking for something before and after running.

Wait, she seems to have heard something like a crane with a red hanging rope and a self-cutting knife just now?


Want to kill her?
Suddenly a court lady below saw her open her eyes, she knelt down in horror, and slammed her head on the ground vigorously: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty, please forgive me, it's because the slaves didn't prepare well enough to delay your mother's trip to assassinate Concubine Xi."

The people around immediately knelt down when they heard it, and said the same sentence above in unison.

Bai Xixi saw this scene before receiving the plot, and the corners of her eyes twitched inadvertently. Fortunately, she saw a lot of strong winds and waves, so she wanted to pretend to be aggressive and shouted twice to wake them up.

As a result, an angry voice from outside said: "Who are you going to kill! Who gave you the courage!"

Bai Xixi: "..."

What are you doing!

There was another hula-la-la voice: "See the emperor."

A man dressed in bright yellow strode in with an angry look on his face.

"Queen, you really have great power!"

Bai Xixi said with a half-smile: "I am the queen, of course I have the right to fight, do you have any objections?"

All the maids and eunuchs were terrified, what happened to the queen today, she dared to talk to the emperor like this!

The emperor seemed to be overwhelmed by this tone, and shouted: "You are so courageous!"

Bai Xixi said twice: "Didn't you just say that I am very courageous."

"Your Majesty! Be careful what you say, this is the emperor no matter what." The maid next to her quietly approached her ear and reminded her anxiously.

Bai Xixi twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly, of course she could tell that this was the emperor.

But it's none of her business, she doesn't even have time to receive the plot now, dare you let her take the time to receive the plot first!

[Okay, young lady, we will temporarily suspend the service for you, please feel at ease to accept the plot. 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

time stop?

Your sister, why didn't you tell me before!
[Miss, you didn't ask. 】

Bai Xixi thought to herself, she must kill Kou Kou!

Everyone around is still, motionless, even the leaves outside are floating in the air without falling, there is no trace of wind, and time is completely still.

[Xi Xi, please hurry up, the time pause function can only be used when receiving the plot, and the use time is only 10 minutes. 】

your sister!

In the Gongdou plane, the original owner's name is Su Qingzhi, who is the queen of the dynasty.

Because of the great power of the family, she was married to the palace by an imperial decree, but the emperor didn't like her, and married her only for the power behind her, but the original owner just liked the emperor.

As a result, a jealous, domineering, arrogant and lawless queen was created.

Whenever there are new concubines coming in in the harem, she will first pour them the avoidance soup. If anyone is favored for a long time, she will find an opportunity to bestow that person to death.

The emperor turns a blind eye every time, after all, there are forces behind her, but when she wanted to deal with another concubine, she completely angered the emperor.

Because this concubine is the white moonlight and cinnabar mole in the emperor's heart.

If it wasn't for her, the emperor would have wanted to lift Bai Yueguang to the position of queen.

(End of this chapter)

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