Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 193 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 193 The Raging God Comes Slowly (10)

[Xixi... The rules of the administration have not been changed, but because of your special status, you have always been privileged and no one cares about you. Normal taskers are doing tasks like this. 】

Then why can't I use privileges now!
[Because Master Xia Ye said that he couldn't spoil you like this all the time, so he gave me an order to restrain you, but I don't have the authority to release the order. 】

Bai Xixi never thought that her mother did it, isn't this a pure girl!

She never saw when she followed the rules!

Button, contact me over there.

[Sorry, if you fail to escape from this plane, no one will be able to contact you. This is an order from Lord Jinghan. 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

Come on! ! !
Isn't it just like an ordinary employee to complete the task? She still doesn't believe it, and besides, she has never used any cheats before.

And the only cheat she ever used was to beat someone up when she was under duress.

Let's deal with Ning Li first.

Bian Quan came to her to apologize on the third day. After all, she was the girl he liked. No matter whose fault it was, the man should always give in first. This is Bian Quan's philosophy.

But when Bian Quan came to the villa he had prepared for Bai Xixi, there was no one inside.

He called her in a hurry, and it took several times to get through.

"Tangtang, where are you? Why did you take so long to answer the phone?"

Bai Xixi looked at the nails she had just made: "What's the matter with you on the set?"

Only then did Bian Quan remember that she had told him before that she had a supporting role in a play and needed to live on the set.

He secretly scolded himself for forgetting about it.

"Tangtang, let me visit the class."

Bai Xixi said coldly: "No, I'm very busy and I can't afford such a big air."

Bian Quan frowned, his head hurting: "Tangtang, I was wrong those few days, but Xiaoli just wanted to reconcile with you, you should open your heart to see her sincerity."

Bai Xixi didn't soften at all: "Oh, why should I watch it? If you don't like me, you just don't like it. It's not that you don't know my personality. Ning Li and I can't get along like ordinary sisters in this life. I'm very busy. Hang up first."

Bai Xixi casually threw the phone aside, she just wanted to abuse Bianquan, this kind of man said she likes it, but it is too centrally air-conditioned, it is good for any girl, and the one who gets along with her for a long time will think she is a kind girl, Never forget to look inside.

After all, the more ruthless you are, the stronger your memory will be. Although the original owner didn't mention Bian Quan in the mission, she just doesn't like Bian Quan.

【Xixi, you are too picky, is it true that you are only pleasing to the eye like Cheng Yihan? 】

You shut up, believe it or not, I will send you back to the Authority for destruction.

[…] Xixi who has a memory is a bit scary, but Xixi who is a little bit shy suddenly feels that he can still be angry.

Although the drama that Bai Xixi is looking for is only a supporting role, if she plays it well, it might become a classic, and she has the confidence to do it well.

Bai Xixi ran into Ning Li when she was going home that day, it was not a coincidence, it was Ning Li who deliberately blocked her.

"Ning Tang, I really didn't expect that you haven't learned how to endure during the five years in prison."

Bai Xixi crossed her arms and stood proudly looking at her: "Why should I hold back? Ning Li, are you proud?"

Ning Li laughed twice: "Shouldn't I be proud? You see, everything you had before has become mine, whether it is the interpersonal circle or the Ning family, it is all in my hands."

  Question: "Where is there violence in the plane of the male god?"

  Xi: "Well, violent, please listen to it... and break it down."

(End of this chapter)

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