Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 194 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 194 The Raging God Comes Slowly (11)

What Ning Li hates the most is Ning Tang's haughty look.

Why, is it because her background is better?
But what's the use of having a good background, it's still a person with no blood relationship like her who controls everything that Ning Tang should have.

Bai Xixi looked at Ning Li's appearance and thought it was funny, why would there always be such a fool who took other people's things as his own.

In the final analysis, Ning Li was just because she had a good mother and hooked up with the original owner's father.

You can have envy, and jealousy is not too much, because these are all emotions that people will have.

But once you turn this kind of envy and jealousy into your own madness, it's a bit too much.

"Ning Li, what you are relying on now is my Ning family's property barking here, but can you really control this property for the rest of your life?
You will not forget the will made by Ning Minghong, will you? "

Ning Minghong is the father of the original owner, who died unexpectedly six years ago.

Ning Li's face changed slightly, and then she recovered: "A will? Dad died unexpectedly, and there is no will at all. If you want to rely on the will to turn around, don't think about it."

Bai Xixi smiled: "Is it true or not, don't you know?
In this way, I will give you a chance to voluntarily give up the Ning family and consider it in three months. "

Ning Li laughed loudly: "Ning Tang, what are you daydreaming about? Months, I think you are really stupid in prison."

Bai Xixi was not annoyed, and walked up to her: "We'll wait and see."

The urgent pressure hit instantly, and Ning Li somehow felt a moment of fear.

She has practiced in the mall for many years, how could she have a sense of urgency when facing Ning Tang, it must be an illusion.

Ning Li didn't take the three-month warning seriously.

Ning Tang is just messing around in the entertainment industry, but he can turn the world upside down.

"Order, give all the third-level resources to Ning Tang, even all the supporting roles in the play will collapse."

Ning Li took back the phone, looked at the front coldly, and then called Bian Quan.

Bai Xixi doesn't care about Ning Li's secret operations, the entertainment circle is just a springboard to cover.

Bian Quan came over a few times during the period, but she blocked them all back, bluntly saying that if he didn't break up with Ning Li, she wouldn't reconcile with him.

Bianquan was a little troubled. On the one hand, he was the girl he liked, and on the other hand, he was a friend and confidant, and he couldn't give up at all.

And Ning Li was always afraid of his embarrassment, and kept comforting him, saying that if it really didn't make sense to Ning Tang, she was willing to break up with him first.

Comparing the two pictures, Bian Quan's heart is a little bit off.

Which man likes a girl who is like heaven and earth, even if he likes it, he can't stand it for a long time.

Moreover, he thought that he had never been sorry for Ning Tang. In the past five years, he had been constantly looking for connections to help Ning Tang reduce her sentence, looking for evidence, and looking for someone to let her suffer in it.

He never asked Ning Tang to thank him in return, but why couldn't she be considerate of him.

Bai Xixi actually wanted to push back directly, Nima Da's understanding is to let her reconcile with Ning Li?

Sick, why didn't he see how Ning Li robbed the family property.

Bian Quan couldn't bear it that day, and stopped her when the crew was leaving.

"Tangtang, let's talk."

Bai Xixi stopped, looked at him, and didn't chase him away: "Let's find a place."

Bian Quan was overjoyed, opened the car door and said, "I know a good French restaurant, I'll take you there.


(End of this chapter)

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