Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 200 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 200 The Raging God Comes Slowly (17)

Cheng Yihan not only didn't touch her these two days, he was also very friendly.

Except for not letting her out of the villa, that would be treated like a princess.

Of course, she doesn't feel like a princess, because Cheng Yihan even cut off her internet, which is extremely bad.

In the middle of the night, Bai Xixi was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt that something was tied around his waist, and he opened his eyes bewilderedly, the figure on the bed in the darkness was particularly strong.

The man was fast asleep, but he hugged her whole body inside.

Bai Xixi inhales, exhales, inhales and exhales...

I can't take it anymore!

【etc! !You think about the consequences!He just hugged you to sleep, he didn't go beyond at all, you don't have any skill bonus now, and it's you who made him unlucky. 】

Bai Xixi inhaled and exhaled again, and finally suppressed the fire.

OK, isn't it just forbearance? If he really dares to do something, she promises to kill him.

Gradually, she also slowly fell asleep.

Afterwards, she seemed to fall into a default, every night Cheng Yihan would come over and hug her to sleep.

Finally, Bai Xixi couldn't take it anymore and offered to negotiate.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yihan agreed with her to go out.

He deeply suspected that there was a conspiracy, and spent three whole days still in the villa without going out.

Cheng Yihan said amusedly: "Do you think I have some other tricks waiting for you?"

Bai Xixi looked at him with obvious suspicion: "Are you sure you don't want to trouble me?"

Cheng Yihan touched her face, and leaned closer to her: "As long as you don't touch my bottom line, I don't mind giving you everything you want."

"Besides, if you are really worried, I still have conditions."

"What conditions?"

"Come home every night, huh?"

Bai Xixi hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, this did not prevent her from messing with Bian Quan and Ning Li.

When I finally went out, I felt that the air was very fresh.

Bai Xixi has officially come back, and her status in the entertainment industry has become higher after some waves.

She took the initiative to ask Bian Quan, and Bian Quan looked a little depressed.

"Sorry, Tangtang, I..."

"You don't need to talk, just answer a few questions from me. Do you still consider Ning Li a friend?"

Bian Quan ran his palm through his hair, and said in distress: "I...don't know."

Sure enough, Bai Xixi asked again: "Okay, let me ask you again, do you know that Ning Li framed me and robbed me of my Ning family's property, and you are still facing her?"

Bian Quan was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, with stubble all over his face, quite decadent.

Bai Xixi sneered: "Oh, I see, I found out some interesting things recently, I treat you as a friend, it's best to meddle in your business, if you are unhappy or think I'm meddling in my business, then we just don't want to When we meet, just pretend that I...have never known you before."

Bian Quan was anxious, and raised his head suddenly: "Tangtang, give me some time, and I will take care of everything."

Bai Xixi smiled: "You might as well look at these documents first, I'll go first."

Bian Quan stared blankly at the cowhide folder on the table and frowned.

She then went directly to the prison to apply for a visit.

Ning Li had the right to refuse, but she did not refuse.

Bai Xixi didn't look like she was in prison at all, she was rosy, confident and decent, even wearing a prison uniform didn't affect her in the slightest.

Seeing her unwillingness for a moment, Ning Li smiled, "Ning Tang, do you think you won?"

Bai Xixi shook her head slightly, and said regretfully: "Win? Not really, I haven't won completely yet, do you know why I came to see you today?"

(End of this chapter)

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