Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 201 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 201 The Raging God Comes Slowly (18)

"You probably don't know what's going on outside. The Ning family is completely in my hands now, and the Internet is overwhelmingly cursing you, and all the friends you made friends with are avoiding it, and..."

Ning Li scolded: "Enough! So what, I don't care, you don't know, Bian Quan has been with me for a long time, he has been looking for evidence for me to help me out these days, don't you Very unhappy."

Bai Xixi looked at her pitifully: "Why should I not be reconciled? I forgot to tell you that Bian Quan may already know that you plot against him and want to swallow up his family property. Do you think he will help you?" ?”

Ning Li stood up suddenly, but was held down by the prison guards behind her.

"What did you say? What did you show him? When am I going to swallow his family property, Ning Tang, don't spout blood!"

Now she has only Bian Quan to rely on. If Bian Quan gives up on her, she will be completely finished.

Bai Xixi said leisurely: "Blood? Do you have evidence? Besides, do you think Bian Quan will believe me or you?
It just so happens that you stay inside now, and I can love Bianquan outside. It is thanks to you that the relationship between us has deepened. "

Ning Li slammed on the viewing window frantically, and the prison guards hurriedly stopped her. One prison guard almost missed.

"Ning Tang! You bitch! Let me tell you that Bian Quan likes me, and he won't let you go. He said he would be responsible to me, and you will never get what you want!"

Bai Xixi sneered, not looking at her madness, and stood up calmly: "I wish you a good life in prison, maybe we should never see each other again.

Oh, by the way, I kindly remind you that Bian Quan should have left the country by now. "

"Ahhh!! Ning Tang! You must die!"

[Congratulations, Ning Li's revenge value has reached full marks, and the mission is successful. 】

Bai Xixi was not at all happy to hear this news. What's the use of a mission being successful, with so few points.

And she deeply felt that the second task could not be completed.

【Xixi, actually, I think you can do it. 】

Then tell me the way, how can I fight Cheng Yihan without cheating?
If she was given a few years, she might have a solution, but now her whereabouts are completely under Cheng Yihan's control, it is unrealistic to make small moves under his nose.

【…】Then you wouldn't even think about it, hmph, if it wasn't for Cheng Yihan, I can guarantee that Xixi definitely doesn't have this kind of mentality, double-standard dog!Amnesia can still be so double standard.

When Bai Xixi returned to Cheng Yihan's villa at night, there was not a single light on, which must be very strange as usual.

Usually there will be servants, and the lights will be fully on before twelve o'clock. Is there a power outage today?
Why don't she go back to her place today?

Forget it, if Cheng Yihan found out, he would go crazy.

Quietly walked into the villa, there was no sound at all, the silence was a little scary.

She is not afraid of the dark, but today she has a bad feeling.

Cheng Yihan didn't come back?

Under normal circumstances, he would come back before eight o'clock, because the door control time he gave her was eight o'clock.

It's ten past eight, long past the time.

There was a slight sense of discomfort, which she ignored.

Could Cheng Yihan have a private meeting with some woman outside?

Hehe, all men are indeed virtuous.

"Ning Tang..."

A dark, indifferent voice without the slightest emotion sounded out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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