Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 202 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 202 The Raging God Comes Slowly (19)

The remote control light in the living room suddenly turned on, Bai Xixi turned her head, Cheng Yihan sat quietly on the sofa, showing no emotion.

Bai Xixi felt a little weird in her heart, but since the two got along well these two days, she didn't think much about it.

Sit down opposite him: "Aren't you going back to sleep?"

Cheng Yihan opened the corner of his mouth and smiled, feeling a bit chilly: "Don't worry, I'm waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

The man stood up suddenly and went into the kitchen.

Bai Xixi looked at him a little confused.

Until the man came out with a cup of steaming hot milk.

"Go to sleep after drinking."

Bai Xixi always finds Cheng Yihan strange.

Button, is there anything in the milk?
【No. 】

She frowned, didn't she?
Then why Cheng Yihan is so abnormal today.


"Where did the servants go?"

Cheng Yihan said without changing his face: "Today is my birthday, I want you to accompany me, it's just the two of us."

his birthday?
is it?

Bai Xixi was a little puzzled, Cheng Yihan didn't look like a birthday person.

But there is nothing wrong with that statement.

"But I don't want to think about it now, you drink the milk and go to bed quickly."

Although Bai Xixi thinks that there should be gifts for birthdays, she is not as good as Cheng Yihan.

Not aware of him, after drinking quietly one mouthful at a time, he put down the cup gently.

Cheng Yihan was staring at her all the time, making her fidgety.

After drinking, I immediately got up and prepared to go upstairs and go back to my room.

"I'll go back to bed first."

After walking two steps, I felt that I should say something, but I turned my head and said, "Well, happy birthday to you."

Go upstairs after speaking.

But when he was halfway up, he felt dizzy, clung to the escalator tightly, and shook his head.

The blurry figure gradually approached, Bai Xixi squinted her eyes to see clearly, but she knew it was Cheng Yihan even if she couldn't see clearly.

"what have you done?!"

Cheng Yihan licked his lower lip, and said treacherously: "Tangtang, I gave you a chance, stay away from other men, why are you disobedient?"

There was another burst of dizziness, but the brain reacted very clearly.

"You put location and wiretapping on me!"

Cheng Yihan hugged her and let her use him as a support point to fall on him.

"Tangtang, you still can't tell what the point is. You like Bianquan, and I like you. Since you can't accept me from your heart, your health is considered good."

Bai Xixi's current feeling is that his head is constantly dizzy, but he has always retained a clear consciousness, and there is nothing wrong with him except that his whole body is weak.

Button, didn't you say that the glass of milk is okay?
【No problem... But you didn't ask me if there were any other problems. 】

Fuck, she never felt that the system that has followed her for countless years has been so tricked.

The body suddenly flew into the air, and subconsciously hugged the man's neck to fear that he would fall.

Cheng Yihan gently kissed her forehead: "Strange girl, I will give you an unforgettable night."

Bai Xixi suppressed her powerlessness and cursed angrily: "Cheng Yihan, if you dare to do something outrageous to me today, I will make you die!"

Cheng Yihan smiled, threw her on the bed, and slowly took off his shirt.

"A bad death? Let's see how you can make me die badly."

Bai Xixi became more and more nervous, weak, and hesitant, holding the bed sheet tightly with her fingers, trying to sit up.

At this time, the sound of the mobile phone suddenly came to mind in the room, and Cheng Yihan looked at the girl's pocket with gloomy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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