Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 218 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 218 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (12)

Otherwise, he wouldn't have hit that car desperately at the very beginning.

So when she went to the appointed place, she took two leather boxes filled with paper.

The tattooed man had been sitting in the warehouse, when Huang Mao ran in and smiled, "Boss, that bitch Bai Xi is here."

Bai Mo suddenly raised his head, she actually came?

Doesn't she hate him the most? Why did she come?
Bai Xixi stood coldly and proudly at the warehouse door and asked, "Where's Bai Mo?"

The tattooed man came out and smiled conceitedly: "Boss Boss really cares about this younger brother, knowing that it's a trap, he dared to go to the meeting alone."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you where you are?"

The tattooed man winked at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao immediately stepped forward: "Boss, why are you so anxious, your brother is right here, why don't you go in by yourself."

Whether it's the yellow-haired man or the tattooed man, she hasn't mentioned the 5000 million thing since she came here. It seems that her guess is right, they are not for her money.

Before coming, Koukou had already told her that Bai Mo was indeed inside, otherwise she would not have come.

Bai Xixi stepped forward without hesitation.

The yellow-haired and tattooed man coldly stepped aside to let her in without stopping her.

The moment Bai Xixi first entered, Huang Mao glanced at the tattooed man and ran to another place.

Bai Xixi saw Bai Mo hanging in the air the first time he opened the door.

The two looked at each other, Bai Xixi breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of her heart slightly, it would be easier if the person was not dead.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she let go of her mind, Bai Mo on the other side made things difficult for her.

"Stupid woman, what are you doing here, get out, I don't need you to come here."

Bai Xixi became furious: "Shut up, I'll find a way to let you down."

At this moment, she will not care about like a child.

Bo Mo can't die, once he dies, her mission will fail.

Yes, she came here just for the mission, not because she has other feelings for Bai Mo.

Bai Xixi looked around to see where the organ that hung Bai Mo was.

But in the next second, he suddenly saw something running forward.

Bai Mo only felt weightless for a moment, his body was like a huge boulder, and when he loosened his wrist, he fell straight down.

He has no other thoughts, but death, and he doesn't care.

But the sharp pain in his imagination didn't hit, instead, his pupils shrank slightly in the next moment, and he struggled hard to roll himself to the side.

Bai Xixi didn't know why her brain was going crazy, but just now she directly used her body as a back for him.

It hurts her to death, she must be injured, maybe dislocated somewhere.

Bai Mo roared: "Are you an idiot! Are you sick!"

At this moment, Bai Xixi was in so much pain that she didn't care so much about howling at Bai Mo.

"You can do it, shut up, you have the energy to think about how to get out, the door was locked from the outside when I came in.

If you want to go, you can only go out through the side window. Can you go by yourself? "

Bai Mo was silent for a moment, and then turned around to show her his ankle.

There was an iron lock there, and the long chain went all the way to the wall behind, and the farthest moving distance was only here.

Bai Xixi was stunned, shit, those people are too shameless.

At this time, thick smoke drifted in, followed by an unbreathable gasoline smell.

Bai Mo suddenly remembered what the yellow-haired man and the tattooed man said before, there are bombs here, if the fire spreads like this, the bombs will all explode in a few minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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