Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 219 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 219 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (13)

He pushed Bai Xixi away: "Get out of here, there are a few boxes over there, pile them up and get out of the window quickly."

Bai Xixi pushed him away furiously: "I think you are the one who is sick, there is no need for you to order me."

As he spoke, he put Bai Mo aside, and limped over to carry the box by himself.

The pain in the waist, arms, and legs was so painful that he wanted to pass out, but he still endured and piled up the boxes one by one.

Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, but at the same time he felt uncomfortable.

He was the one who asked her to go first, so what's the point of being hypocritical at this time.

Gradually, looking at the woman's busy figure, his eyes darkened, tinged with paranoia and darkness.

Actually, it would be nice to trap him here and die with him, wouldn't it?

In this way, no one will talk nonsense, and he doesn't have to worry about anything else.

Suddenly, the woman in his eyes slowly walked over, holding a stone in her hand, gradually squatting down, and said softly: "Be patient, I won't be responsible if your leg is broken by me."

He raised the stone high and slammed it at Bai Mo's ankle, but when he was about to hit it, Bai Mo pinched his wrist.

"What are you doing? Why don't you just go? There's a bomb here, and I don't know why it hasn't blown up yet, but if you keep going like this, you're sure to die."

Bai Xixi raised her head and smiled, it was very false, as if doing it to him on purpose.

"Can you control it? You are my younger brother now, and I am your older sister. I have to ensure your safety and be responsible for your life. So, from now on, give me less nonsense."

Of course she knows why the bomb hasn't exploded until now, but it's because she spent a lot of money, and she has never spent so much points for an insignificant person in the plane.

Tch, even if the two missions in this plane are completed, the points are not enough to extend the explosion speed this time.

Bai Xixi pulled out the wrist he was holding, ignoring Bai Mo who was absent-minded, and smashed the ankle chain that locked him.

Fortunately, the chain that locked Bai Mo should be of poor quality, and it finally broke after 2 minutes of being smashed. Of course, it was also because of her spending points.

Heartache, this plane is almost dying.

But at the same time, she was a little dizzy, and she knew that it was the lack of oxygen caused by the fire.

Too many points are spent, and it is no longer a condition to spend points to use other props at the same time.

Almost as soon as he stood up, he fell backwards.

It's over, if she faints now, she will definitely explode in 30 seconds.

Maybe she went back to the management office directly, but didn't finish a single task...

Dimly in a coma, she seemed to see an indescribable figure, so familiar...

Bai Mo's eyes were stained with a cold and gloomy atmosphere, he immediately hugged Bai Xixi horizontally, stepped on the box just built and climbed out along the window in two or three steps.

At the same time, his men went outside the window to meet him below.

"Dark Lord, we are late, two-thirds of the bomb has been dismantled, we will meet you below, please calm down."

Bai Mo sent the woman in his arms out without hesitation: "Catch her."

The people below said: "Yes."

After Bai Xixi was caught, another person came up to catch Bai Mo.

After Bai Mo came down, he went to the person holding Bai Xixi and took her.

The subordinate hesitated: "Dark Lord, let me come, you need to rest."

After Bai Mo glanced at him, his subordinates bowed their heads and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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