Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 220 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 220 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (14)

The boy hugged her and slowly walked out of the scene of fire like an emperor in the dark night. Flames shot up to the sky behind him, heat waves rushed wildly, and the sky was bleak, adding a bit of aura to the man.

Bai Xixi was sent to an advanced ward, under 24-hour surveillance.

There were multiple fractures and dislocations on her body, and she inhaled too much poisonous gas. It was judged that her throat might have been damaged by the thick smoke, and she might not be able to speak properly even if she woke up.

But Bai Mo was much better. Even if he got into a car accident first, it was just some skin trauma.

There were two burns on the skin, and it was fine to deal with it.

Bai Mo was standing in front of the white hospital bed, staring intently at the woman who was breathing steadily at this time, his eyes were filled with thick ink, the darkness was bottomless.

After a long time, his face seemed to have figured something out, and he suddenly became enlightened, smiling a little strangely.

Since God's will allowed both of them to survive, it means that God agreed with him.

So, from now on, you can't escape.

dong dong dong.

"Dark Lord, all the people who kidnapped you and Boss Boss have been arrested, do you want to go see it now?"

Bai Mo turned around: "Let's go."

The dark and damp underground cell was also suspended above, but this time there were nearly ten people.

The most conspicuous ones are the men with yellow hair and tattoos.

The door was opened and light came in.

The tattooed man squinted his eyes and widened his eyes in shock when he saw the person coming: "It's you!"

Bai Mo sat down leisurely, tapping the table with his fingers, echoing in the empty basement, exciting.

The silence in the dark eyes is terrifying.

After a long time, he spoke word by word, dangerously: "You guys are brave enough."

Huangmao wailed: "You bastard, quickly put me down!"

The tattooed man thinks more, and the people around this kid obviously have absolute respect for him.

Who the hell is he.

Suddenly, he heard the person next to him shout.

"Dark Lord, what do you plan to do with these people?"

The tattooed man's heart trembled, dark master!He turned out to be the Dark Lord!how is this possible!How could he become the Dark Lord at such a young age!

Then he heard a voice like Satan.

"Fifteen days, burn without dying."

The subordinates understood it, and responded immediately: "Yes, the subordinates know."

The Dark Lord wanted these people to be tortured in the raging fire for fifteen days, so that they could not die but could experience the most desperate pain in life.

The reason why they bowed their heads to the 17-year-old boy was that they fully agreed with his identity as the Dark Lord.

It's just because the young man has cruel, dark and extremely sadistic means that the previous dark masters could not achieve.

After Bai Mo gave his orders, he left without caring about any follow-up.

Since you have the courage to do it, you must have the courage to bear the consequences.

Messing someone who shouldn't be provoked is not an exaggeration.

Bai Xixi lay down for several days before waking up, and has been relying on nutritional injections and drips for maintenance these days.

Sure enough, she woke up with pain all over her body.

And she found that she was wrapped up like a mummy.

Can't move.

Reluctantly giving up the desire to get up, he stared at the sky speechlessly.

If she came out, it should prove that Bo Mo was also out.

Button, Bo Mo is also in this hospital?

【He's not here, he just has a superficial injury and doesn't need to be hospitalized, you're the only one in the hospital. 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

What the hell!Why is she in the hospital in the end!

Who was kidnapped, she is not happy!Need coaxing!

Why, why, why, is life so unfair!
(End of this chapter)

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