Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 223 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 223 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (17)

Anyway, in the plane, the body is not his real body.

As long as you endure the pain, nothing is impossible. The dislocated part has been repaired long ago, and it has been raised for several weeks. There is no problem with normal walking.

With his only good hand, Bai Xixi found the hammer in the toolbox, and smashed it down on the plaster cast on the other arm without hesitation...

Bai Mo exhaled air-conditioning and looked at the mess in the ward. The needle of the hanging bottle was hanging in the air and was still dripping with liquid medicine. The plaster scattered on the bed was also mixed with traces of bright red blood.

The people around lowered their heads and did not dare to take a breath.

Finally, someone came forward and said, "Dark Lord, it was my negligence. I am not worthy to be the team leader for letting the young lady run away."

Several people stepped forward and said in unison: "Dark Lord, please punish me!"

Bai Mo chuckled coldly: "I really underestimated her."

"Everyone is confined for one month, and one arm is crippled."

The people around were suddenly overjoyed, this was much better than death, they unanimously took out the silencer gun and fired a shot at their shoulder armor.

It was the negligence caused by them thinking that it was impossible for a seriously injured woman to run away under their noses, and they were willing to bear the responsibility.

A thick black air lingered around Bai Mo, threatening and ghostly.

Bo Xi, it's best not to let me find out that you are looking for that person. This is your last chance.

Bai Xixi contacted Gao Jia as soon as she went out, Gao Jia was stunned for a long time when she received her call, didn't it mean that Bai Xi was missing and her whereabouts were unknown?

But then he reacted ecstatically and began to comfort her.

After all, it's a good thing that Bai Xi didn't disappear. These days, because he didn't complete the task that the man gave him, he had a very bad time.

When Bai Mo took over Bai Xi's company, he wouldn't bother him at all. If Bai Xi came back, he would be able to ask for money from Bai Xi again.

And if the task over there is completed, it will be a large amount of income, enough for him to play for several years.

Bai Xixi didn't know Gao Jia's thoughts, but she wasted so much effort not to give him a chance to ask for money.

Instead, he wanted to deal with Gao Jia as soon as possible while Bai Mo didn't find him this time.

It only takes a few minutes to kill Gao Jia.

Enduring the pain in her body, Bai Xixi went to Gao Jia's house.

Because only Gao Jia's home is the fastest place to solve him.

The original owner had the key to Gao Jia's house, so Bai Xixi went in without ringing the doorbell and using the key.

On the tall building in the distance, several figures stood coldly at one side. The leading man, or boy, stared coldly at the house below.

He watched helplessly as the woman took out the key and opened the door with ease.

On the second floor, the floor-to-ceiling windows were blocked by Gao Jia, he could only see a white figure entering the room, and then Gao Jia stretched out his arms to embrace her with a smile.

The tyranny like a storm condensed in his eyes, and finally he slowly raised his arm, and pulled the trigger on the head of the opposite person without a trace of softness.

The muffler covered up all the sounds, but the man on the second floor opposite could see blood pouring out of his head and fell to the ground in an instant.

The woman's eyes widened in disbelief, and she suddenly raised her head to meet his eyes.

He pulled out an evil smile, deliberately for her to see.

Didn't he go to find that man even though he endured the pain all over his body? Didn't he prefer to destroy himself and fight to the death?

Well, let's see if he will let her get what she wants, the last chance has been used up.

(End of this chapter)

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