Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 224 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 224 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (18)

Bai Xixi wanted to deal with Gao Jia when he approached her, so he didn't give him a good face when he entered the door.

Just when Gao Jia was about to come over, he was shot in the head from outside.

She realized something at that moment, looked towards the roof opposite, and sure enough saw Bai Mo holding a gun and leading two people standing on it.

Her heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition suddenly surfaced in her heart, run!

There was only this thought, although she didn't know why this thought was so strong, but the uneasiness in her heart reminded her that if Bai Mo caught her, she didn't know what would happen.

Ignoring the unhealed pain in my body, I ran downstairs directly, and even went out through the door behind.

Gao Jia's house was given by her, and the place is considered high-end, but it is very difficult to get a car.

After stumbling and running for a long time, I didn't call a car.

Sure enough, at the next intersection, Bo Mo's figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"Enough running?"

Dangerous voice, if you just listen to it, you can't tell that this is a 17-year-old child.

Bai Xixi took a step back, she knew that running at this time was useless.

Not to mention that her current physical condition is not as good as Bai Mo's, even if she is in good physical condition, she is still the original owner's physical fitness, and some are just some show.

"Bai Mo, are you going to kill your sister?" Bai Xixi said.

Bai Mo walked over leisurely, pinching her face, the young man was a head taller than her, bringing out a sense of oppression.

Bai Xixi was forced to look up at him.

"Assassin? You're probably thinking wrong. I gave you a chance. You don't cherish it yourself. I never had any intention of killing you."

Bai Xixi frowned, she never wanted to kill, what a joke, Bai Mo gave her the feeling these days that she wanted to kill her.

Besides, he dared to shoot Gao Jia in front of her just now, wasn't he telling her that killing her would be easy?
Bai Mo suddenly opened the corners of his mouth and smiled, leaning close to her cheek, breathing heavily, feeling hot and uncomfortable.

"Bo Xi, don't try to escape this time."

Just as Bai Xixi felt that something had been overlooked by her, she suddenly felt the shadow fall, her lips felt hot, and she opened her eyes wide and stared at the person in front of her in disbelief.

Then, as soon as his neck was opened, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Bai Mo took advantage of the situation to hug her, avoiding where she was injured, and left here slowly.

Bai Xixi woke up numb, this is the first time!Why do you feel that this long scene is inexplicably familiar!

[…] I know you quite well, your male god will knock you out if you disagree with him, he guesses that the next step should be to start captivity.

Bai Xixi remembered what happened before she fell into a coma, and rubbed her temples in embarrassment, this time it was really bad.

The bear child became a psychopath, she had never encountered this problem before.

Bai Mo in the original plot line doesn't seem to have such thoughts for the original owner, does he?

Where exactly did she start to deviate from the track, Bai Xixi couldn't figure it out.

【…】From the moment you enter this plane, young lady!
Bai Xixi looked sadly at the chains on his ankles, the length was definitely enough to move freely in this room, but he definitely couldn't get out of this room.

Bai Xixi secretly thought that he shouldn't have used the lost points to save Bai Mo in the first place, it would be better to let him burn to death in an accident.

When Bai Mo came in, he saw the woman looking out of the window coldly, her whole body was not warm at all.

(End of this chapter)

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