Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 228 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 228 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (4)

Ying Ping came back from the mecha training square as usual, and when she heard that Fang Ci had moved into Bai Xixi's house, she immediately exploded.

Why did she go to practice for a while, and she changed the day after she came back!

Angrily, she went to look for Bai Xixi, but was frightened back by Bai Xixi's eyes.

The result is that now she is constantly drinking cold water in her own room.

Thinking of the scene I just saw in the general's room, I was so bored.

Fang Ci sat sideways and fed the general mouthful.

What kind of fascination spell did this little goblin cast on the general? Why did everything change after returning from the fire!
It's over, the general doesn't think he really likes the little lord, this useless wretch...

After Fang Ci gave her another mouthful of medicine, he asked softly, "Why do you want me?"

Bai Xixi smiled exaggeratedly, and flicked his forehead with his fingers.

Fang Ci suddenly covered his forehead with one hand, and his face began to red again.

Bai Xixi was so excited!

This kind of situation is rare in thousands of years!
This time, it wasn't that she was trying to kill her. Anyway, the original owner wanted to marry him off, so he could just marry a beggar. Her requirements for such a good-looking and well-known person were much higher than the original owner's requirements.

【Xixi, do you know...】

what do you know?
【nothing. 】

Why does it feel that Xixi has remembered something, but her actions don't seem to remember anything.

But it's suspicious because she didn't return to the Administration after the last plane ended.

Even if she didn't go back to the management office, but she didn't look for Master Jingmo right in front of her eyes, so it wasn't a question of suspicious or not.

Also, why did she choose Fang Ci in this plane?

It didn't say anything, so could it be true?
Fang Ci knew that she could not speak, but felt very guilty, because after all, she was unable to speak to save him.

So after she made that request, he actually thought for a few minutes before making a decision. The reason why he came to her after so many days was because he didn't dare, and he was afraid that she would dislike him.

Bai Xixi didn't know what Fang Ci was thinking about, she was immersed in Fang Ci's cute service every day and couldn't help herself.

Of course, it would be better if there was no Ying Ping nagging in her ear every day.

This day, someone who made trouble finally came to the door.

"Fuxiao! Come out for me! Don't rely on your status to do whatever you want in the empire! Let me tell you, if you don't come out today, I will smash your general's mansion!"

When Bai Xixi was in the room, she could hear the roaring in the living room outside, which was very ear-piercing.

What she didn't see was that Fang Ci's hand holding the bowl paused slightly, and a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

The one outside is the mastermind who wanted to burn Fang Ci to death.

She was worrying about how to settle this account, and someone offered to deliver it to her door.

Get up now and go out to have a look.

After taking two steps, she suddenly couldn't move anymore. Bai Xixi turned her head and saw Fang Ci pulling her.

"You...don't go, okay...I..."

With a happy smile, Bai Xixi pinched the soft cheeks that had been pinched countless times in the past few days, flirting, and gave him a reassuring look.

Then strode forward and walked out.

Fang Ci's face behind him was about to turn red, why did he always pinch him? Is his face so easy to pinch?

He has been yelling nonsense outside for a long time, but the general's mansion is heavily guarded, he will be stopped by people if he wants to rush in, and he can't get in at all, so he can only keep yelling outside.

(End of this chapter)

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