Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 229 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 229 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (5)

Bai Xixi came out in white plain clothes, and subconsciously backed away when she saw Nonsense, but then thought that his status is supposed to be higher than hers, so there is nothing scary about it.

He is just a reckless man who only knows how to fight, and he is afraid that she will fail, so he does not believe that a woman like Fu Xiao dares to beat him in public.

Just after thinking this way, he took a step forward confidently, cleared his throat and shouted, "Fu... ah—"

As soon as the sound of a word was uttered, there was a scream.

Ying Ping was afraid that Bai Xixi would be at a disadvantage, so when she heard that nonsense was coming, she hurried over, after all, her general might not be able to play nonsense if he talked about his brain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the hall, he saw Hua Hua's body flying ten meters away like a kite with a broken string, and at the same time let out a tragic roar.

She looked a little flustered.

Bai Xixi bent down and patted his calf, as if there was some ashes.

He glanced at the nonsense contemptuously, and then walked over.

Ying Ping hadn't figured out what the general was going to do when she saw Bai Xixi punching the unrepentant nonsense several times.

"Ah -Oh -“ — Oh -Save —— Ah —— "Life-"

After screaming continuously, Ying Ping couldn't bear to look any longer, and after her eyes twitched, she retreated silently, and the other guards in the living room also retreated.

So the only thing left in the living room was the screams like nonsense butchering pigs.

It's because she is superficial, how can the general use his brains with others, just do things directly, what's the point, the general is the general after all.

Fang Ci waited for half an hour before seeing Bai Xixi slowly returning.

Immediately greeted him: "How are you? Is the nonsense difficult for you?"

Bai Xixi shook her head in a super good mood, but she stretched out her two hands and stared at him.

Fang Ci frowned: "Why did your hands become like this? I'll give you medicine."

Bai Xixi nodded in relief, as expected she had a good understanding.

But her hand was not because of beating nonsense, it hurt her hands and feet.

【…】Eldest sister, you beat me to the point where you beat me to the point of nonsense, you still feel that your hand hurts, it’s poisonous.

Fang Ci carefully applied the medicine to her hands, watching without blinking her eyes.

"If it hurts, just hum, and I will take it easy."

Fang Ci said.

Bai Xixi didn't react at all, this kind of pain is not a big pain, it was hundreds of times worse when she committed suicide back then.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that Fang Ci's face is really beautiful.

How can it be so long.

After the medicine was dispensed, Fang Ci breathed on her hand intimately, as if it would relieve the pain.

so cute! !

It's circled! !

She suddenly wanted to try what it's like to raise a person in captivity, is it so addictive, and she did this to her several times.

Fang Ci raised his head and suddenly met Bai Xinae.Lu's eyes and ears were red.

"You...don't look at me like that again."

Bai Xixi blinked.

"If the influence is bad, your reputation will be reduced. I don't want you to be unhappy."

Bai Xixi blinked again,

"Don't be like this, I will always be yours, but I still hope that you don't let others down because of me, and you can show me whenever you want."

Bai Xixi looked at him in surprise. She always felt that the two of them had a good understanding, but this level was too exaggerated. Fangci actually interpreted all the meanings she wanted to say!
(End of this chapter)

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