Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 230 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 230 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (6)

So even if her voice doesn't get better in the future, the communication between them will be completely barrier-free.

As soon as Ying Ping came in, she saw Fang Ci's little daughter-in-law looking at her general, and she was furious.

He went up and tore apart Fangci, and said to Bai Xixi:

"General! You can't be immersed in the fragrance of beauty!"

Bai Xixi was speechless, looked at her, and asked what's wrong with her eyes.

But Yingping didn't understand it.

"General! What do you think I am doing! You see, I can't ignore the fact that you hang out with this little elf all day long!"

Bai Xixi: "..."

"Your general wants to ask you what happened?" A submissive voice came out.

Ying Ping turned her head and glared at him.

Fang Ci shrank his head, and rubbed against Bai Xixi's side, not pissing off Ying Ping.

Ahhh!Where did the little bitch come from!
Then he turned his head and saw Bai Xixi nodding, and lost his breath for a moment, how could only Fang Ci, a little bitch, understand what the general meant!

She was so remiss.

"General, you just played nonsense. He is the president's nephew. Now he is still lying in our hall. General, what are you going to do with it?"

Bai Xixi thought for a moment, but in fact, she didn't want to deal with it and let him die.

"She said let him die."

Ying Ping suddenly jumped up and screamed: "General!"

Bai Xixi's heart trembled in fright, and she glared at Fangci, who asked you to translate this too!
Fang Ci bit his lower lip aggrievedly.

Bai Xixi's heart suddenly turned into a puddle of water, it can't be done, the resistance is not enough!
Bai Xixi expressed some meaning to Fangci.

Fang Cicai said: "She said it's okay, nonsense can't die, just call the people from the presidential palace to pick him up after the evening.

You don’t have to worry about the nonsense going to sue, because the nonsense has already been paralyzed by her beating, and she also deliberately broke the vocal cords in the throat of the nonsense. At that time, you only need to tell the president that the nonsense ran to the general’s mansion accidentally because he was hunted down by his enemies. The general can save it. "

Ying Ping was stunned for a moment, full of admiration, as expected of a general, this move is really good.

Who said the general can't use his brain, if the general can't use his brain, how could he cut off the nonsense sound just right when beating someone.

Bai Xixi looked at these two people in complete bewilderment.

She didn't say in the second half of Fang Ci that this person is poisonous!
Ying Ping happily went to deal with the follow-up, leaving the two of them in the bedroom.

Fang Ci lowered his head aggrievedly, there were some tears in his eyes, and he didn't know if they could flow out.

The small voice is particularly magnetic and soft, asking:
"Are you blaming me for making claims?"

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

"I know it's wrong for me to do this, but I'm afraid that nonsense will find opportunities to retaliate against you."

"You want to ask if my nonsense voice will really stop?

It was me who did it. I accidentally got a bottle of medicine before. When I just went out to get the medicine box, I went to the living room to silence the nonsense. Outsiders would not notice it. "

Bai Xixi is capitalized with admiration, whoever said this belongs to a little sheep, this one is obviously a big bad wolf with wings.

This time I didn't come in a hurry, it was all hidden.

Bai Xixi suddenly thought of something. The day after she brought Fang Ci back, she and Kou Kou learned about Fang Ci.

It was found that almost all the people who bullied him 800 years ago were dead.

 Just ask if this plane is Su Su or not!Sweet or not!

(End of this chapter)

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