Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 234 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 234 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (10)

Someone jumped out and shouted with righteous indignation: "Ying Ping! Don't just rely on you being the general's confidant to speak in front of us. We all believe in the general's leadership and fighting ability, but look at Fangci!
Who doesn't know that he is the weak chicken of our empire!Don't you feel relieved to hand over the team leader to him? "

Ying Ping is also impatient: "What do you mean by that? You said you believed in the general, but now you are questioning the decision made by the general!"

All of a sudden, countless mechas and voices gathered at the gate of the city.

Ying Ping only knows about fighting, she has never encountered such a situation, and she doesn't know what to do.

In fact, she can fully understand the feelings of the soldiers. If she hadn't witnessed Fang Ci's operation with her own eyes, she might be one of these people today.

What to do, the general is fine.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and everyone looked over subconsciously, only to see Fang Ci coming out of the mech, and said indifferently: "If you don't start, I will leave first, or if you want to change commanders, I don't care. Time is wasting time with you here, I have to come back sooner."

If he didn't come back soon he thought she would run away.

After all, Fang Ci returned to the mecha, drove the mecha out of the city gate.

Ying Ping: "..."

Are you so crazy?
She admitted that Fang Ci's operational ability is very strong, but this does not mean that his command ability and strategy are very strong. After all, a person who can be bullied by anyone since he was a child should have no brains and courage.

Suddenly she was very worried about this war.

It has been half a month since Fang Ci and Ying Ping left, and Bai Xixi has been living quite comfortably for the past half month.

One is that there is no Ying Ping nagging in her ear, and the other is that she doesn't have to face Fang Ci's aggrieved face every now and then.

But to be honest, she hadn't seen Fang Ci for a long time, and she really missed his tender face, and she really wanted to pinch it.

And three days ago, Hu Hua's parents visited the General's Mansion again.

Said that they figured it out, since the bullshit has become like this, their parents must finally fulfill the wish of the bullshit.

So after some inquiries, I found out that Fang Ci was taken in by the General's Mansion, so he came over immediately.

Expressed a wish, nonsense has been abolished, but the titles of Hu Bian and Luan Zao will not be passed on, they want to take Fangci to the mansion, replace nonsense and take over all their things.

When Hu Bian and Luan Zao talked about this in front of the bed, Hu Hua almost died, his eyes widened, and bloodshot eyes were almost protruding, he became like this all because of Fu Xiao and Fang Ci's tricks !

How could father and mother put his enemy...

Hu Hua's actions were considered by Hu Bian to be happy and excited, and the old man talked for a long time with tears in his eyes, and in the end, Hua Hua directly fainted from anger.

Bai Xixi had expected this decision a long time ago. She had analyzed the strange attributes of the Hubian couple early in the morning, so she said those words before.

If you want to make dialects, you don't even look at who is behind him.

Until another five days later, the battle was won, a complete victory, and the victory returned.

The president didn't care about the reason why Bai Xixi failed to respond to several summons. When he heard that Fang Ci had made great military achievements, he was surprised at first and then became ecstatic.

A lot of things were rewarded.

The first thing Fangci did when he returned was to run back to the General's Mansion.

Bai Xixi didn't expect it to be so fast this time, she estimated that it would take a month and a half, and she really deserved Fang Ci.

(End of this chapter)

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