Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 235 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 235 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (11)

Her voice has improved a lot, at least she can speak normally, but it's a little softer and hoarse than the previous owner's bold voice.

Fang Ci ran to the backyard to see Bai Xixi, and suddenly stopped, looking at her quietly.

This month, he has been thinking about her every day, and thinking about how to keep her every day, every moment.

Now after a month of separation, when I see her now, I feel unprecedented peace of mind.

Good thing she's still here.

Bai Xixi sensed that Fang Ci was coming, but she didn't see him say anything after waiting for a long time, so she turned around involuntarily: "What are you doing there?"

The hoarse voice is not a deterrent at all.

Fang Ci moved forward slowly, until he reached her, and suddenly hugged her tightly.

Softly said in a low voice: "I thought you would disappear."

Bai Xixi burst out laughing: "Disappear? Where did I disappear to? Didn't you fight the war this month and become stupid?"

Since Fang resigned from the front line, he has continuously demonstrated his ability.

Controlling mechs is invincible, and the art of war is convincing. In just ten days, there has been no voice of opposition from her subordinates.

Fang Ci buried his head into her neck, and let out an aggrieved voice from his throat: "Aren't I worried about my life or death?"

Bai Xixi felt a little itchy, and an inexplicable emotion swept across her heart, and her heart beat a little.

"do not worry."

Because she knew that Fang Ci would not die, and if it was Fang Ci, there would be no danger.

But these three words have a different flavor to Fangci's ears.

The expression buried in her neck gradually became dark, and there was a glint of light in her eyes.

With an expression of resentment, as if he had been abandoned, he directly bit Bai Xixi's most vulnerable neck.

Bai Xixi hissed, but resisted not pushing him away, she was afraid that Fangci would bite off her flesh if she tried hard.

His grandma hurt her to death!

It took a long time before Fang Ci triumphantly let go of his teeth and looked up at her: "Mine."

Bai Xixi touched her neck, and sure enough, her hands were covered with blood.

"Are you a dog?"

In Fang Ci's eyes, only the place he had just marked, the tooth marks were clearly visible, and he just moved his hands and feet, this mark will never disappear.

"Xixi, you said you should treat me well, but why do you want me to go to the front line? Are you tired of me wanting to let the enemy kill me on the battlefield?" Fang Ci suddenly stared at her and asked.

Bai Xixi: "..."

Boy, can you say such a thing in a serious manner, it will be inexplicably funny.

The corner of Bai Xixi's mouth twitched: "You think too much."

"I let you go to the battlefield because I trust your ability, otherwise I wouldn't have handed over all the management of my mechs and army to you.

I sent you because I trust you, otherwise if you run away I may be lost forever. "

In fact, the point is because the original owner didn't want to go to war, and there happened to be someone who was useless, and there was no need to use it for nothing.

Fang Ci's complexion improved after hearing this.

So he said again: "You promise that you will not abandon me!"

Bai Xixi said perfunctorily: "Okay, I promise I won't abandon you, can I go to take medicine now?
If you don't take the medicine, I guess there will be scars where you bit me. "

Fang Ci didn't make a sound, it was a tacit agreement, anyway, if you don't take the medicine, you will leave a scar, but he doesn't plan to tell her about it now, wait for her to find out, anyway, he likes your masterpiece very much.

(End of this chapter)

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