Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 236 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 236 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (12)

Bai Xixi wrapped a few circles of white gauze around her neck. When Ying Ping came in, she asked with concern, "General! What's wrong with your neck?!"

Bai Xixi: "It's nothing serious, you all worked hard this time."

She was injured a lot during the war before, but Bai Xixi said she was fine and Ying Ping didn't care.

Then, after hearing Bai Xixi say that she had worked hard, she immediately became excited: "No hard work! We didn't work hard at all!
General, you don't know, the young lord has really shined this time!Completely became my idol!
I tell you general!At the beginning, no one in the team accepted the young master, but no one dared to criticize him at the beginning of the first battle!

You do not know!The young master controls the mecha so handsome!The level of fusion mecha is the best I have ever seen!

The technique of operation is the most beautiful I have ever seen!
There is more!

The young master's tricks are also superb!We are going to die laughing when we turn each other around! "

Ying Ping talked endlessly, and Bai Xixi laughed dryly.

Woman, she's too fickle, don't think she doesn't know that a month ago this girl was still calling Fangci a little bitch in her heart.

But after thinking about it, it makes sense, Ying Ping is completely a hot-blooded girl, and naturally she will admire whoever is powerful.

Bai Xixi listened to her chanting all afternoon, but Fang Ci came in and rescued her.

When Ying Ping saw Fang Ci, her eyes were full of stars.

Bai Xixi: "..." As for it?

But Fang Ci was very indifferent to her, and came over to her.

Ying Ping ran out with great insight, and closed the door thoughtfully.

Fang Ci obviously had a lot of anger after going out for a month. Although he was still a little pitiful on the surface, there was something different.

It makes people feel that he is deliberately pretending to be pitiful.

"Xi Xi, can you go shopping with me, I... I want to go shopping." Fang Ci lowered his head and said coyly.

Bai Xixi pointed to her neck: "You let me go out like this?"

Before he could express his refusal, Fang Ci immediately bowed his head and his eyes were red, sparkling tears were about to flow down.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I won't... I won't go..."

Bai Xixi: "..." What evil did she do in her previous life!

In the end, Bai Xixi went out with Fang Ci.

Today's dialects are different from the dialects that everyone could deceive.

People walking on the street all looked at Fang Ci.

"Look, look, isn't that the young master Fangci! I heard that he has made military exploits!"

"I've heard about it a long time ago! But take a look, is the one next to the young master with a white cloth around his neck, General Fu Xiao?"

"Don't say it's true, why do you somehow feel that these two people are a bit compatible?"

Fang Ci didn't react at all to the words of the people around him, and only raised the corners of his mouth happily when he heard the discussion about the two of them.

"Xi Xi, what do you want to buy? I have money now, and I can buy it for you."

Bai Xixi glanced at him sideways, it's amazing to be rich, without her he wouldn't be that poor little boy.

But for Fang Ci, she really couldn't get angry.

"It's not that you said that you want to go out shopping. If you want to buy something yourself, you can go and see it."

Fang Ci said stubbornly: "I came up with this idea to buy you something, are you despising me?"

Bai Xixi held her breath and couldn't get it out.

Fake smile said: "How come, buy, of course I buy, I have a lot of things to buy, I am afraid that I will spend all the money you have just been rewarded."

(End of this chapter)

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