Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 237 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 237 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (13)

So Bai Xixi later bought everything he could use or not.

The reason is that as long as she doesn't buy it, Fang Ci will immediately make a crying expression.

[Xixi, why do you want the other party to say goodbye so well in this plane? 】Didn’t you say that you can’t remember? The first two planes are the performance of not remembering.

Bai Xixi snorted coldly, I'm just doing the task, I don't know how to complete the task.

【…】Isn't that what you said? Pick one at random and pick Fangci?Why doesn't it believe it?

She and Fang Ci have been shopping until midnight. The empire has a 24-hour shopping mall building. If she hadn't said that she was sleepy, she doubted that Fang Ci would be able to drag her around until the early morning.

But after going back, when Bai Xixi asked him to go out to rest, Fang Ci didn't move.

Standing quietly in her bedroom, staring at her deeply.

Bai Xixi's back suddenly felt a little hairy, this feeling was so damn familiar.

She smirked: "You can go out and rest."

Fang Ci did not speak.

Bai Xixi pretends not to understand, funny!She is a general in this plane!
She is the strongest!Not afraid not afraid.

Bai Xixi's face darkened: "Fang Ci, I don't like disobedient people."

Anyway, she is in a situation where she doesn't remember anything now, so don't panic!
Fang Ci bit his lower lip, and slowly took off his coat under Bai Xixi's shocked eyes.

And step forward step by step.

"Xixi, can you let me stay here tonight?" The coquettish tone was particularly alluring.

Bai Xixi felt his brain warm up.

Don't make trouble, brother!She didn't want to!

stop stop stop!Don't go any further!She's about to collapse!

"Fangci!" she roared angrily.

Fang Ci felt aggrieved when she yelled at her, and the appearance of a little white rabbit emerged, but his movements did not stop at all.

"Xixi, if you like me, you want me, okay?"

Bai Xixi vomited a few meters of blood in his heart, damn it!Little bitch! !
What kind of monster attribute is this special!
Aww, no, she can't take it anymore!
Bai Xixi still had a straight face: "Fang Ci, don't make me angry, go back!"

After Fang Ci heard this sentence, his face suddenly changed, his face was a little ferocious, and his red eyes looked like a little wolf dog with a strong impact.

Suddenly he yelled: "You don't like me at all! Why don't you like me when I'm naked in front of you!"

Bai Xixi wants to cry but has no tears, big brother, standing in front of her naked and whether you like it are two different things, okay?

Just as Bai Xixi was about to explain something, her head suddenly became dizzy, her eyes turned black, but her body began to feel strangely hot.

Immediately she realized what was glaring at Fang Ci.

Fang Ci hummed and smiled arrogantly: "Xi Xi, although you don't like me, I'm very happy that you don't defend me.

Really, I really like you so much, please give me, I will definitely work harder to make you like me in the future.

How you want to play with my face, I will play for you, I will fight for you if you don't want to fight, I will buy for you if you like something, and I will beat someone you don't like.

You... like me, okay? "

Fang Ci said the last sentence in a very low voice. After he finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Bai Xixi would say something heart-wrenching, so he pushed her onto the bed, kissed her lips, and blocked all her words.

is his!
She must be his!

There was some hesitation in Fang Ci's eyes, but then he became firm again.

When he got up to leave Bai Xixi, he instantly covered her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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