Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 238 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 238 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (14)

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

What are you doing!If you want to go up, go up!What does your uncle mean by covering her up!
Then Bai Xixi stared at Fang Ci with wide eyes, took out a piece of cloth from nowhere and wrapped her mouth in a circle.

Then use the remaining cloth strips to tie her two wrists to the edge of the bed.

Serious eyes without glancing around.

Bai Xixi yelled, Fang Ci, you big bastard!
What a poor little wolf dog and little white rabbit!
Just a shameless bastard!big fox!big bad wolf!
When Fang Ci was finally tied up and raised his head, he let out a long sigh of relief and smiled, feeling very satisfied.

Ignore Bai Xixi's crazy eyes.

After kissing her, he said: "Xi Xi, although I can trust my medicine, but you are too powerful, I have to do this."

He bit his lower lip again and said with some fear: "You will forgive me, right?"

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

Fang Ci suddenly changed his face and smiled again: "Well, you will definitely, you won't blame me for what I did wrong before, and you will definitely not this time, so let's start!"

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

Brother!What the hell are you talking to yourself over there!

She was so naked that she was about to catch a cold!

The experience this time was super bad!

Bai Xixi will definitely give a bad review!
The dialects are poisonous, I think I'm going to make a decision today, but I didn't do my homework in advance.

At the beginning, Fang Ci didn't even know how to get in, so he kissed her all over, and then he just didn't take the last step.

Originally, she felt hot and uncomfortable from the traditional Chinese medicine, but Fang Ci was still babbling and not looking for the point.

If she hadn't been tied up, she would have turned over and said I'm coming!
In the later stage, it seemed that I had finally found the right way, but those who were loitering just didn't go in, and stayed outside for a long time.

You also have a look of fear, surprise, and excitement, and your expressions change in turn.

She was about to collapse.

When she finally went in, because she didn't find the right position at all, she almost felt that her body was not her own because she was so rampant.

But Fangci was so excited, it was the first time that she didn't interpret her expression with a clear understanding.

"Xixi, don't be unhappy, I've already gone in, I... I'm already yours, you have to be responsible for me." Fang Ci said pitifully, but his eyes and expression were full of excitement .

For the first time, Bai Xixi had the idea of ​​slapping them both.

Ma'am, this hurts!Ghostly unhappy!
Before she could recover from the first pain, Fang Ci started to move violently.

Bai Xixi was in a cold sweat in the later stage, and even the medicine failed to relieve the pain.

Bai Xixi passed out from the pain and then woke up from the pain. The tears in her eyes kept flowing down because of the pain, soaking the pillow.

The bright and transparent tears contained in the eyes are very pitiful.

At the same time, it further promoted the dialect beast!want!
In fact, the thing that makes Bai Xixi feel out of breath the most is that Fang Ci is acting obedient when he gets a bargain, and while moving desperately, he said in his mouth: "Xixi, don't want me, I will be very obedient and obedient, I Wrong, don't blame me, okay?"

Damn it!Accurate, isn't it!She wanted to kill him alive! ! ! ! !Don't stop anyone who is special! ! ! !

What is a male god!
Chop it up and feed the dog!

What is a demon god!
Tear off the oil pan!
She's going crazy! ! ! !
 I think... what I wrote is very subtle, and there is a trace of humor, I hope the big bosses of the system website will ignore me.

(End of this chapter)

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