Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 239 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 239 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (15)

There was a loud bang, waking up the two who were still asleep.

Bai Xixi was so dazed that she didn't want to open her eyes, Fang Ci hugged her and opened them displeased.

Ying Ping stared blankly at the two naked people inside.

Although the two were covered with a quilt, Bai Xixi's arms and shoulders exposed outside the quilt were full of bruises, which looked shocking.

And Fang Ci lay on her side and hugged her, as if it was a very normal thing.

Ying Ping swallowed, the general is so beautiful, why didn't she feel this way before.

"Go out." Fang Ci said coldly.

Ying Ping didn't know why, maybe because she was used to listening to Fang Ci's orders a month ago, she went out subconsciously.

As soon as he stepped out, he suddenly remembered the scene just now. On the general's wrist just now... there were obvious traces of being tied up. There was a deep red-purple circle, and signs of struggle could still be seen.

Huo just got up and wanted to go in to find Fang Ci to settle accounts, but hesitated when he pushed the door again.

Once this is what the general likes?

Besides, she saw that the general liked Fang Ci so much, and Fang Ci could tell that he liked the general. There should be no harm to the general, so she better not get involved.

Inside Bai Xixi didn't wake up at all, Fang Ci stared intently at the traces he left last night, his heart was filled with something.

It's great, her body is full of his breath, from the inside to the outside.

In the middle of last night, he really had the urge to make her die on the bed, even though he knew she couldn't stand the pain, he still didn't stop, because maybe only in this way could the two of them be together forever.

He resisted this perverted thought, as long as she didn't abandon him, he would resist it.

Recalling his tightness in her soft body last night, her lower abdomen felt hot again.

I really want to do it again...

The man's eyes gradually emitted an evil light that wanted to be cured...

Bai Xixi really felt that she was going to fall apart, her bones and joints were no longer her own.

Especially the waist seemed to be broken. If the original owner was not a general with strong physical fitness, she probably would have died in this endless XA.

Even though she has woken up now, Fang Ci can only let Fang Ci hold her tightly, unable to move at all.

She didn't understand, she had treated him well enough in this plane, and she didn't show any intention of leaving him at all, why she still came to this point.

What is the brain structure of Fangci.

The bottom and body have already been medicated and washed by him, but this guy...hasn't cleaned her inside at all...

Up to now, she still has the feeling that something in her body is continuously dripping down, and her face suddenly turns red, she is too shy to face it.

"Fang Ci, take me to the bathroom."

She said weakly, at this moment she didn't have the energy to get angry at all.

Fang Ci hugged her slightly: "Xixi, you are already clean, you don't need to go to the bathroom anymore."

Bai Xixi's face turned black, you should get rid of the things you left behind!
"Fang Ci, don't make me say it a second time, you know what I want to do in the bathroom!"

Fang Ci buried his head in her neck, and whispered: "No, why not stay, I like it very much, this will prove that you are mine."

Bai Xixi slowly closed her eyes angrily, her eyelashes were trembling, what is this special thing called!

Fuck, is she self-inflicted? She can't live.

(End of this chapter)

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