Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 240 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 240 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (16)

If she had let him burn to death on the fire, it wouldn't be what it is today.

But thinking about it, she might not be able to escape. If Fang Ci died in the fire, there would definitely be another one beside her...

[…] I feel more and more that Miss Xixi remembered something, so I should report it quickly.

Time and Space Administration
Jing Mo came back blushing, and slapped the table: "What are you two doing! What's wrong with Xiao Lian'er and Mo Xiao?
Why does Xiao Lian'er seem to not remember Mo Xiao in the plane I went to repair?
You two are playing! "

Xia Ye roared loudly: "Fuck you, take pictures of my spirit wood table again. Believe it or not, I will let Ye Sang not see you for half a month!"

Jing Mo gritted his teeth: "You are amazing!"

Shocked and cold, he said: "Instead of worrying about these things, you might as well fill up the loopholes in the previous planes."

Shocked, Mo said, "Okay, you two just mess with each other, anyway, it wasn't born by me."

After all, he disappeared directly.

Xia Ye crossed her legs and took a bite of a fruit: "The dead girl seems to remember, so there is nothing you can do?"

Jinghan recently fell in love with tearing things apart, smashed a pen in front of him in an instant, and said: "No need, Xiaoyeye, you can care about me more when you have time. As for Lian'er and Mo, it's just a calamity. Life can't be this easy.

However, it won't be a big problem if I protect them. At most, I will rescue them when there is only one breath left. "

Xia Ye: "..."

Save it, you have the ability to save it!Mo Xiao and Mo Yao are still demon gods, you are so different, and you don't know who can beat the other.

No, she has to figure out a way. Although Jinghan is a bit sick, there are still some reliable ones, but she is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Bai Xixi and Fang Ci have been in a cold war, and even Ying Ping could see that something was wrong, and advised her to stop bullying Fang Ci, because Fang Ci couldn't eat because of her neglect these two days.

Bai Xixi was furious, she didn't know what Fang Ci did, okay!
Then Ying Ping couldn't say anything, she was afraid that the fire would burn her again.

Bai Xixi was burning with anger, Fang Ci, this little bitch!

Will pretend to be pitiful in the eyes of others!
Bai Xixi was only angry for a while, after all, she usually tolerated Fangci's words infinitely.

But the bad thing is that when she was about to reconcile with Fang Ci, the president of the empire didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he gave two orders.

One is to give her a marriage.

The second is to give marriage to Fangci.

The object of her marriage is a son of a family, who has a good reputation, even though the family has no real power, but she is also the object that the imperial girl wants to marry.

Fangci's marriage partner is the president's youngest daughter.

Arrogant and domineering, willful and reckless, he has bullied Fangci before, but when he heard that Fangci returned from a big victory, he didn't know if it was a convulsion or something. He said that he would not marry unless Fangci, and the president's beloved daughter could only rely on her.

But this is all superficial rhetoric.

Bai Xixi sneered, in fact, it wasn't because the president was in a hurry.

As long as there is one person with a prominent military industry, that's all. The two can also check and balance each other, but what is taboo is that these two people are not hostile.

People in high positions have been jealous since ancient times, so it is inevitable to separate the two.

The president is not a fool, and it is almost common knowledge that Fang Ci was rescued by her and raised in the mansion.

What's more, it was she who brought over the inheritance rights of the nonsense family to Fang Ci. Now if she and Fang Ci were really together, the power behind them would be incomparable.

 I wish... 250 happy...

(End of this chapter)

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