Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 241 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 241 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (17)

But she thinks the president is probably looking for death.

If you get angry with Fang Ci, it is estimated that nothing will happen.

Bai Xixi went back to her room after dealing with military matters, and suddenly saw Fang Ci sitting on her bed with a gloomy face.

Given that they were still in the cold war, Bai Xixi didn't give him a good face.

"Who let you in!"

From the day she was able to get up, she drove Fang Ci to the guest room.

Fang Ci burst into tears, without any warning at all, and stared at her with red eyes, as if she was a heinous heartbreaker.

Bai Xixi: "..."

Are you sick...

She probably expected that Fang Ci would make a fuss, but he was really hard to guard against when he came here. This appearance and this little white rabbit-like expression made it a foul!

"You liar! Big liar!" Fang Ci complained.

Bai Xixi kept a cold face: "What are you making a fuss about! You haven't had enough fuss these days, have you?"

Fang Ci got up abruptly, went up and smashed everything that could be seen in the room.

Bai Xixi quickly stopped him and grabbed his wrist: "Are you crazy!"

Be bold!

Fang Ci stared at her stubbornly, his red eyes were full of vicious light.

"You don't like me anymore! You really are a big liar! You even called me crazy! I think you just despise me and wish I could get out of your sight!"

Fang Ci only has advantages in the control of the mecha and mental strength, but in terms of strength, it is really not as strong as the original owner.

Bai Xixi said with a headache: "Stop messing around, go back quickly, I don't have time to mess around with you."

Fang Ci stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and leaned towards her lips like a little daughter-in-law.

Bai Xixi was completely frightened and subconsciously avoided it.

Because the shadow was too heavy last time, Fang Ci always likes to use bites, and there are many places on her body that have been bitten by him.

But in Fang Ci's eyes, he didn't know what it meant. He threw her away angrily, glared at her resentfully and said, "Fu Xiao! You will regret it sooner or later!"

After speaking, he ran out without even looking at her.

When they were at the door, they collided with Yingping, and rushed out regardless.

"General, you didn't explain to the young master?" Ying Ping asked with some doubts.

Bai Xixi sat down and rubbed her temples, and felt a little strange when she heard Ying Ping's words: "Explain what?"

Ying Ping scratched her head: "When the president conveyed the order, he said it was your wish, so the young master might have misunderstood it. I thought you would explain it to him."

After all, the general dotes on the young master so much, so he should not let him misunderstand.

Bai Xixi's eyes widened in an instant, wow!Is the president an idiot?Whatever is her will!
Without such a blame, the president can't frame her like this if he wants to decentralize power.

Bai Xixi immediately got up and ran out, she had to catch up with Fangci, otherwise she was afraid that Fangci would destroy this plane.

Ying Ping's face was full of bewilderment, both the general and the young master were so strange.

Bai Xixi didn't catch up with Shangci, and he didn't know where he went, and he was full of thoughts that he was going to end.

In the next few days, the elder brother of the aristocratic family came once and was driven back by her.

Before leaving, the son-in-law expressed to the guard that he didn't want to marry.

Later, when the president's daughter wanted to come to her place to demonstrate, Bai Xixi ordered her to beat her out.

Ying Ping was dumbfounded, the general dared to beat the president's daughter these few days, it was simply... tough, admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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