Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 242 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 242 The deep male god hugs the thigh (1)

"Xixi, I like you..."

The bright and broken red permeated the air, the pale and fragile couldn't stand the torment, a bewitching smile gently floated on his lips, and a whispering voice came from an empty space.

Bai Xixi woke up instantly covered in cold sweat, subconsciously touched her forehead, it was really wet.

She patted her heart, a little out of breath.


Sure enough, he didn't make up his mind again.

No matter how the story unfolds, he won't let her die in the end.

"Rourou, are you awake? My sister-in-law said that your future mother-in-law is here, so she asked you to come out and see her."

A little girl's voice sounded outside the door, accompanied by several knocks on the door.

Bai Xixi restrained her mind, frowned, and said, "I can't go out if I have a fever."

When the little girl heard it, she yelled in surprise: "Ah! You have a fever? Then don't come out, I'll go out and tell them!"

Immediately, the sound of hurried footsteps gradually drifting away.

In this village, due to the lack of knowledge, most people think that fever is a strong infectious disease, and contact with people is not allowed.

It is said that more than ten years ago, a person died because he was infected by another person with a fever.

Bai Xixi recalled the current timeline, half a month before the original owner got married.

She has been in this plane for two days, and this plane should belong to the rural plane in the 80s.

The original owner was an ordinary peasant girl, known as the village flower because of her beauty.

But beauty is useless, the original owner's parents died when she was young, the reason is that they met wolves when they went up the mountain, and there was no bones left.

So the original owner was adopted by her uncle and aunt.

But the original owner's uncle and aunt agreed to adopt not because of family affection, but because the original owner's parents have a house and some savings. By the way, if the original owner is adopted, there will be an extra free labor force.

Even if you give a bite of food a little more water every day, you won't starve to death.

Uncle and aunt kept whispering in the original owner's ears that they should be grateful, otherwise the original owner would have died long ago. Under such circumstances, the original director worked hard, even if he couldn't get enough to eat every day, he didn't have any complaints.

But slowly, my uncle and aunt discovered that the original owner was a beautiful woman, and crooked ideas began to come out again.

From a certain day on, not only did the original owner not be allowed to do farm work, but she was also given enough to eat, and said that it was to train her before. After all, she is also their relative, and now that she has the ability, they will no longer treat her badly.

The original owner who heard it was completely moved.

Even the two daughters and sons of her uncle and aunt who often bully her are not allowed to bully her anymore.

In fact, my uncle and aunt's thoughts are very simple. Their girl can get married when she is 13 years old, and the original owner was more than ten years old at that time. Just wait another two or three years, and she can sell it for a good price.

Maybe if the people in the city take a fancy to it, tens of thousands are possible.

Sure enough, after two years of useless, when my uncle and aunt deliberately brought the original owner into the city, he was spotted by a rich man in the city.

Immediately, my uncle and aunt took a deposit of [-] yuan without telling the original owner, and waited a year to send the original owner out to get the remaining [-] yuan.

You know, in this era, one hundred thousand is an astronomical sum.

When the original owner was 13 years old, she was taken aback by her uncle and aunt, who said they found her a good family with a lot of money, so she could just enjoy life in the past.

The original owner believed her, and she still shyly looked forward to what her future husband would be like.

Unexpectedly, when Fu Jia's mother came over for the first time, she was so humiliated that she blushed and had a thick neck, and she lay down in bed and cried when she returned.

 Mine Clearance Guide: This plane is ugly!Please skip!
(End of this chapter)

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